Monday, 29 September 2008


Wanted to get in quick with this week's MAMMA Challenge - as I usually work Thursday and Friday I find it very hard to join in if I don't do it in the early part of the week. In fact my main crafting days are probably Sunday and Monday so not getting the challenge till Monday is very frustrating!!

My entry for this week's theme 'Matrimony' started off as a simple churchy arch idea, but when thinking about what words I could add to make it a little amusing it seemed to grow a bit..... once again the end result is also pushing the boundaries of what might be considered the right size for an ATC but I do love dimensional stuff.

Basically we start off with the outside of the ATC. I have used some metal that I put through my cuttlebug having bought a new embossing folder (Divine swirl) at Ally Pally on Saturday (err, thanks for asking, no that was NOT the only thing I bought lololol though hubby and bank manager probably wish it was). I saw a brilliant gothic arch project on the LB Crafts stall (realised afterwards that I had been talking to Ms PA herself, doh) and I bought the blank to have a go 'cos not sure I can make the actual workshop and I WANT ONE. It has all sorts of yummy metal stuff on it so this is me practising again. Still I digress. Back to the ATC - Before we open the doors to the 'church' we pull out a 'slider' to reveal a question. "which 2 words make the longest sentence in the English language?"

Yes, you guessed, it is going to be a rude comment on matrimony. Opening the doors reveals the answer and we can see our bride and groom behind bars for the rest of their natural.

But because I am basically a big old romantic at heart and have been with my OH since I was 19 and married for 18 years, the 'prison' lifts up to reveal the happy couple, all smiles and loved up.

I really am a fan of Matrimony, lolololololol.

But, as they say, you get less for murder. (I'm JOKING!!!!!!!)


Sherry said...

Just brilliant Cindy - and I love the clever play on words too. The metal embossing on the doors is fab.


I always say, i could have murdered Ernie 3 times, and still would be out of jail and free
Lucky he knows i don't mean it LOL


Cindy Is Crafty said...

Cindy, awesome. I like the tongue in cheek aspect of the card!

John Dyhouse said...

Lovely idea and it looks great, butttt... I would have liked to see the whole thing. Is it a clever mechanism or do the prison bars simply fold away? Just curious

WendyK said...

Fabulous card Cindy, and great to meet you on Saturday

Ange J Lee said...

Brilliant card Cindy - that metal embossing is fantastic!

My name is Cindy said...

Thanks everyone but......

John yes the bars just fold away, no fancy mechanisms I'm afraid. And as for the embossing, yes it looks fab, but it's eally not hard when you've got a cuttlebug. If I had done it all with a stylus you would be allowed to be impressed but I feel a big fat fraud when all I did was turn a handle!! If anyone wants any done any time....

DF - Heidi said...

wow great metal work

DF - Heidi said...

even if you did cheat haha

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

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