Wednesday, 14 July 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #632 - Pouf!!

 and the week was gone again. Julia was so right.

Morning deskers, gonna have to be quick because I'm writing this quite late Tuesday and my bed is calling. This last week has gone so fast, I feel like I'm running to stay still!! I am going to have to re-consider how I fill my days because nothing is getting done. I'm still walking my 10B410 as often as I can and that alone takes at least 2 hours when you factor in getting ready to go out, and collapsing in a heap when I get home. Another hour or two to have breakfast, tidy up the kitchen, do a few chores, shower, get dressed, put the washing out on the line (bringing it back in wet after it gets caught in the rain), putting the Tesco delivery away, emptying the dishwasher, filling the dishwasher, visiting mum (that's at least two hours) ...... before you know it it's mid afternoon and it's a wonder anything other than maintenance gets done at all. 

In all fairness I do probably read rather too much in the course of a day but it's my favourite thing to do apart from crafting!!

Anyhow, here's my desk, I took the photo last night.

Aha, didn't expect to see me sitting at it did you? I have a very clever new selfie stick with a stand and a blue tooth controller. It's rather fun!! I was trying to practice with it as if you don't know what you are doing it kinda removes all the spontaneity doesn't it? (Yes I am such a technophobe I can get confused by a selfie stick).

Craftwise, I was asked for some wedding cards last week and thought I would make some new ones - you can see I've been colouring in some digi images ready to make toppers. There's an anniversary card to the right ready to be photographed - I use a 12 x 12 paper pad to make my backdrop.

I've actually had a couple of commissions and have made a huge bunch of cards this week. Here's a few favourites.

Not too happy about the wholesale lifting of restrictions next week - I shall probably continue doing much the same as now but the figures are not good and seem only set to get worse. I really do think sometimes that Mother Nature is trying to tell us something...

Latest news on mum is that she is scheduled for her stent op on 5th August. Thanks again for your best wishes. One day at a time. 

Despite all my walking, I find my 'middle' remains stubbornly stiff and inflexible. So I've ordered a hula hoop to see if I can get it to improve. There may have to be a video, but I'm not making any promises. 

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Have a great week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy xx


Helen said...

I was going to carry on wearing my mask on public transport anyway, so am pleased that London Transport are going to insist on it. Seems very sensible to me. in a world that no longer seems to be sensible. Love your clever selfie stick! Good luck with the hoola hoop... that will make entertaining viewing, please share lol!! Have a great week. Helen #2

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Reading your post is like a welcome to my world.. running to stand still is a good way of explaining it Cindy. Nice to see you sat at your desk today, I hope you enjoyed some calm creating your cards and commissions.. Good news on a date for your Mom's stent, yes take every day as it comes slowly. Take care of yourself & don't over do it with that hula hoop, I can still feel the ouch as it drops on my ankle bone.. Happy WoywW Tracey #9 x

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. Lovely to see you in your photo. Reminds me that I have a little remote thing somewhere, which I bought for when I was making videos regularly and never connected it to my phone/iPad. Your days sound as busy as mine. Every day I have grand plans to get crafting done, but then my time in my craft room currently is mostly sorting out stash/new storage or getting emails/business stuff done. Life will calm down hopefully soon (although then I remember that 2 of our grandchildren are moving into our rental house next month, and hubby has plans to have them over here regularly - crafting with a 3 year old and a 7 year old will not be simple!). It is 8.30 am here now and the sun is slowly coming out. A reminder to get off the computer and downstairs to start the day. Ali x #14

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

That is a good photograph of you, love it. I have no intention of removing my mask when we're out and about. Sadly this government seem to have lost all touch on reality or maybe they just have no idea how normal people have to live. Anyway less of that. A hoola hoop sounds great but hope you're better at it than I was as I just couldn't make it stay up lol! Look forward to seeing how you get on with it. Have a lovely woyww. Hugs, Angela x16x

Mary Anne said...

I so sympathize with you on so much in this post! The days blur past, and I feel like there is so much I want to/have to do that I don't know where the time goes - today I will be dashing up and down the stairs doing laundry, desk hopping, sorting the weekly shopping list, cooking a few things I make every week, and trying to squeeze in my treadmill and time spent with my daughter when she gets home form school. Like you, I am sticking to the current rules - at least until they have completed some research on the vaccine efficacy for clinically extremely vulnerable people and/or the fall booster shot. I get they country needs to open up, I do, but crikey, if Boris actually believes that he can trust people to "do the right thing" and "protect OTHERS" they he is mad as a bag of frogs...Rant over. Yo look fab in your selfie and I am envious of your hair. Mine refuses to go completely silver and it's annoying.

Happy Desk Hopping!
Mary Anne (1)

Christine said...

What a super photo of your desk!!!
I haven't met anyone yet who is going maskless on public transport and in shops, I am definitely carrying on wearing mine.
Love those cards, very good selection.
Have a good week
Christine #17

Neet said...

