Wednesday, 7 April 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #618

Hello there guys, another week has whizzed by (well the Easter celebrations helped with that) and if it wasn't for WOYWW I wouldn't know what was going on. Here's my finished page from last week's desk.

Inspired by Zsuzsa's post last week I decided to try out some emboss resist where you remove the embossing powder after inking. I was really happy with the result but failed to take into account the effect ironing the embossing powder off would have on the completed page on the other side..... oops, total disaster averted but it was a close thing. I can't explain what this page is about - something or nothing LOL - but I like the way it turned out.

I also find the waste created by this technique can yield interesting resist effects (why oh why am I so obsessed with using the waste?). So I made 2 ATCs with the leftover bits from this project. Just because.  Here's this week's desk.

The 'Paris' card was supposed to be for a colouring demo - so I might as well make it up as I won't be doing that. I thought that little Gorjuss girl look kinda French with her beret and fitted with that Paris background die.

The book to the left is a little album I'm doing for my mum. Just need to add the photos.

Not much on my desk this week as I am waiting for clarification on a commission that I need to get done - there was a bit of miscommunication and my first attempt was not quite what she wanted. It's for my best, loveliest but most demanding customer so I just want to get it done and dusted as soon as she gets back to me.

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself.

Following on from last week (sorry) I have a couple of photos of the park on the other side of the A40. It is relatively new, only opened in 2008, and apparently has won awards for its design. The site is pretty damp so it has a bit of a wildlife/wetland vibe but also has 2 kids playgrounds, exercise equipment, fishing platforms and a tackle shop, a cafe and toilets. These photos are v early Easter Sunday, when it's lovely and quiet and just a really nice place to be.

Downside - it gets very, very, very busy - the local FB resident sites were all ranting about the amount of people (and cars) by the afternoon as it was a nice day and everyone was out.

This amazing photo (not mine! It was taken by Malgorzata Sikora) won 1st place in a Love Your Place photography competition. Awesome. Looks like something out of Disneyworld. 

The park was also a staging point in 2012 for the Olympic Torch - Boris Becker ran round and down one of the hills and then on towards Ealing centre.  

And here am I in high viz holding back the crowds as I was a volunteer steward. Got a good view!!

I have managed two months without any craft purchases but cracked last night and ordered 2 Lisa Horton 3D embossing folders. 

Consequently I couldn't help smiling at this when I saw it earlier today:

I hope you are all getting ready for our new freedoms that are coming - I have hair and nail appts booked - not too fussed about the pub until I'm sure it's a bit warmer and don't expect to do much else  except for the odd coffee meet up but looking forward to tidying up my head and hands. 

However, I'm still gonna say it, Happy WOYWW, stay safe, stay well and have a wonderful week,

love n hugs Cindy xx


Mary Anne said...

I am so with you on using waste and scraps. You might enjoy what I am working on - I'll probably finish before next WOYWW but will try to include a photo for you. It's challenging but fun. Odly, also involving a resist technique I discovered that is fun. Anyway, I love the journal page and the ATCs - who cares if the page is about nothing? One day, paging thru your journal, you will stumble on it and all will become clear - happens to me all the time. Just create and enjoy. And that photo is stunning. What a place - no wonder it won a prize.
Happy WOYWW day!
Mary Anne (2)

glitterandglue said...

Morning Cindy. Love the little French girl - and the book looks good. The park looks beautiful - such a lovely place to be. Well done getting there before the rest of humanity!!! I confess I didn't get out of the car when in the mountains on Sunday - just gazed with admiration and love!!! It was busy, but nowhere near as busy as I expected. I think folk have realized that the police are serious.
Thanks for your visit and comments re the photo. I love taking photos - they don't all work, but I keep trying... and I use loads of them in my artwork. Of course I will send you the jigsaw. I have an address for you - I'm trusting you haven't moved recently... let me know via margaret(dot)diddanfa(at)gmail(dot)com then I can get it into the mail for you. I don't need it back, so pass it on when you have done with it.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #3

Neet said...

