Wednesday, 16 December 2020

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? - WOYWW #602

Oops, I did it again..... totally forgot about Wednesday last week until late afternoon. So I missed all the post anniversary chat. I do better when I remember to prepare a post on Tuesday afternoon (as I am doing now) so I am ready to go!! But not to worry, the week flew by again and here we are at WOYWW 602 - well on the way to the next celebration already!

So I hope you are all well whatever constraints you are living under at the mo. In London we are going into Tier 3 today, but won't make much difference to me as we haven't been going out to pubs and restaurants or even visiting. I don't really see that it it is going to achieve much in the next 10 days whilst the shops are open and people are still going in to work. My DIL2B starts vaccinating today. It all sounds a bit complicated, it isn't just stick it in and shout 'NEXT'. It's gonna be a tough few weeks for those on the frontline as they try to turn protocol into action. Not that it's let up really. But hey, ho here's my desk. I don't know what to say really.

I am just about to tidy up, as I hope one of my cuttlebug plates is in this mess somewhere. (I kind  of feel all cutting plates should be coloured. I never lose the purple gemini one or the grand calibur ones). I have finished today's project and it's time to clear space before I start on something else. 

Today I finished the 'handmade' present we have to make for the family Secret Santa (pretty pleased with myself as usually still doing this Christmas Eve). As mentioned when last here I had picked out my nephew, a 20 something male - groan, my nightmare as far as craft presents go. This is what I have made.

I haven't laughed this much since I made my sock snowmen a few years ago (I still have an army of them that come out every year).  I was also surprised, when doing some research, that there are quite a few variations on this theme out there that are actually up for sale..... Not sure any of those use recycled prosecco corks though. 

Oh well that's me feeling rather Christmassy despite everything. In case you aren't, here's 3 of our Christmas trees. I may have shown you before but they are so pretty. The kitsch one deserves a close look, some of the decs are amazing, many many more than last year. As usual blogger won't let me arrange them nicely.  Or will it?.......

Hope everyone is keeping well, 

Stay home, stay safe, 

Happy WOYWW Cindy.

(UPDATE: Spotty internet again today, been trying to upload since 8.30. Never did find the cuttlebug plate.)


Lunch Lady Jan said...

Lol, you had to make a big sacrifice there, drinking all that Prosecco to get the corks....but you’re a hero :-D. Well done to your DiL2B for being a jab jabber, tough work, well done her. Love your Christmas trees especially the Kitsch one, sooo girly, it’s gorgeous.
HUgs 7 xxx

glitterandglue said...

Hi Cindy. I'm with Jan - that was some sacrifice! Great gift, though! I love your 3 huge Christmas trees - they are gorgeous. I confess to 2 large ones and one small 2ft high one that has my advent pyramids on. I love putting them up, seeing them, and leaving them up until the very last moment!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #4

Mary Anne said...

Three trees?? I have very mixed feeling about the tree trimmming. Until it is up I dread the process, while I am doing it I can get a bit stressed (especially the lights!) and then once it is up it really feels like Christmas and I am happy. Three trees would slay me!

Your cork tic tac toe is cute. I hate fizzy wine, so you really did well there , to get the raw ingredients LOL!

I was doing some die cutting and realized my Big Shot plates were all messed up, with pretty much all of them having cut marks on them. I find I can use my raspberry plate from my Grand Calibur as a substitute. But if the Gemini is the little powered cutter, I am tempted to get another. How funny that once all I wanted was a BIG die cutter and now I fancy a tiny one I don't have to crank. DOH!

Happy too close to Christmas WOYWW!
Mary Anne (1)

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, wow, thats a lot of trees! But they do look fabulous. Great job on the Secret Santa gift, you probably picked the hardest person to make for.Stay safe, have a lovely week, hugs, Shaz #6 X

Julia Dunnit said...

What a sport you are, to drink so much to make the gift. And what a great idea Cindy, it may be a laugh but it’s entirely useable with in is not always the case with craft gifts is it! a I can’t choose between your trees, they each look just fab. I’ve got two minis and two more normal sized ones this year. Every bauble I own is in use, and that hasn’t happened for years. Like you, I’m starting to feel relatively festive now. Your desk looks splendid....I’m ready to tidy mine and move on at last, really actually looking forward to tidying up for a change!!

StampinCarol said...

Fun gift and it was probably fun getting the corks! Very cute! Love the trees. We have such a small house we only have a small one. Great desk!
Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
Carol N #29

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I know what you mean about the tiers - they don't make much difference to me personally. I don't think they should shut shops down though because there will be crowds in the ones that are open - it's better to spread people out! I do love your Christmas trees - the more the better when it comes to Christmas! Happy #602 and thanks for visiting! xx zsuzsa #27

Helen said...

well done with the gift; I am sure it will be great fun. I think people have got so fed up with all the rules now that they aren't taking much notice - I hated working from home for the 3 months I did so am much happier back at the office (all as covid safe as we can be) and am being as careful as possible everywhere I go.... love the trees, show them all you like! Helen #2

Chana Malkah said...

