Wednesday, 31 October 2012

WOYWW #177

Time again for our regular Wednesday blog hop, masterminded by Julia Dunnit of Stamping Ground.

Time to visit the tidy and the untidy, the creative and the waiting-for-mojo. We're not fussy, just nosey.

Now, those of you who had begun to think I had gone all tidy may want to look away now - for here is my desk this week.

I did have an excuse -  I was trying to finish things off for my MacMillan Coffee Morning on Monday and haven't been back since I abandoned it.

The rest of the room fared no better whilst I was in the throes of  my crafting frenzy.

We did very well, raising £220, largely from the sale of cards and other items as well as plenty of tea and cake.

And 14 for lunch at my dining room table was cosy to say the least.

That's all from me this week, working four straight days from now on so will do my  best to get round as many desks as possible but may well be visiting late into the night! Happy WOYWW, indeed Happy  Halloween as well if  that's your bag.



Annette said...

wow i love to see a busy desk. Love the card your working on. Congratulations on the amount of money you raised. xx

Franka Benjaminsen said...

Love the pictures of your busy work space. Love the card you're work on too. It's so neat and the colours are beautiful. Hope you'll find some time to craft on this WOYWW. Bye, Franka #49

Fuchsia said...

Congratulations on your sale thats an awesome amount !
loving your busyness

have sent you a message on FB x

CraftygasheadZo said...

Sounds like you've been busy! Not taking part this WOYWW, too much going on and rest needed when not doing stuff but wanted to pop by some of your desks anyway! Take care Zo xx

Annie said...

I'm sat reading my WOYWW blogs on my sick bed this week but have my mask on so you don't catch anything. I'm enjoying reading what everyone is up to this week [it's better than reading magazines :-) ]. I'm leaving a copied comment so you know I've called by because my hands are too weak and shaky to keep typing out my comments this week.
Big hugs,
A x #93

Lou said...

Loving the card in the top picture it's gorgeous. What a fab job you did with your coffee money.

My desk upstairs often looks like this don't worry your not alone. I've migrated downstairs at the moment too.


Lou #104

shazsilverwolf said...

Wow! so much to see on, or in, your workspace. That was a great amount to raise for MacMillan, well done to all of you.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #86

Katie said...

I love your desk! It looks so fun and crafty!

Happy Halloween and WOYWW!
Katie #114

Anonymous said...

Well done you for raising that amount. No easy task I know. Helped a friend a week or two ago and its not as easy as it first appears. Love your desk. Lots of work going on.
Tricia 111.

JB said...

ooooh a lovely looking stepper card there. Happy woyww. JB *128

Helen said...

Well done with the fund raising - that is impressive! Your desk looks very - busy- this time!! Such fun as Miranda's mother would say (love that programme!)
Have a great day. Helen, 4

Tammy said...

Very busy space this time! Well, at least you still have a small square to work within! I know I can keep on going as long as there's a sliver to work on. Cleaning can come later. :) Congrats on the sale! Thanks for stopping by my desk! Happy WOYWW! Tammy #106

Unknown said...

Lovely busy desk. I find when things are all around me it is more inspirational.
Thanks for visiting


Judys Lace Creations said...

Yep!!Me too...messy is good.When things are spread around you can put things together.thanks for sharing.
Judy #20

VonnyK said...

That is a desk to be proud of, I'm impressed. Great job on getting all that money.
Have a great week.
Von #36

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Way to go with that desk!! That mess is mighty was the total you raised from the coffee morning..well done you!!!
Thanks for dropping by :)
Hugs, LLJ #68 xx

okienurse said...

WOW Cindy what a busy messy desk! I love it. Mine always looks like I need to get busy and clean it up but that is the way I work best. Sounds like you had a crowd over for lunch and raised a lot of money! YAY! Thanks for sharing and dropping by my blog! Have a great week! Vickie #37

Neet said...

Love that dress form step card.
Well done on the fund raising, what a lovely thing to do.
Hope that cough you have developed soon goes and does not last all winter.
Hugs, Neet x 23 (and thanks for your visit)

Hettie said...

Hehe! My friend text me a similar picture the other day and said "all this for one card"! Then I sent a pic of mine back and said me too, only I had the second desk covered too! Messy is the new Busy though don't you know?
Lovely card there. Love that style of card.

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh look, girly cards and handbags..very nice. You did so well with your Macmillan coffee morning, blooming good for you...on top of being so busy all the time, you're a star.

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Yea! I was feeling a bit twitchy after the last desk I just visited, super tidy and well organized. I feel more at home here, like I belong. Congrats on raising so much money!

Morti said...

I love the step card you've made - just lovely.....

Thanks for stopping by!

Ginny Maxam said...

What a great desk/card/workspace!! I love the step card! Congrats on your earnings, that is a lot of $$!

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...