Sunday, 7 September 2008

And now for something completely......

the same. Well not really, the same principle but quite different in style. This concertina book was made for Sian's birthday. I added a little clay 'doll' to the front cover and used a different set of stamps, so the whole thing has a different look to the one I made for Jan. I know she likes it 'cos she has already said, but have left off posting it here until I knew she had received it.


Sian said...

I don't just like, it, I LOVE it! It's brilliant. Thank you!

Heather Robinson said...

Okay, I'm just sitting here with my jaw hanging open because this is gorgeous! The clay piece is spectacular and when I scrolled down and saw the book....well, let's just say I'm in love!

Creative Chaos said...

Wowww, this is just fantastic !!!
I am drooling all over your blog !!
Patti xx

Dee said...

They are gorgeous. Love the colours and style. Dee x

Mooneybeams said...

Scrumptious stamps and gorgeous colours - this is really fab! x

Bel said...

Hi Cindy, I saw this on your flickr pictures and when I saw the rest of it here, wow its gorgeous. The colours are great. Belinda

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

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