Absolutely love that journal page - it is fabulous in every way.
Love the Parisian girl, I am surprised Gorjuss girls did not take off more than they did - there are some beautiful girls in the series and they are a really good price. The one you have used is perfect for Paris.
What a delightful park, shame that everyone wants a slice of it but I guess you can't help that when you create something so lovely. It will be an obvious choice for a visit I guess.
Good luck with the commission.
Hugs, Neet 4 xx
ps did you see my message on FB (thanks to you from Anna)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oh wow, that park is amazing as is that brilliant photo, is that a kids playground? My boys would have adored that when they were little. It was the best thing having the first post lockdown haircut, I felt so much better, so I hope that you enjoy your appts too! Enjoy your new stash, I think you will have lots of fun with it!
Hugs LLJ 15 xxx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I adore your efilump page so much! How cute is that? I guess you have to be careful ironing on the pages in your journal - it never occurred to me as I never done that only on loose sheets - it could be a disaster if you have embossing or oil-based products on the other side! Even acrylics would melt at higher temperatures and stick your pages together! Lucky save and I love how you used the mop-up of your gold embossing - it would have been a shame to waste it! I only used this technique with clear embossing but I can see how the gold would leave some cool residue behind! What a lovely idea to make that book for your mum and it's nice seeing a photo of you taken back in 2012! Working on commissions must be hard because the customer has a clear expectation of what they want - it's not like selling something you already made. Tricky, but I'm sure you'll rise to the challenge. Have a lovely week, Cindy! xx zsuzsa #21

Sarah Brennan said...

The funny at the end made me smile Cindy. Love the Gorjuss girl in Paris card. Hope you get clarification on your commission soon. Love the new park but I can imagine how crowded it can get on a nice day. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, great journal page love it to bits and the ATCs too. Of course you have to use up any waste bits it's just that I keep saving mine and don't get round to using them Lol! Loving the photographs and the funny is brilliant! Sending big hugs and wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x17x

Lisa-Jane said...

How fab is that hefilump?! The colours are great and using the waste is always a good thing in my book. That photo looks other-wordly doesn't it?! Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #9

Caro said...

I love your Efilump - it is simply gorgeous! Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#14)

Helen said...

Fantastic journal page, Cindy! I love the local photos too, and that prize winning one really is amazing. I have hair appointment booked (hallelujah!) but totally not fussed about the pub. Kew was fab!! Helen '#1

glitterandglue said...

Hi again Cindy. I have now had three requests for the jigsaw - so when you have done it, please pass it down the line. I will write a list when I get it into the mail for you. Thanks.
Margaret #3

Crafting With Jack said...

Well I think I understand the technique, by waste, do you mean the extra paper? One more technique to go on my list of things to try. I love your effilump pages. Happy WOYWW and have a great week Angela #6

Spyder said...

I treated myself to the Lisa Horton mag this week, nice papers to down load and some nice goodies inside too Pictures are lovely. Didn't do anything over the Easter. Hubby wa busy in his workshop getting an old bike put back together, hopefully if its working by tomorrow, we''ll go out. He wants pictures taken of him on it for a bike magazine... Love love love your efilump, he looks gorgeous! And I think the 'french' girl looks perfecto! Stay safe! Keep crafting! Happy WOYWW?! ((Lyn)) #13

Shoshi said...

I love the embossing resist technique, and always use the waste sheet - you get a much less defined result which is quite subtle. You can even get a third sheet off that. Sometimes mistakes can turn into triumphs, though - I did a painting in my little leather art journal once and used some red ink to add some accents and they went right through to the previous (completed) page but actually the random red spots did add something! I usually use gesso now and that prevents bleed-through. You can get some very interesting effects if you heat that! Also, glueing pages together helps prevent bleed-through.

Lovely photos of your environs, too.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x#20

Julia Dunnit said...

You really are multi handed Cindy, your mixed media pages are as gorgeous as anything and everything else you make, particularly love the inclusion of the gold. Really fab. Am still so enjoying the box of goodies, you come with me practically everywhere...on my lips, my hands, my key ring! Delightful,thank you again. Like you, I’m looking forward to my odd coffee date and not having to think too hard for shops, but pubs and etc don’t really affect me. Specially the sitting outside part of it!! Your park is lovely, what fab photography...I didn’t think Disneyland though, sorry, I thought the hills were a bit tellytubbyish! We had loads of locals out walking and blocking the place up, social media was lit up!

Anne said...

I keep all sorts of bits, can't throw away :-)
Got hair appointment. Can't wait. Other than that probably not much change other than can meet up for coffee outdoors. Take care Anne x 29

BJ said...

Oh I so nearly miss your comments each week Cindy - all the others come as emails which I click through to make sure I have responded but yours strangely doesn't get emailed. I do a double check these days.
Your post colours this week are right up my street, the journals page and the ATCs are super, adore the efilump. The Paris card layers are gorgeous. The children's play area is AMAZING, what fun.
Thanks for the visit BJ#5

Susan Renshaw said...

Love that Efilump page! Really made me smile!
The prize winning photo is impressive.
Happy WOYWW! Susan #19

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...