Wednesday, 9 October 2013

What’s on Your Workdesk? Crikey is it really Wednesday??!!

I’m terribly terribly late, really have lost the plot being at home. Had no internet yesterday which hasn’t helped, and only realised it was Wednesday when I posted the October giveaway (post below, do join in!!)

Anyhoo, here’s the desk.


Been prepping things to make tree ornaments for a Christmas fair in about 4 weeks – chipboard birds and stags. While I had the gesso out I did a little arch thing, not sure where that’s going yet. Also did some little roses made from UTEE – aren’t they adorable? They are probably going to be used for the December giveaway together with that little bird – get me, give me a few days at home and I’m all ahead of myself. Shame I don’t know what day of the week it is. And the blue hearts – trying to get the Kroma crackle right but I’m not sure about this product – takes far too long to dry for an impatient Annie like me!!

What else? Well had my Macmillan Open House Monday, so far have raised just over £300 which is going to be ‘matched’ by my new employers John Laing so really pumped about that. I’ll let you know the final total as soon as I get it – I just have one or two more things to come in.

Anyhow, I don’t expect I’ll get many visits joining in so late but I’ll pop by and see a few of you and reciprocate to those that do visit me.

Happy (what’s left of it) Wednesday!! Oh yeah, if you’re new go here – it explains it all!!


georgina said...

Well done you...that will go a long way for them,,,luv Georginax

shazsilverwolf said...

What a busy bee you are! That is very generous of your employer- must be a good company to work for. Have a good week, Hugs, Shaz #31 xx

Unknown said...

Oh, how I envy your ornament making! I wish I could drop everything, and just start making Christmas ornaments and cards! Thank you for your kind comment about my knitting--I am amazed that the tank top is turning out well. Thanks for the visit and happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #5

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Wow, you did well raising the money..many congrats on a great job!!!
I love the leaping reindeer on your desk, very Scandinavian. It reminds me of a BBC Christmas trailer from a couple of years back :-) you'll have to show us what you do with them!
Hugs, LLJ 44 xx

Kate Hadfield said...

Oh I love the doves and reindeer - they are lovely! Well done with the fundraising!
Happy WOYWW! Kate #54

Kate said...

Not just Wednesday, but now it's Thursday. My week is flying by and leaving me behind.

Hope the Christmas decorations sell well.


SusanLotus said...

Looking forward to see the final result of the ongoing projects on your desk. :)

Happy creative week to you Cindy!


ria gall said...

Hi Cindy
I am loving your Christmas tree decorations I can't wait to see them finished. I hope somewhere in you busy life you find some you time to be able to craft
Happy WOYWW and wishing you a great week
Ria #50

The Taming of the Glue said...

Well done on the fund raising. The bird ornaments look lovely. I love making those roses, and yes, they are great dipped in UTEE, look like Capo di Monte. Hugs. Pam#37

Anonymous said...

Lovely bit of crafting! I've got some wood ornaments as well that still need painting. (I got them on november last year....)
Hopefully this year I won't be so late! But time goes indeed fast.
Thanks for sharing your desk!

famfa said...

fabulous fund raising - well done. love your door hangers on previous post. cant wait to see the reindeer etc
famfa 2 - very late sorry

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...