Wednesday, 30 December 2020

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? #604

 Sorry, what day is it again? .....

Ah yes, hello deskers, here we are at the very end of this horrible year, sharing our desks for a final time before the New Year. I hope everyone had a lovely, if somewhat restrained Christmas with lots of crafty goodies. We finally got the all clear mid morning Christmas Eve and the celebrations began immediately - so I do apologise, I didn't get round last week!  I didn't get a huge amount of crafty stuff but did score some TH stamps, tools, some brushos and a substantial voucher to spend on Lavinia stamps so more than enough to keep me happy. 

We have had a lovely time, just us 5, ate, drank and played lots of games, we don't do tv at Christmas. For the game players amongst you my best recommendations for new games were 'Dobble' (pretty good brain exercise if you are getting on a bit as well if you get my drift), 'Dark Cranium' (I had to leave the room twice I was laughing so much) and 'Cat Chaos'. 

But you are here for the desk. Well, it's pretty fact every surface is pretty bad....

I'm not actually crafting at the mo. I am using this dead time before the end of the year to go through every shelf, drawer and box, checking that what is in there is what is supposed to be there, throwing a few bits away (not enough I admit) and generally tidying up and rearranging. (Of course this means I won't be able to find anything in January). I've decided I need to get rid of at least 2 die cutting machines that I never use, my TODO and my XCUT but that's a drop in the ocean really as you can probably see. Tomorrow I will temporarily put Christmas away so that I can see the wood for the trees. I broke my big rollaround chair and I'm not sure whether to replace it - after all, I probably need the exercise - there's certainly more room without it. I'm also quite enjoying having the table 'free-standing' in the centre of the room but I'm not sure how practical that is long term. I need to clear everything that has been dumped on it to make a sensible decision. 

Well I doubt any of us will be going anywhere anytime soon so it's good to have a project!! Why am I telling you all this? Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?

It's scary out there folks, Stay home if you can, Stay well, stay safe,

Cindy x


Sarah Brennan said...

Good luck with the sort out Cindy. I must admit that my Sizzix BigShotPro or my ebosser only get used when I am using a Bigz die but I won't be rid. My Grand Calibre is on its last legs so That will be the first to go. Stay safe, happy WOYWW and Happy New Year. Sarah #9

Neet said...

Well Cindy, I thought I had some stuff but I think you beat me! What a busy room that is. It will be good to have the same views side by side when you have finished the cull.
Had the facepack and the marshmallow hot chocolate and thoroughly enjoyed both.The facepack smelt good enough to eat (strawberries and cream) so a big thank you again.
Here's to a better year ahead than the one we have just had. Keep crafting, blogging and stay safe, happy and well.
Hugs, Neet 13 xx

Helen said...

Having had the pleasure of seeing the room in the flesh I can attest to how full it is (even then, must be several years ago now) but I do have room envy!! Good luck with your sort out and hope you still find things when you want them! Much love for a happy and healthy 2021, stay safe. Helen #5

Lunch Lady Jan said...

What a lovely Christmas you had with the family! We did too, low key but great fun, lots of games too - thanks for the heads up about yours, I’ll keep those recommendations for future presents! Wow, you have an amazing craft room, I’m glad you’re enjoying having the sort out as long as you remember all the new places where stash has gone!
Happy New Year!
Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

Spyder said...

Oh My Giddy aunt.!!! you have my mess in a bigger room! I Love It! And you are right. start moving things about and you'll never remember where you put them! Happy WOYWW, Keep Crafting. Stay safe and a very Happy New Year!
((Lyn)) #19

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh gawd Cindy, that’s a lot to do in this dead time, I’m just floating about a bit really! I need to get a grip and do some sorting so that I can settle into making some January birthday cards. Will use your motivation tomorrow! Glad you enjoyed Christmas, we did much the same as you, but played older games...blankety blank and Jenga again! We had 7 and kept the older ladies apart, and even managed not to hug everyone as they left after a sensible period of stuffing their faces and running us ragged!! No really, it was fun. Are you proposing to stand now that your chair has met it’s maker then? OMG, your desks will be too low, surely? I think your big mat will be a copied must have when I get back into the other room, I like the hard floor, but Riley chairs are pretty hard on them aren’t they.

Crafting With Jack said...

Love the look of your craft room, I think you have a fair bit more of space than me, but think that’s what my room would look like if it was bigger. I have been sorting a bit out too, after all you can’t use it if you don’t know you’ve got it :)
Wishing you a happy and healthy new year Angela #14

Caro said...

