Wednesday, 17 November 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #650

Well that didn't go so well last week, I didn't get round to everyone and of course I didn't get those bottles finished in one day. In fact I was still putting finishing touches this morning. Pics at end of post for those who asked. Where did  the week go? Had mum's birthday, with a little tea party in her room as she couldn't get out of her chair, went to my niece's 22nd - she missed her 21st, and yesterday went in to town for the immersive Van Gogh experience. I enjoyed it very much and came away thinking that many of his works really don't get the attention they deserve. It was lovely to have things to do and a day out but most of my friends IRL can do that in a day - that was spread out over a week and it absolutely exhausted me!!

Still, to the main event, my desk:- 

Not very impressive. But I am intending to be home barring emergency phone calls, my son is at work so the internet band width is mine, all mine. I am thinking of making Christmas cards today. Trees and snowflake dies are out, as are the christmas foiling dies. and a magazine for inspiration. Wish me luck!

The sleigh needs a little repair, the light chain has come off the other side. Quick glue gun fix coming up. 

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Have a great week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy xx

As promised here are the bottles but I can't get

them to display nicely and 

they keep disappearing. There should be 6. Giving up LOL


Mary Anne said...

Oh I am right there with you - last week was a black hole of not-WOYWW visiting. I did look back to see the bottles progress and I love the finished ones from this week. Lovely stuff. Enjoy your cardmaking and do share the sleigh when you fix and fill it. What a cute decoration! One of thse you can pull out and update every year.

Mary Anne (1)

Neet said...

I think we all get week's like that - and days too. I think you did well to do what you did and I would have been exhausted half way through.
Love the Christmas Sleigh, hope you get it repaired easily and then filled with ?
Must say the bottles are magnificent, they really are beautiful and it would be difficult to choose a favourite. Love how you got them so different.
Hugs, Neet 4 xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Ooooh, those bottles are fabulous, so pretty and very festive! I love the little sleigh too, that’s very cute - have a wonderful day pottering and playing nicely. Hope there’s gin or chocolate involved at some point too, that would be the perfect day. Lol!!
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

Diana Taylor said...

Wow, your bottles are fantastic - I love how they've turned out, they are really beautifully made with not a wrinkle in sight - I must be too heavy handed, but I appreciate your tips last week - thank you!
The sleigh is lovely and I hope you get the lights fixed, I bet it looks gorgeous all lit up and filled with treasures (sweets are my first thought!).
Hope you have a lovely crafty week,
Diana xx #12

Crafting With Jack said...

Those bottles are fabulous, great decorations for Christmas. Did you make the sleigh originally? Christmas is fast approaching so far I have don 6 cards. Happy WOYWW Angela #7

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh I wanted to see that VGogh exhibition but couldn’t get tickets when it came to a reasonable distance to me. Like you, I want my social butterfly stuff spread thin over the week, it’s all to much in great chunks and am ashamed to say it causes me to sort of waste the next day! The bottles, despite Bloggers best efforts, are fab, and we don’t mind when you finished them! Hope you got some cards done today, tbh if band width was all mine, I would probably have spent a lot of time surfing…..not productive!!

Helen said...

A fair bit of my week seemed to be spent trekking to and from the computer repair shop.. though in truth it was 2 days and 3 trips. I think the Van Gogh experience sounds fascinating, glad you enjoyed it, and also your parties!! The bottles look fab. Hope you've had a good day with your broadband use!! helen #2

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sounds like you've had an interesting week and the bottles look beautiful. Good luck with fixing the sleigh and getting the cards made. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x15x

Spyder said...

For minths now I been waiting for a diecut sleigh to come back in stock, no one seems to have them! Those bottles look great. I have had a go at that, but decided the bottles looked better before I painted them! Keep Crafting! Stay Safe! Happy woyww ((Lyn))#19

Christine said...

The Van Gogh is amazing isn't it?? When I went to our local theatre to see it, folk were lying down and letting it 'wash' over them. I loved it.
Super bottles
Christine #22

Kyla said...

ooh I get why you were shattered, 3 things in a week after almost 2 years of not much takes getting used to! Mind you sounds like a good few days and the immersive experience interesting. the bottles look great too.


Susan Renshaw said...

Those bottles are beautiful!
Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well!
Susan #16
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Elizabeth said...

I'd be exhausted too, Cindy, I'm just not up to all that running around anymore, and certainly couldn't pack it all into one day, that's for sure. Your bottles are amazing - so pretty and brilliant upcycling. Sorry to be so late. Elizabeth x #24

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...