Wednesday, 7 October 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #592

 Morning all another Wednesday has whizzed round. How is everyone? 

So here's my desk.

Oh dear, look at that coffee ring! I've been playing with the idea of splitting a stamped image and adding a sentiment. I tried my very hardest to work the diagonal cuts out logically with the result that every one came out a bit different. Not a problem. But my advice - start with a bigger piece of card than your finished size and trim it by eye. 

I've also got these on my desk.

Couldn't sleep last night so grabbed an unused stamp set and stamped a few images. This is really the weirdest stamp set I've ever bought, it was a chinese purchase, cheap as chips, and looked like an A6 background stamp with all these doggie images. In fact, each of them is seperate, even to the extent that the ones on the edge are half a stamp if that makes sense. WTF? Anyhow, no idea where this is going yet but they stamped well straight out the box.

Just remains for me to report that my Macmillan efforts this year have raised £305. Considering I didn't actually have a coffee morning I am pretty impressed with that!! 

Why am I telling you all this? Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?

Have a good Wednesday. Stay home. stay well, stay safe.

Cindy x


Lunch Lady Jan said...

Many many congrats on the amount raised!! Those new stamps are fab (even if they are a bit weird), you can't go wrong with a cute dog image!
HUgs LLJ 11 xxx

Mary Anne said...

Oh that splitting and adding idea is a terrific one and it looks lovely on all the samples. The dogs are adorable too.

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (2)

Susan Renshaw said...

Well done on your fund raising for MacMillan.
Those little doggies will be very useful!
Now I am thinking of a split stamped image...
Happy woyww! Susan #7

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

The floral cards are beautiful and the doggie stamps look cute! You never know what to expect from Chinese stuff - some of the things I bought from China were very good, others less so. Have a happy week! xx zsuzsa #22

Helen said...

Well done on the fund raising . Sorry I didn't make it home in time to join in x Helen #1

glitterandglue said...

Hi Cindy. Well, first of all - what a fantastic total for McMillan - well done - only sorry I couldn't join in. Secondly - wow!! Those cards are simply stunning - well done. And thirdly - oh my! What a surprise - half dogs!!! But the individual stampings are fun.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #3

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, loving your Christmas cards and the doggie stamps to which are so sweet. Well done with the fund raising too that's brilliant. Have a lovely week and a very happy and safe woyww, Angela x16x

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, well done on that total! I was watching a Jennifer MacGuire video on the split image technique, it's now rattling about in the back of my head while I figure out stamps to do it with. Love what you've done with yours.Stuff from China can be a bit of a gamble, but these sound to have worked out well. Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

Diana Taylor said...

Your cards are gorgeous - I really love the pale blue flowers above and below the sentiments band, what a very effective idea. Well done on raising so much for Macmillan, that' a very impressive amount and will do a lot of good.
Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx #14

Felicia said...

Cindy your cards are gorgeous! Each one beautifully done. The doggies are cute! I guess we all have a stash of "unused" stamps that we either got on sale, "thinking" we'd use, or won somehow! Sounds like that was a perfect time to pull them out! What ends up happening is that the craft that you come up with far exceeds whatever you thought about the stamps initially! I'm banking on that for you! LOL Blessings for the rest of your week! Felicia #27

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi Cindy, well done on your donation total, I think that was brilliant for a non coffee morning. Lovely cards. Angela #25

Sarah Brennan said...

Well done on the fundraising Cindy. The cards look great and the dogs are cute! Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Well done on your fund raiser Cindy, it's a charity we give to regularly and they need everyones help. Love your cards, splitting up the image adds lots of extra interest to the design, they look awesome. Wishing you well & Happy WoywW Tracey #6 x

Chrissie said...

Great work with the fund raising Cindy and your makes are fab! I think you're going to be busy colouring all those doggies!
Chrissie #23

Karen said...

Great cards ~ I would have needed a die cut to get the diagonal correct myself ~ I like the doggie images too! Great fundraising, that's terrific ~ Enjoy ~ Love, Karen #33

Belinda said...

Hi Cindy! I love those cards! I want to try the diagonal cut. It's beautiful. Maybe I could create it on my Silhouette because the Xacto knife and I are arch enemies!! Your cards came out beautiful and I am inspired to try that. I hope you get some better sleep tonight. I have those times when I can't sleep quite often lately. Stay well.
Belinda #30

Ellie said...

Hey Cindy!

Wow that is an amazing amount of money you have raised, well done! Hahahah I love the dog stamps, I often get the "WTF am I doing" thought when crafting hahaha. The beautiful blue birthday card is my favourite, its gorgeous.
Pleeeease share if you make a card, or anything using the dog stamps. I wake up a lot in the night and have a ridiculous hour craft session. I think I'm losing the plot to be honest hahaha. Stay safe!

Ellie xx

StampinCarol said...

Congrats on your fund raiser! Love your diagonal cards, they look great! Cute dog images! Bet your cards will be adorable!
Thanks for popping by! Have a great week!
Carol N #24

Lillianb said...

What a great idea never thought of that, I love all your little images cute or what,

Thanks for your visit to my blog,

Lilian B # 9

Julia Dunnit said...

Sorry to be so late. I’m trying not to get a reputation for it, but it’s not going too well! Brilliant result for Macmillan Cindy, I hope you’re really pleased. You may not have had a coffee morning for real, but I suspect as much effort has been expended! I really like the images separated with the text, and I can totally see why you give that tip....brilliant.

Shoshi said...

What a great collection of cards and stamped images, Cindy, and well done raising so much for your non-coffee morning! Sorry to be at the 11th hour with a visit - I've been very busy this week trying to get the needle books finished in time.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #18

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...