I'm glad you had a lovely family Christmas and I love the peep into your craft room - what an amazing space - enjoy/good luck with the sort out! Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. Praying for a happy and blessed New Year for you and yours. With love & God Bless. Caro x (#16)

Heather M said...

Hi Cindy, I think the only word I can use for your room is Wow! I would never remember what I had or where everything was if I had so much craft stuff. Good luck with the sorting. I'm sure you will come across things you forgot you had! It does look amazing though - and I am quite convinced craft stash expands to fit the space available- probably why Mr M is taking his time putting up more shelves for me! Glad you had such a good Christmas- I used to love the family games when my daughters were young. Have a lovely week and Happy New Year, hugs Heather xx #30

Felicia said...

WOW, Cindy, that is a craft room and a half!! I would LOVE to have a go in there! LOLOL I get needing to go through and shuck....we all could, that's for sure!! And I confess, I have weeded out and then brought it back in!!! LOLOLOL Lot of good that did me huh??? Good luck with that end of the year project and Happy New Year to you! Blessings, Felicia #31

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Oh my Cindy your craftroom makes my little space look like a shoe box haa haa what a fab space, i'd be rolling around on the floor making star shapes it it were mine haa haa!!
Sounds like you had a super Christmas game playing, now have fun with the craftroom clean up, I'm rearranging my creative space around me too.
Happy WoywW & all the best for 2021 crafty HUgs Tracey #7

Mary Anne said...

OMG Cindy, I could be looking at MY room! I always knew we were kindred spirits LOL! But beware the sort out - whenever I re-organize it take a few weeks, if not MONTHS, for the muscle memory to fade and for me to stop going to where something WAS instead of where it now IS!

Enjoy the process :)
Happy (almost) 2021!
Mary Anne (6)

Shoshi said...

Your room is absolutely awesome, Cindy, and nice to see it so busy! I hope your clear-out goes well. I really must tackle mine as well, this coming New Year - the place is a tip and I've got so much rubbish that's accumulated.

Thank you so much for your beautiful card - in pride of place on the mantelpiece with the special ones!

Happy belated WOYWW and happy New Year,
Shoshi x #25

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, hope you will forgive me for being so late this week. Your workspace looks good to me but then I have no room to complain as I still haven't cleared the loft from moving stuff into the new cabin. Sending New Year hugs and happy belated woyww wishes, Angela x17x

Lillianb said...

Happy New year Cindy and good luck with the sorting I am doing the same thing as I have lots I dod not use so thought why keep them,

Take care and stay safe

lilian B #3

BJ said...

Oh my goodness Cindy that is a craft room and a half, looks like a shop to me LOL.
Happy New Year BJ#10

Susan Renshaw said...

I am so envious of your craft room!
Glad you had a fun Christmas - must look into some of those games. Daughter Sophie had us playing some computer game which had us in stitches. And my arm aches with throwing the controller around!
Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well!
Update on here in Victoria – after more than two months with no Covid cases we now have a handful again…
Susan #15
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Chana Malkah said...

Happy New Year!

Good luck, Cindy! I am supposed to start de-stashing tomorrow and I am already tired. Seeing your space made me feel better, though! I don't have 1/3 of the stuff you do so I guess I should just get to it!

Glad you had a joyous holiday and I pray it continues for you throughout 2021!

Sorry for the late visit. I had a few computer issues!

Stay safe and be well,
Chana Malkah, #1

Shoshi said...

Hi Cindy, thanks for your visit and for your kind words! I'm glad you enjoy my blog titles - you are the first person to remark on them. I always try to think up something fun and a bit different (hopefully nobody will accuse me of click-baiting lol!). I love messing about with words and as I write the post, something usually emerges that will fit the bill! I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel with yarn for the kitty throw now, and hoping every day for the delivery of the new cones. I've got bits and pieces I can use to crochet more kitty motifs in the meantime. You are right about the kitty videos being better than this year's Christmas offerings on mainstream media - total rubbish! If it wasn't for my hubby I would cancel the TV licence altogether and just go for internet streaming. I'm getting far better stuff on Netflix and Amazon Prime these days, not to mention YouTube - top quality documentaries on topical issues. A few months ago I gave up my subscription to a TV magazine because I was simply not finding anything worth watching week after week. When all else fails, there are always kitty videos to watch, at any rate! Lily is quite the telly addict.

Shoshi x

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...