Wednesday, 14 June 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #732

Good Morning All!!  Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Well once again I am apologizing for being absent. My little holiday with my sister was the first time in years I had absented myself from my housekeeping job for a whole week and left the home in the charge of the other three resident adults, I really should have known better. The horror, the horror. I also came back to a full-ish week of socialising so it was the weekend before things were anything back to normal. And of course all I want to do really is sit in the garden with a good book. 

So crafting and sorting has been on the back burner. I haven't even unpacked my craft bag from my holiday yet. Here's my desk.

Thank you Neet for the lovely anniversary ATC and coin. It arrived a few days ago but I have only just got in here this week so I apologise for not dropping you a pm. Again. 

I am now at the really starting to de-stash stage - everything is in my new craft room, but there is no room to breathe and there is a lot of stuff that I don't really use. Especially scrap book paper and bits. If anyone wants anything do let me know.  That box above Neet's ATC is full of such  'bits' just looking for a home. The Graphic45 paper collection would have funded another short break and that is a fraction of what I have here.

I will get round to everyone this week but Lionel is coming to visit today so for later posting peeps it may not be till tomorrow. 

Have a lovely week don't forget the sun cream, love n hugs, 



Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I know what you mean about stuff you never use, I have so much of it. Maybe we should open a shop. It's too hot at the moment to do any sorting though. I can imagine what the house was like when you got back and hope you gave them a good telling off. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x7x

Crafting With Jack said...

Oh it’s so hard to de-stash! Several times I have got rid of stuff only to regret it a few years later. Still you can’t keep everything on the chance you might want to use it can you. I put together quite a lot for a charity who wanted craft stuff, they didn’t turn up to collect it, I have dipped into it several times. I don’t want to put it back in my craft room so I shall have to look for another charity when we get back. Angela #11

Mary Anne said...

LOL! You make it sound like you live in a care home! I know what it is like when I throw my back out and am limited to my bed for a couple of days. The carnage... Lovely ATCs from Neet and yikes! I have so much scrapbooking stuff still on hand - just hoarding it till dear son (now engaged!) provides me with grandbabies to scrap...
Happy still sunny WOYWW!
Mary Anne (3)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

sorry to read there was a calamity upon your return when you took a week's vacation.

WOW, I really like the bits you have collected to de-stash. It's hard to let go, though because just when you do, you realize it was something you could have used or that would have been perfect for a certain project.

That's an adorable ATC and coin from Neet. Happy WOYWW from # 2.

Sarah Brennan said...

Oh I do hope you find a good home for all the items you are destashing Cindy. Might be worth asking at a local school to see if they have a craft club. Glad you had a good time while you were away and hope the sorting on your return wasn't too bad. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

Helen said...

I am hopeless at de-stashing, so good luck! hope you've had lots of cuddles today. Shame the adults weren't capable of looking after themselves whilst you were away! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Susan Renshaw said...

When we moved to Australia I halved the stuff I had in my craft room - ebaying things, giving it away... What is lovely is when my friends mention even now that they are using 'my stuff'!

Happy WOYWW! Susan #8

Kelly said...

Good morning, Cindy!
When I go away for 2-3 days, Bob always gets the dishes washed up the day I'm due back. LOL The rest of the house is pretty much how I left it (sadly) LOL.
I do love my G45. I think we all have a lot of 'stuff' we don't or haven't used. It's who we are. LOL Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #!5

Lindart said...

Sounds like you've been very busy! I'm always hesitant to get rid of all the little bits I don't think I will use, because I will often need something that I know I have, and that I haven't seen in years and years, but I know it's the perfect thing for what I'm doing. So I too have lots of little bits! Have a great week, hope you get some time for the garden and good book! Lindart #17

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...