Wednesday 6 September 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #745

Good Morning All!!  Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Complete disclosure: I'm gonna be out and about today so will visit Thursday. I wasn't going to link up at all this week until I realised I will be travelling for the next two Wednesdays as I go to and return from our meagre 1 week holiday in Spain. (Can you tell I'm regretting not booking our usual 10 day break?) so you won't see me for a while. I'm also very late posting as I culdn't get in to my blog. Aaargh.

So here's this week's desk - for once I didn't tidy Tuesday afternoon, it was too hot in here. I sat in the garden. Bliss.

The front is my uppy downy desk which I have at standing height for the mo. The main thing on it is a commission from one of my most demanding clients. She tends to micromanage every stage and gets genuinely excited when I make her a bespoke card. The trouble with personalising things is some people don't know when to stop, and her taste for bling far, far exceeds mine. She is lovely though so I  grit my teeth and if I'm not in the mood for constant tweaks send her the finished design when it's too late to change it. The two big white boxes to either side are my coloured and patterned 'scraps' boxes. I've made a bit of a dent doing all those clusters but its still a lot. I have made a bunch of cards with them as I desperately need stock for Macmillan and a fair at the end of September - will post them at some point.

My other desk at the back is a testament to how not to have space to work. This is what happens when I just keep getting things out and not putting them away in case I might need them in a minute. There is probably a project under all that mess.

For now, as I won't  be here for a couple of weeks, here's Little Lionel having a stab at some baby rice. For some reason the hair  was particularly crazy that day. Will a whole week on holiday with him 24/7 dampen my obsession? Doubt it. 

Have a good week, see you in a couple,

Love n hugs Cindy xx


Christine said...

I just love, love that last photo!!!
Enjoy your break away . . . hope you can find cool . . .
take care
Christine #16

Helen said...

What gorgeous photos ! You'll miss him but enjoy your holiday. I'm off next week too but just out for days Happy woyww Helen #1

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I have a friend I made a Kings and Queens altered book for. I used very carefully chosen decorations, like a tiny lion for King Leopold. My friend is into gaudy. Not just bling, but GAUDY bling. I left a couple pages blank because I didn't have an image of King Phillip. I went to her place one day and she had two pages of Phillip, faux medals, a Scottish kilt, gold braid, and an arm band with one photo and the queen and king through the years surrounding the other. It had sequins and flowers in between the tiny photos. I can empathize with you and your commission client who micro manages everything.

I'm fairly certain you will NOT be tired of that adorable Lionel during your holiday. Happy WOYWW from # 5.

Mary Anne said...

I love that hair! Such personality and such a sweetie. Enjoy being away and a break from your demanding client!

Happy sunny WOYWW!
Mary Anne (9)

Sarah Brennan said...

Such delightful photos of Lionel Cindy. Enjoy your time away and more time with him! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #8

Twiglet said...

I love that crazy hairdo! Gorgeous. Your work space looks very tidy and well organized to me. x x Jo

Glennis F said...

Enjoy your holiday, love the baby pics!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi late today, had distractions. Hope you enjpoy your time away. Sending happy woyww wishes, Angela x15x

Lynnecrafts said...

Enjoy your holiday. Lionel is looking great!
Take care and have a good week
Lynnecrafts 2xx

Crafting With Jack said...

Love the photographs. Enjoy your holiday even if it’s only a short one this time. Hugs Angela #3

Anne said...

Hi.Thanks for visiting and your kind words.Love the photo of the little one! Have a lovely holiday. Anne x 13

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

It's a great workspace. Looks like a lot happens there! And Little Lionel is adorable.

BJ said...

Oh my goodness, got a bit involved with the end of the acrylics course and seem to have signed up for a watercolour one too (wed-fri) and what with the heat and not sleeping even worse that usual, I'm only just emerging form all the stuff and the dust is settling.

Oh defo crazy hair, he's so cute, you'll have a fun week away with him .... and the others LOL. It's amazing how people's tastes differ isn't it, hope you get it just right with your latest commission. I stand at my usual desk when scrapping, but then I am quite short. See you when you get back.

Hugs BJ#6

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh I hope you have a great holiday, we’re in Mallorca and I think for the next couple of years we will not be doing mainland Spain, this island is just heaps more beautiful than we expected it to be! Anyway, o doubt if being away from Lionel will only deepen your obsession, believe me, and it makes me happy for you. Love love love his baby rice experience, and his street hair, what a chap!!
You are great about your commissions, patient and tolerant of the things you don’t really want to do, am super impressed.

Kyla said...

ooh enjoy your hols and yep, totally get his hair!! Mine is SO fluffy in this weather!!
thanks for visiting my desk already

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 798

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW which  is now being hosted at Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the lin...