Wednesday, 6 July 2022

What's On Your Work desk? Wednesday #683

Morning all deskers, back home now after our little trip to Wales. As there hasn't been much crafting done, I was going to wow you with artistic garden photos - sadly when I looked back, the beautifully framed landscapes I remembered taking were not there. But anyway here goes.

The first garden we visited was actually a very private estate, (no pictures of house pls and we were chaperoned around, all we were told was the owners are Scottish and presumably very, very rich) mainly about ecological management of woodland, fields and wild spaces with a few very well planted designery bits around the house - well with an on site designer, head gardener and 7 staff I would expect no less. Beautiful commissioned ironwork pieces such as this arched walkway. 

Our second garden in contrast was a manageable sized private garden, Stoneleigh Down, Tockington, Bristol. Beautiful garden, lovely people (lovely cake). Open for NGS I think. Well worth a visit. This is a close 2nd favourite. 

We then arrived in Gwent and visited Hillcrest Garden in Blackwood. Delightful and quirky. Award winner, raising lots of money for Cancer research through opening to the public. Just won something - plaque on the front wall but 
I can't find any photos!! I commented on the huge number of pots and the chore it must be to water them. The owner looked at me and said, well we are in Wales. And there I was not going to complain about the weather. Flaming June my a***.

The next day we visited Aberglasney Gardens in Llangathen. Open to the public. This was very nice, with lots of history including a Tudor cloister garden, a very very old yew tunnel, a nympharium (sp?) and stunning walled and kitchen gardens. Also truly the most beautiful woodland/wet garden I have ever seen. You could have photographed the life out of it Helen.

I, sadly, could not. I think the umbrella was getting in my way.

Our fifth garden, Big House Farm, Gower was absolutely stunning despite the rain. With views over the sea (well jell) and beautifully planted front and back, this was our favourite of the private gardens. Won lots of awards. Photos do not do it justice. Again.

It also had the best cake. I had forgotten that a large part of these tours was about the quality of the tea and cake.

Our 6th treat was the Botanic Gardens at Sketty (or at least I think that was where we were, there was a bit of confusion.....). Very enjoyable, but a lot of walking, wished we'd had a picnic so we had an excuse to sit in a field and enjoy the views (we had good weather this day). On a very large scale, it also has a huge biodome, really stunning, but v hot when the sun came out. (I took photos honest, inside and out. My phone says otherwise.)  Lots of nice planting and we particularly liked this serpentine water feature with a rill that wound along the pathway. (It also has dementia friendly toilets, they have red seats. Never come across that before).

Final day and we visited another private garden. Croesllanfro Farm, Newport. Wow. Super designed. 40 years in the making from nothing, owners are a practising garden designer and a builder so you can guess the standard. They had a robot to mow the croquet lawn, a folly, a wildflower meadow, water features (of course), a barn with indoor tennis court, three garages. The planting was beautiful but not at its peak, I feel this is probably a real stunner in late summer.  But everything looked super healthy - just look at these hostas. 

Our final stop was the American Museum nr Bath. TBH the gardens are very pleasant but not jaw droppingly stunning (or maybe I was getting jaded by then). Lovely nevertheless and the landscape looking out over parkland is beautiful and typical of the 18th century style planting. However did people have the vision!! The Museum itself was really, really interesting (just as well because it poured for 3 of the 4 hours we were there). I had been excited to see the quilt exhibits but they were actually the least interesting part of the whole day. Hubby did enjoy the children's garden though. And in the interest of full disclosure the toilet doors here had 'EXIT' written on them inside. 
Seemed an unnecessary clarification.

So, apologies for such a long post. There's no desk as such this week but here's a quick card I made over the w/e for a friend. He likes B&W cows. I don't know how many more years I can keep this theme going.... 

So, why am I showing you my desk? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Happy WOYWW!! Cindy


Mary Anne said...

What stunning photos! And I am making note of place that look worth a visit as Wales is always lovely to visit. If it's outside, I ok with it... Love the card too, so cute. Happy WOYWW on the day for a change :D !
Mary Anne (2)

Glennis F said...

What an interesting trip you have had, thanks for sharing the lovely photos

Neet said...

Love looking at gardens but not sure I could do as many as you did in one trip. I just adored the yew tunnel, how fabulous is that. But what is a nympharium? Must do a google search.
Of course cake is the cherry on the top but I think the cream must have been the garden with the sea view - the kind of thing I would thoroughly enjoy. Now I fancy a trip to Tatton Park rather than Ikea as planned.
Hugs, Neet 4 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

Fabulous tour. But probably quite tiring. Those hosta are amazing - not a snail in sight! 🤣🤣. Ah yes, Wales is well watered 🤣. We have not had a great deal of rain in Yorkshire, but it has been very windy. Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Pleased you are back home and loving the photographs. When we lived in Lancashire it was always raining then we moved to Lincolnshire where it rains occasionally and the grass is brown at the moment. I'm sure you'll soon get back to the crafty stuff when you've had a good rest. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x12x

BJ said...

Yay got my circle wreath die from China at last, thanks for sourcing it for me despite it taking 18 days to arrive it was very cheap and I love it.
Great garden tour, I'm intrigued about the Sketty Botanical one as I grew up in Swansea and used to live in Sketty when in Uni???? Who knows.

Sarah Brennan said...

WHat a fabulous tour of all those gardens Cindy. The yew tunnel is especially spectacular. You will have to visit Trentham Gardens at some time, they have similar ironwork tunnels and some spectacular sculptures amontg the trees and plants too. Love the card. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

craftyani said...

Britain is still great even when it rains. I haven't been to any of the gardens apart from the American museum at Bath, a friend took me there to see the quilts. Not overly impressed though. Ani

Julia Dunnit said...

What a great tour…I love a garden, specially the private ones! You were unlucky with the weather, love the comment by the gardener who doesn’t have to water pots!! I really admire the vision and the planning, I have neither regarding gardening, not enough knowledge at all. You know if you come Bath-wards again, you should consider a pit stop at my place, even if it’s for a white loo seat and a hastily made cake! Brilliant idea on the dementia friendly loo…and black space used to really send my Mum into a spin.

Helen said...

Well, thank you for the photos - shame about the rain, but you are right I would have been in my element! Off to hampton court garden festival or whatever they call it now, tomorrow. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...