Wednesday, 27 July 2022

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #686

Morning all! Hope you are enjoying the cooler weather. Personally I want the blue skies back, like Julia I have no trouble sleeping and like to sit about.

So I missed last week as I had to go out for my sister's birthday and I knew I wouldn't have much time to join in. This week however the decks are cleared and I am all geared up to start that project I was on about two weeks ago. So far I have:

-    made some more 'special cards' (photos below)

-    tidied up my envelope shelf

-    written cards for July and August

-    prepped for my next card class

-    sorted out my NBU box (found 2 things I had in fact used, so they got filed)

-    cleaned all my trainers

-    am currently considering re-jiggling this corner      of the craft room to free up space under      my desk/table. (Yes I do have my hairdryer         here, not ideal but I don't have anywhere else.     Probably explains how I once mixed up my hairspray and my temporary adhesive             spray. Don't ask).

Talk about displacement activity, I've even been eyeing up the ironing pile.

So here I am ready, not entirely willing, and I now have 2 weeks less to finish this project (which I started last July). It's obvious I really have to buckle down. So, what happens? It's Tuesday early mid morning as I write and my DD appears and announces she is working from home. 

So I can't get it out, she could (and almost certainly will) walk in and its all about her so I don't want her to catch me working on it. 

Sigh. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

I discovered a new fold which I quite like, here's a few cards.

So, why am I showing you my desk? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Stay well, stay safe, Cindy xx  (Footnote, it's Wednesday now and she's working from home again, can't catch a break lol)


Lunch Lady Jan said...

Blimey, you have been very productive!! Love those new fold cards a lot, they’re so detailed. I share your pain about having to hide the piece from your daughter, I was trying to do something for Gordon and he didn’t take the hint about going out for the day at all!! I am very happy that the temps are down, am not a hot weather person at all :-D
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

Neet said...

Well, at least you have your next class prepped. I have to think about one but a putting it off because I have so much other stuff to do. Love your new fold - any chance of knowing what it is called as I always like a new fold.
I could do to tidy a corner of my craft room, well maybe all four corners - in short the whole place. I need my Oxides to be more accessible and want a 'thing of purpose' on the wall but not got any wall space. Maybe if I got rid of some of the many ink pads I have and don't use I would have the answer. Trouble is I keep thinking of the money I spent on buying them all!
Hope you get time to do your project - maybe DD will go out tomorrow?
Hugs, Neet xx 3

Sarah Brennan said...

Lots of procraftinating going on there CIndy lol. I do hope that you will be able to get on with your project soon. Fab cards! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #17

Crafting With Jack said...

Fabulous cards and a great fold. I don’t “do” cards with different folds, but I think I will start! Happy WOYWW. #16

Ginny Maxam said...

Beautiful cards! I love specialty folds. Have a great week, Ginny M

Helen said...

i hope your daughter goes back to work so you can get the project out and worked on! that did make me chuckle - so did your comment about liking to sit about - so do I , but sadly work don't think much to that and make me do stuff! Have a good week and thanks for visiting. Helen #2

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I have to say I prefer the cooler weather. I like to do things and the hot weather just isn't conducive to activity. My mother is always cool so I have to do her housework with the heating on, sometimes I think I might explode! Gorgeous cards Cindy, love the folds. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww. Hugs, Angela x9x

BJ said...

I love the new fold too, it's FAB and you cards are amazing. BJ#10

Mary Anne said...

Minimal comments as I wrenched my back :(
so I am late AGAIN…
LOVE the intricate folds, and am SO glad the heat has subsided. Happy to stay in the low 20s till October....

Mary Anne (6)

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Gorgeous cards Cindy, as usual! Now I can imagine mixing up your hairspray with your temporary adhesive is not too bad one way, however the other way around, eeks! I hope it was the not-too-bad scenario LOL! The cabbage soup was actually very nice - will make it again for sure! Thanks so much for popping in! It's good to keep busy, so carry on! xx zsuzsa #18

Julia Dunnit said...

Well at least your displacement activities are fruitful, better than sitting on the sofa and scrolling through Facebook! I like that your hairdryer is in your room, it means you visit even on days you can’t sit and play, which is definitely good for assessing and thinking about what you might like to do. Love the cards, that complicated folding is the sign of a patient woman!

Kelly said...

Good afternoon, Cindy. I also have 2 morning doves - do they count as pigeons? hehe You were just buzzing like a bee with anticipation then in comes your DD. Sounds about right. ah well, you didn't really want to work on that project anyway ;-) Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #21

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...