The gift is a fun one! I am sure it will get a lot of use! I think all of our desks look like that when we are in between projects! Very nice trees!

Have a crafty week!
Chana Malkah, #34

BJ said...

Oh poo Cuttlebug Plate - have you found it yet? Yes coloured ones would be good, different for B and C too would be great. A is already White.
I usually get emails for all the comments on my page but just happened to notice I had 9 comments but only 8 emails! I think yours went the same way as the Cuttlebug plate.
Thanks for your cards (Christmas and Lockdown) Oh and your trees are superb, love the multicoloured one, such fun!
Merry Christmas if either of us are not around/forget next week BJ #25

Karen said...

Beautiful trees ~ I love the white and silver one ~ Some day I would like to have an all glass, white and silver tree in the dining room. I've started collecting, so maybe someday! The gift is adorable and sure to bring on a smile! Enjoy the season ~ Love, Karen #32

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

That Tic tac *Ho ho Ho* game is fab what a super pressie and your Christmas Trees look awesome. I hope the plate comes out of hibernation very soon. Happy WoywW Tracey #8 xx

Lillianb said...

Bet you enjoyed drinking all the Prosecco, hope you had some help. love the handmade present, always seems nicer when handmade, Love the tree's

Take care and stay safe,

Lilian B #10

Sarah Brennan said...

Oh I do hope that Cuttlebug plate turns up eventually Cindy. Love the crafty gift for your nephew. You are more than making up for my lack of Christmas spirit with the decorations too. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Diana Taylor said...

Ooh I love your trees - they are all gorgeous. I also love the Tik Tak Toe game - that's a great idea and fun both making it and collecting the corks for it I'm sure!
Have a great week,
Diana xx #22

Shoshi said...

My goodness, Cindy, doing your duty like that and downing all that Proseco just for the corks. Going the extra mile, beyond the call of duty, and all that! Your desk is an amazing sight. I expect once you've resigned yourself and bought another cuttlebug plate, the lost one will immediately turn up, which is the way of such things. That's how I ended up with 2 Tim Holtz rulers.

Thank you SO MUCH for the gorgeous card that arrived in this morning's post! It's brilliant, and so kind of you!

Thank you for your comment, and I'm glad you enjoyed your visit. I am shocked at the shenanigans you had to go through with your GP surgery!! I thought my situation was bad enough, but that was the absolute limit of endurance. It's almost as if they've set themselves up to be as difficult as possible, and everyone is blaming Covid for everything these days - brilliant excuse for downright inefficiency and incompetence. I'd have been spitting way before the end of your saga, and I simply haven't got the energy to jump through all their ridiculous hoops these days. What sticks in my craw is that we are all supposed to be soooo grateful for the great god NHS when it's their job to protect us, not the other way round!!! I certainly wasn't into all that virtue-signalling seal-flipper clapping at the beginning of all this. We do pay through the nose for it, and it's not the doctors and nurses etc who are the problem, but the inefficient management systems which are so top-heavy and wasteful. I'm spitting tacks over the way the Exeter hospital have (not) treated me but have no complaint against the surgeon. (Rant over. For now, at least.) I just hope your problem will be as speedily addressed and dealt with as possible - it doesn't sound like the sort of thing that should be left hanging around for too long.

I agree about the corn - the more research I did into the terminology, the more confused I got! Lol! I've always been highly amused at grits and hadn't a clue what they were. As for the kitty stitch, it's a really fun one to do. People are clever, dreaming up stuff like that! I'm looking forward to making up the cat paw ones too.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #21

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi Cindy, your Christmas trees are fabulous and your tic-tac-toe toe craft is amazingly clever. Have a great week Angela #5

Annie Claxton said...

HI Cindy oh Wow! what a brilliant hand made present, I love it and willmost definitely be copying it - beautifully presented as well. Annie c #28

Kyla said...

oh wow that secret santa gift is a brilliant idea (a good excuse for having some more prosecco!!).
Thanks for visiting my desk already


Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, just popped back to check on anyone I'd missed but not sure how I missed you but I have. I am in love with your secret Santa gift it's brilliant and your trees are a real treat. Take care down there and stay safe. Hugs, Angela xXx

Susan Renshaw said...

Wonderful Secret Santa gift! And amazing trees!
Sorry I am so late commenting...
Happy 602nd WOYWW!
Stay Safe and Keep Well...
Susan #23
Calling All Crafters! – My personal Blog!

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...