Love the photo of you - that was a lovely surprise this morning. I have a gadget to hold my phone (with lights) for doing a video but I have to turn it on I suppose so I can't see me using it for photos.
My you are a busy bee and what lovely cards you have been making too.
It is so heartening to me to hear so many people do intend to wear a mask. We must remember though that we are wearing a mask to protect others and not ourselves so we still need to be very diligent about other things (distancing and washingfor example). I really think Boris has lost the plot, if he ever found it, to rely on people doing the right thing. Some yes, but so many will just think it is over. Remember the football scenes of the past few weeks.
Sorry to end on a negative thought - you have a great week.
Hugs, Neet 5 xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I absolutely love seeing you sitting behind your desk. I have never taken a selfie, so I sure like what you did. Here in the states, we can go maskless if we have been vaccinated. However, I don't plan to go maskless until the entire world has been vaccinated. LOVE those cards. So feminine and romantic. Happy WOYWW from # 6.

Julia Dunnit said...

That’s a great picture of you cindy, I think not so technophobic as you feel! Good news ion the date for your Amun, that doesn’t sound so far away as to make it a looong tunnel now, hope she stays alright in the run up. Like you, I shall be ‘enjoying’ self imposed restrictions, I think the expected spikes will end up being much longer than spikes. Continues to worry me. Meanwhile, good on you, the 10B410 is a marvellous thing, and I have to say that I’m totally with you on the way the rest of the days pan out…when did all this S**t get done when I was at work?!!

Diana Taylor said...

That's a great photo of you and so lovely to see a desk owner at their desk for a change! Like you I shall be taking things very slowly and keeping an eye on the data, - I'm probably not going to be doing much different from what I am at the moment - the word bonkers comes to my mind regarding the complete lifting of restrictions!
Hope you have a good week,
Diana xx #19

Crafting With Jack said...

That’s a lovely picture of you at your desk- looking very self confident. I am concerned about the relaxation of the rules, so many were doing the wrong thing already - give them an inch as the saying goes. I shall be very much keeping my mask and my distance. Hula hoops are supposed to be wonderful for the tummy area so best of luck x Angela #7

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Good to see you behind your desk and that is a very good photo of you, Cindy! We should all do that once in a while! Yes, that's exactly what it's like for me too! When I'm not working, the day just seems to get swallowed up by little activities here and there and then you wonder where all that time went! Laundry, Tesco's, dishwasher - same here! Add to that the cooking and the day is gone! Glad I'm not the only one feeling that way! Stunning cards - at least we do have some free time to create stuff! I couldn't if I had to work full time. Have a lovely week! xx zsuzsa #24

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Fab photo of you Cindy - a woman in her natural environment, lol! Well done on keeping up the walking, that’s a real achievement and you must feel a lot fitter. Good news re your mum’s op, hopefully it’ll give immediate relief, G’s bypass did. Fab wedding cards,I love them all!
Hugs LLJ 12 xxx

Stacy Sheldon said...

I love that you did a selfie Cindy, this is so fun :) and yep, public transport here is regulated by a federal mandate to wear masks still ( planes, trains, taxis, subways etc)
The air quality here is in the unhealthy from forest fire smoke so, we are seeing people continuing their mask wearing even though its lifted where I live. Love those couple cards so much :) ~Stacy #27

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh I love the great photo of "YOU" Thanks for sharing and thanks for the visit. Your 1st paragraph wore me out, Glad I am retired !!!! Beautiful cards. Prayers for your Mum having only Great results. Have fun with the selfie stick and as we age that middle is really stubborn and refuses to move on. Good Luck.

Sarah Brennan said...

I shall be carrying on as usual re masks and socially distancing after Monday Cindy and I expect a few people will be too. Great selfie and the cards are gorgeous. Those digi images you are colouring look beautiful too. Glad your mum has had a date for her op. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Shoshi said...

Oh what a fun photo of your desk with you sitting at it waving at us, Cindy! Excellent. Well done, mastering the selfie-thingy! I am glad your mum has a date set for her operation and I hope all will be well, and that it will be a success. I know what you mean about the days being so busy but nothing much getting done - just running the home is very time-consuming. My hubby is helping me a lot at the moment, of course. I find that the creative stuff always ends up at the bottom of the heap, which can't be right...

Your cards are so beautiful. I particularly love the multi-layered hearts anniversary one - I love a bit of dimension!

Thank you for your visit, and please don't worry - life is busy! like you, I can't believe it's a whole week since my operation. Pouf indeed! I am continuing to do well but my ever-generous hubby has given me his horrible throat bug so I'm not feeling too well just now. I'm looking forward to getting started with the gel press and will have to look up Leonie Pujol. I am also looking forward so much to getting stuck in with the ToDo which is sitting there on the desk crying out "Use me!" So much fun stuff to look forward to at the moment.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #18

Susan Renshaw said...

Looking forward to the hoola hoop video. I only have a childsize one which I picked up for when the granddaughters stay (if ever) but it is too small for me!
I like the idea of that selfie stick...
Super cards...
We are back into strict lockdown and we only went maskless for a few weeks...
Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well!
Susan #23
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Spyder said...

Well, I'm still doing the same, not really going anywhere unless I relly have to and in this hot weather would rather stay in the shade than sit in a hot car in traffic.But we did manages a trip out to visit daughter and grandkiddies and I had dogs and cats and fish to do. People keep ringing me to walk or board dogs, I have no idea how to get the adverts off the internet seeing I never put them there! It's a great picture of you behind your desk, looking all nice and summery! Stay Safe! Happy Very late WOYWW!? ((Lyn))

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...