Wednesday, 10 November 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #649

Morning deskers! Thought it was about time I showed my face around here or you would have all forgotten me. Had a serious case of life over the last three months, mum has been very poorly, in and out of hospital, endless secondary infections and of course restricted visiting due to Covid - it's been a tad stressful. Still, home now, slowly improving - onwards and upwards!!

To the main event - my desk: 

I have weirdly been crafting quite a bit, grabbing every second I can for myself but not been up to social media. Christmas cards are currently over 100 and I thought I'd take a day to make a few more bottle lights in case I am asked up to 'The Farm's' Christmas event. I'm not that fussed about doing any other fairs this year. I have a whole day to myself today and will get these finished for sure. (Famous last words).

I am considering re-starting my card making group from January, but would really like to make it more of a crop. Any ideas for a snappy name along the lines of knit and natter for papercrafters? 

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Have a great week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy xx


Lunch Lady Jan said...

I think you may have linked an old post today but I found my way here! I’m sorry about your mum but am pleased she’s home and starting to improve, good news. I think you should absolutely start a card group as long as everyone’s careful - our WI Craft group restarted this week, it was good to be back but everyone had to be masked up/ hand sanitised etc etc.
It’s good to see you back btw!
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

Neet said...

Your link worked fine for me, love those bottles, would like to see them a bit closer please.
So sorry to hear about your mum, what a worry it must have been, and still is, but maybe not as bad as when you could not get to see her. I understand the reasoning behind 'no visiting' but it is stressful surely for both patient and family.
Wow, Cindy, 100 Christmas cards and I thought I was doing well at two dozen! Only 46 days to go to get the lot finished - ooer!
Hopefully by January we will have a drop in the covid figures so go ahead if you feel ready - it's just so rife around here that I won't be going anywhere and people can vote with their feet anyhow.
Hugs, Neet 3 xx

BJ said...

I found my way here eventually too, and I was about to join the draw on the old post too - LOL. Sorry to hear about your MUM hope she feels better soon. Super bottle lights, I think all your crafting is helping you keep grounded with all that is going on with your MUM. Hugs BJ#8

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Well I loved the 2020 post again. Those flowers are totally awesome, Best Wishes to YOU and your Mom. been there done that and you won't regret the time you spent. Getting back to normal is never the same. But you have to take time for YOU and I love the bottles you are making is there a Tutorial on Youtube ? I've bottles !!!! and given many away. In my chaotic world I an drinking Wine with breakfast..just never liked it, but a small glass with my toast/egg/avocado is great. Pink Mascota bottles will be available !! I know nothing of crops but I hope you have fun with them. Always nice to be with people. Have a good week and wishing you the best

Diana Taylor said...

Wow Cindy, 100 cards - that's going some! I am loving your bottles - they look very professional. I've decorated quite a few over the years and tried different techniques that I've seen on Youtube but still can't get them completely wrinkle free - if you have any tips I'd be very grateful!
I do hope your mum continues her recovery well, it must be such a relief to have her out of hospital.
Stay safe and well and happy crafting,
Diana xx #18

Lynnecrafts said...

Sorry to hear about your Mum. I hope she’s feeling better. She must be glad to be home. How about snip and spatter?
I loved the cards in the post you linked. Never mind. We can still find you
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 12

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Those bottles look so lovely, especially if you can put lights in them! And don't tell me you've actually made 100 C cards! Really? That's just unimaginable for me! The only way I could ever do that is to make one and have it printed LOL! Hope you mum gets better to enjoy Christmas with the family. I can't think of a name for your group, but I'll let you know if I come up with anything! Have a lovely week, hopefully less stressful than the last! xx zsuzsa #22

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy I know how you feel, as my mum has been in and out of hospital too but at 93 we are lucky to still have her though she drives me crazy at a nice way obviously! Oh by the way the link is strange, I ended up at 585 August 2020 very strange but I got here in the end. Nice bottles too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x13x

Sarah Brennan said...

So good to see you again Cindy - sorry to hear your mum's been so poorly. Can't think of a name I must admit. I may restart classes myself next year but only once a month I think. Can't think of a name for you though. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

Shoshi said...

I am so glad you are OK, Cindy - I've been quite worried about you as you haven't been around for ages. Very sorry to hear abour your mum, though, and I hope things are improving now. What a worry it must have been for you. You've been very much in my thoughts lately. Your projects are gorgeous as aways...

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #10

Helen said...

Sorry to hear about your mum, hope she's better soon well done on all those cards happy woyww Helen #2

Ellie said...

Holy cow! 100 xmas cards, making me panic now haha!!
I adore those bottles, they are beautiful. I hope you have a lovely time at the Farm Fair~
take care
Ellie #26

Crafting With Jack said...

I was about to say I absolutely loved your tags and yes please to be included in the draw, when I noticed BJ’s comment about it being too late 🤣. So made my way here to say I absolutely love your bottles! Would love to go to your Farm Fair - I had a quick look to see where you are and it says London.😳. Have a great time there Angela #6

Caro said...

Your bottles are amazingly beautiful. What a lovely idea. I hope your mum continues to gain in strength and health. Happy WOYWW. Thank you for sharing. Take care and stay safe, with love & God bless, Caro xxx (#15)

Kyla said...

ooh loving the bottles and hope your mum continues to improve too. As to the crop, we always called ours "The Coven" as our hubbies said we were witches and up to no good at the sessions!!! Sadly we no longer meet up, something I miss.


What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...