Wednesday, 21 October 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #594

Well hello  there deskers, hope everyone is well and coping. We have moved into the second level in London so a few more restrictions for us going forward. Means I'll have to revert to shouting at mum from the garden but hey ho we'll survive I guess. 

Thanks to everyone for their good wishes last week, I am feeling much better these last couple of days but still a bit dopey, though I think that might be the night nurse - however if I have to suffer a couple of zombie days to get a good nights sleep I'll take it!!

Still not much crafting getting done, it's not so much my mojo is off as I can't make a decision as to which of the many projects in my head I want to start. Fortunately a couple of commissions have come in so I can concentrate on getting them done. So enough waffle here's the desk:

So this is a provisional layout for a commission card. A 60th birthday with a flying eagle, a meerkat and some scripture. I have mislaid just one of my scalloped circle dies and would you credit it, every time I want to cut something that one is the size I need. I do have my scan n cut so in theory I can cut any size but the mental activity that would require just seems to be too daunting in my current state. So I'll just try and work around it. First world problems I guess! 

Why am I telling you all this? Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?

It's a grey day here, and pouring, so I hope to get around to everyone as  I won't get distracted by the garden. However the internet seems very flaky today, if it keeps playing up I may just leave it till tomorrow so apologies in advance if you don't see me today.

Stay well, stay  safe,



Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Oh, Night Nurse - we love that stuff! It really does give you a good night's sleep though I'm a bit dubious about its fluorescent green colour! I'm curious to find out the connection between the eagle, the meerkat and the scripture on your card! Hope you're feeling much better now! Happy Wednesday! xx zsuzsa #13

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, a few people are having trouble with the internet today, seems to be a BT/Chrome issue.Chrome is ok, thats what I'm using, but we aren't with BT, so it looks to be a specific issue with that configuration. Liking the card, but I'd struggle with that brief, so well done. Yep, it's always the thing you need most that vanishes, hope you find it soon. Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

Lunch Lady Jan said...

How interesting that you were poorly too - I'm glad you're on the mend but I don't know about you, my oomph still hasn't really come back. My mate reckons I should have had a Covid test, maybe I should but i had no symptoms apart from 12 hours of a really high temp, I just ached all over and had no energy. I would say I'd have a restorative gin but I don't even feel like that.....blimey. Love what you've been working on, you do produce some gorgeous things!
Hugs LLJ 17 xxxx

Christine said...

Your card looks interesting.
My advice is stay in the warm and ignore the outside.... it's working for me at the moment!
Hope you feel so much better that your mojo comes back.
Christine #14

Diana Taylor said...

Glad you are on the mend and getting back into the crafting - blimey that's an odd combination for a card, I don't know that I could pull that together! Love the bits and pieces that I'm getting little glimpses of on your desk and I love the aqua colours too.
Hope you have a good week,
Diana x #19

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Night Nurse is good when you are needing sleep but does leave you feeling sleepy the following day. Pleased to hear you're feeling better. I can understand the difficulty in making decisions with the crafting that happens to me all the time. Wishing you a lovely week and a very happy woyww, Angela x20x

Felicia said...

Hi Cindy! I am not familiar with Night Nurse...have to go check that out! Hopefully, rest will find you soon! And hope your time will pan out to get some crafty things done! Stay safe! Felicia, #32

glitterandglue said...

Hi Cindy. Oh bless you. Night nurse sounds a bit heavy... but if it works, yes, go for it! I so know the feeling - so much going on in my head, just where do I start! I'm sure you will get there - especially after a couple of really good nights. Yes, more restrictions. We go into total national lockdown on Friday evening - so all is coming to a standstill here No-one in house or garden apart from people you live with, shops mostly closed, churches closed again... and so it goes on.
Take care. Get well soon. God bless.
Margaret #3

Helen said...

How you feel more with it soon. It's not been a good day weather wise has it stay safe Helen #2

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Good to read you are feeling better than last week Cindy, keep on sipping that night nurse if it helps go for it.. I have overload head all the time when one idea merges with the next. Have fun creating those commissions, looking good from what I see on your desk. Hope you are back up to steam very soon. Take care & happy WoywW Tracey #8 x

Chrissie said...

There's nothing quite like a commission card to get the creative juices flowing... looks quite a tricky combo of items. Hope you are feeling up to par very soon!
Chrissie #10

Crafting With Jack said...

Sorry you are not feeling too good, hope you feel better soon. Angela #36

Sarah Brennan said...

Glad you are starting to feel a bit better at least Cindy. Hope you recover fully soon - and find that die! Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

Karen said...

Keep crafting and healing ~ sending blessings your way ~ Karen#40

Shoshi said...

Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better, Cindy, even if somewhat zombiefied! Don't overdo the Night Nurse or you might turn into a junkie lol! I think your body is telling you to rest. It's very tedious when you can't find something, and typical that it's the one size that you want! Hope it turns up.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #22

Mary Anne said...

Hum. Catching up on my visits and I thought I dropped back int the list where I left off, but then I was pretty sure I did not see your desk! Glad I came back cause I don't see a comment from me here!
ANYWAY, the card in looking like it is off to a good start, and lovely to have commissions to prod you along and keep you crafting. Missing Nesties? OMG! Terrifying, cause they are not cheap, right? Keep off the Night Nurse and clear your head then have a good rummage. It's probably clinging to a radiator or something...


Happy WOYWW, a few days late!
Mary Anne (9)

Julia Dunnit said...

I’ve had to leave it quite late, sorry! You are good to tackle commissions like that - a merekat, an eagle and some idea where I’d start with that, it’s a bit like someone just picked objects from three random lucky bags! I’m the same about the scan and cut, if I’ve got a die, it seems much less trouble to use. Not what I promised myself at the point of purchase I can tell you!

Shoshi said...

Thank you for your return visit, Cindy, and I'm glad you're enjoying seeing the progress of Tiny Carpet #5, which I hope to have completed by Wednesday. I'm getting on quite well with the background now. I am glad you are feeling less zombiefied now, but sorry to hear that your computer has been in zombie mode - that is a bore! All this Covid business certainly is playing havoc with the normal running of the NHS which still needs to be running normally - a huge amount of unnecessary suffering is being generated by what is now effectively the National Covid Service instead of the NHS! (Don't get me going on the subject of the govt's handling of all this...) I think my cataracts (if they are ready to be done, which I don't know yet) will probably join the list of other stuff I am still waiting on, like my hernia repair. These days we can just go whistle for any elective surgery, it seems. By the time they get to me, I reckon my whole small intestine will be on the outside and I shall have turned myself inside out. Hey-ho indeed.

Hope your mum gets her other cataract done before too long.

Eight hours' sleep? I envy you! At best I sleep 4-5 hours. I don't seem to require more, and am happy staying up till 4 a.m. and beyond and have to make myself go up to bed. My M.E. plays havoc with my diurnal rhythm and I can't get going very well in the mornings. I try and force it back into a more normal pattern and end up sleeping worse so I just have to go with the flow really. On the other hand, my hubby sleeps for England - like Lily (his fav of the 2 kitties)! They are a right pair.

Shoshi x

Susan Renshaw said...

Hope you are feeling better and that you find the missing die!
Sorry for the late visit.
Susan #24

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...