Wednesday, 14 April 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday - WOYWW#619

Hello there WOYWWers!!

It's 3.00 pm Tuesday and I have only just managed to get to my desk - where do the days and weeks go?

Anyhoo here's my desk:

Not much to show, I've started  going through my template box and file which are both in a bit of a mess to say the least. I'd like to rationalise it down to 'one' storage place but I think there may be a little too much there!! 

(In the event I threw 50% of it away!!)

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself.

I did finish that commission I told you about last week - this is what we decided on, quite pleased with how it turned out, they are quite dimensional but fold flat. Managed to use up some scrap (always a win in my book) and got some use out of that big flower punch as I made 2 more while I was in the 'zone'. 

These are both earmarked for friends birthdays later this month. (That may sound very organised but I have to remember to post them - not so good at THAT she says flying out the door to the postbox with a card for a birthday tomorrow (ie Weds) that was ready 2 WEEKS AGO).

So that's me for now, hope you have a wonderful week, I am looking forward enormously to having my hair cut tomorrow.  It will be like a day out!!

Whatever you are up to, be sensible (I know you will) stay safe, stay well, love n hugs Cindy xx



Neet said...

I love daisies so they are a win win in my book without a doubt. A set of lovely cards which I am sure will be a delight to the recipients.
I would love to downsize various files (in boxes) I have which are things like 'techniques' 'books' 'made in america' etc. It's all about knowing which to throw away and which to keep. I think I need one of those organisation boxes to sort through each box of stuff and maybe stop having things in duplicate/triplicate etc.
Hugs, Neet 4 xx
ps if I had a pound for every card I have made and left until the last minute (or too late) I would be rich.

Crafting With Jack said...

Lovely daisy cards. We managed to forget my father in law’s birthday again this year! His card arrived a week after the event. I remember a few weeks before, but I seem to forget completely around the time I need to post it. Happy WOYWW and have a great week Angela #9

Lisa-Jane said...

Beautiful cards! I love the Best Wishes but - is that a die or a cutfile? Totally with you on the posting front. Getting the card, address, stamp and me in the same room seems to be the hurdle. Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #8

Sarah Brennan said...

Loving the latest cards Cindy - that large flower punch does look useful. My templates are shoved onto two shelves in a mini unit on the big book shelf and could probably do with half of them throwing away too lol. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

Lunch Lady Jan said...

It’s almost like 2020 didn’t exist, the time has gone so fast - when we talk about things happening, it’s hard to believe it was in 2019. Blimey, Tempus Fugit and all that! Do you feel all floaty now you’ve had your haircut, I certainly felt heaps better when the hairdresser sheared me, lol! Those cards are fab (you’re so clever!) and my fav is the final pic because the blue background paper reminds me of the wallpaper in our kitchen which makes me smile every day!
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Those big daisies look wonderful on the cards! So full of happiness! I know what you mean that you have to ride the wave when it comes in relation to 'being in the zone'. I can't create anything on demand if I don't feel like it - mind you, sometimes it's enough to just sit at my desk and wait for inspiration to strike me - other times it never comes, and that's when I turn to YT or the internet! Happy Wednesday, Cindy! xx zsuzsa #24

Caro said...

I love those cards, the big flowers are fabulous! Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#15)

Helen said...

Gorgeous cards... I am like that too - and then I also have been known to walk past the post box with the card IN my hand and still not post it...... hey ho.... Have a great week Helen #2

De serendipity said...

Ohh those cards brought a smile to my face...... love daisies. I am sure your friend will be thrilled when she opens the card full of blooms.
Sandra de @25

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Loving the flower cards they are really smile worthy. I have no room to comment on organising anything but who knows maybe one day. Have a very happy and creative woyww. Hugs, Angela x17x

Julia Dunnit said...

OOh Cindy that’s me. Our nearest post box is at the end of the next street but I can’t use it because it’s collected every morning and that’s no good when you need something to get there the next morning! The daisies are wonderful, I love the cards. I need to know more about your sentiment stamps and things, we are due another chat anyway, will try to remember to ask you!! I hope the original commission was pleased too, you are so good at realising what people envision. Sunny early today, so am going to do something radical and take my Ma in Law to a garden centre with a coffee vendor in the car park!

Shoshi said...

I love your 3-D cards with their bold funky flowers, Cindy. A great collection. Hope you enjoy your day out having your hair done! Mine remains permanently in "lockdown chic" style, just getting longer, with a few more twists to the braid as time goes on! That's the way I like it. No hassle, and it's neat and tidy. Well done with your sorting and organising too. One day, one day... I will get round to tidying my studio! Not till I've finished the yarn projects though, because I can't face lifting those banana boxes up onto the top shelf again till I'm sure I won't need to drag them back down again! Meantime, they take up half the floor.

Thank you for your visit - yes, thank you, I was fully recovered from the awful migraine by the next day. It was scary at first because I hadn't felt faint like that since I collapsed when I was going down with sepsis as a result of the severe post-operative bacterial infection I suffered which put me back in hospital for nearly 3 weeks - I was hoping history wasn't partially repeating itself! All was well, though, and I was very reassured to read on the migraine websites that fainting is sometimes associated with migraines. Never had that before, though, and I used to get dreadful ones when I was younger. I shall be very fed up if chocolate has decided to be a trigger, because like you, I would like to be able to indulge once in a while.

Not too long to go before the great reveal of the kitty throw, I hope. I've started on the black outlines on the squares and then I shall continue with the making up. It has proved to be one of the most enjoyable projects I've ever made! Glad you liked my old Kaffe Fassett Persian Poppy jacket too - it's a fun pattern and dead easy to do.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #18

Stacy Sheldon said...

what a cool fold these have Cindy, I love the depth and those gorgeous big blooms too :) ~Stacy #29

Susan Renshaw said...

Lovely cards... but I know what you mean about getting things in the post on time!!
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #26

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy Belated WOYWW. Gorgeous floral cards. I am the opposite to you, ie good at posting things, but rarely find the energy to make cards nowadays (ordering from Moonpig is a fantastic invention!). I have had a mostly restful week, and generally taking life slower when possible. Ali x. #22

Kyla said...

ooh the commission looks fabulous and loving the large flowers, really nice and love that they overlap the edge of the card too, may have to have a go at something similar. Running a bit late this week but just about made it and thanks for visiting my desk already

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...