Wednesday, 18 August 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday - #637

Morning deskers!! Am writing this late Tuesday in the hope that I will be able to get online tomorrow - I have missed weeks due to my flaky internet. I believe I now know what the problem is - even though hubby says I'm being ridiculous - but it seems that our new-upgraded-reaches everywhere-with superfast speed-set up works perfectly as long as I am the only one here. As soon as my son turns on his pc everything (and I mean everything) remotely wifi or internet enabled in my room just stops and I lose speed and connection. I have now proved this happens on several occasions but am getting patronising looks and 'well your pc is rather old'. In light of the fact I have no idea how to fix it and nobody believes there is a problem (and also to look after my blood pressure) the only thing I can do is to only attempt to use the internet when he is at work or asleep.  Problem solved. No stress. However, attendance may be slower and/or more sporadic than normal!! Please bear with.

Here's my desk. My DD is 30 next Monday (how did that happen?) and I have yet to make a card. I also glibly planned a scrapbook spanning her 30 years. So I shall be busy. 

 I can tell you now, I should have started earlier. 

Have made a couple of commission cards for an 80th birthday. Quite pleased with both of them and they didn't take me long as I used digis. 

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Have a great week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy xx



Lunch Lady Jan said...

Hope you get your internet woes sorted - it is irritating when you know why things are going awry but don’t have the tech knowledge to back up your claims. I suffer with this too! ‘I just know’ doesn’t wash…sigh… Anyway the cards are gorgeous (love the knitting!) and I wish you good luck with getting your daughter’s scrapbook done!
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

Neet said...

Well, I for one believe you. It's a man thing that they think they know best when it comes to electrical goods and the such like.
Oh dear, the "why did I start this" and "why did I not start this earlier" are a familiar couple of sayings with me. It will be fine, I have every faith in you making the deadline.
Love the commissions, the mere fact that you are commissioned to make cards show how talented you are.
Take care, take a breather and then plod on.
Hugs, Neet 11 xx

Helen said...

I believe you too . Hope you manage to stay connected. Good luck getting your daughters card made Helen #2

Crafting With Jack said...

Your Internet problem is entirely feasible. You could get a “signal booster” which may help. We got a faster Internet connection which helped our boosters too! Forget the withering looks, you are amazing! Angela #4

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Men are such know-all's and they hate it when we prove them wrong which of course we do quite often Hee1 Hee! Have a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x14x

BJ said...

Super cards Cindy.

Susan Renshaw said...

Two beautiful commission cards!
My daughter was 35 on Saturday - she liked her card even though it didn't arrive until Tuesday - the post is pretty dreadful at the moment!. It is my DIL's Birthday today - I wonder when her card will arrive. Of course I would have liked to have deliver both myself but no chance at the moment - and they will have to wait for gifts.
Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well!
Susan #15
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Julia Dunnit said...

Ah Cindy, I get the frustration, specially when they don’t quite believe you. sky told us that their super broadband wasn’t working for us because we had too many things plugged in to the ring main. And on a second call, we had too many walls in the house. It’s all just a bunch of c*@#. Lovely commission cards, do you always make two and give them a choice then, or was the order for two? I imagine that you are scrapbooking through the nights at this stage, so I won’t take up too much time. It’ll be worth it, and good luck!

Mary Anne said...

Internet issues SUCK. I swear it is all the cloud cover that is wreaking havoc with the signals from everything. Bah! Lovely cards - you are so prolific, and all of it is so fab.

Happy WOYWW late again
Mary Anne (1)

Lillianb said...

Two beautiful card you have made there well done, and hope you get the internet problem sorted
Take care and stay safe

Lilian B #16

Lynnecrafts said...

I wonder if a power line WiFi booster could help?
Lovely cards
Enjoy making your daughter’s scrapbook
Lynnecrafts 8

Shoshi said...

How very frustrating to have such ongoing internet problems, Cindy, and how much more frustrating to have a good idea of what's happening and to be patted on the head and ignored!! Just try and restrain yourself from saying "I told you so" when you are vindicated! I bet the story would be different if it was one of their computers expriencing the problem, and not you... I'm glad you were able to get some crafting done and make some lovely cards, though.

Happy belated WOYWW and may your troubles soon be over.
Shoshi x #23
PS Did you receive the card I sent you? My hubby promised he's posted it!

Tracy said...

The Internet can be a frustrating thing at times Cindy 🤗 we had a similar problem in the past ... it's so frustrating but hey just wait till they find out your right 😘😁I think we ended up with a new router.
Your cards are absolutely beeeeautiful,love how you create 💕⭐💟 Here's to your DD having a beautiful birthday.sending you love and hugs Tracy #13 xxx whoops gooood morning to yooou xxxx

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...