Wednesday, 19 May 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday WOYWW #624 - The 12th Anniversary

Happy Anniversary!! Cannot believe it is the 12th anniversary of WOYWW - how do you do it Julia? What a star you are, it really is quite something. Especially this last year where it has given some kind of structure to the endless weeks in lockdown. Even when other friends were distant and it was becoming harder to keep in touch because everyone was suffering from the apathy caused by lack of contact and new experiences, it was reassuring to know that crafters were rocking up every week to share a laugh, a word of praise or a measure of encouragement. Well done and thank you.

So here's my desk, all ready to send out, are my anniversary atc swaps and postcard. In this covid year I did consider doing something a bit thoughtful, choosing an Iris for hope, yellow for friendship and printing out the phrase 'friendship sustains hope'. In the end, I couldn't make it fit in a pleasing way so went for a random word but for what it's worth that's my thought process.

I can still take some additional swap requests so do feel free to ask. The 'ready' batch will go out today, any new requests will be posted Thursday/Friday. 

I didn't think about posting them early so they arrived in time for today - thank you Jan for my lovely ATC and card which I received  yesterday. Organised as always!!

I have really done nothing else this last week, as it has been mainly preparing/recovering from 'The Church Wedding'. The weather was not particularly kind to us but we were allowed to sit inside the Village Hall in the end (with the doors open) rather than a gazebo outside which would have been rather grim. The sun did come out for a short while to enable some photographs and I'll post a few more next week - we have another ceremony on Saturday so there will be more to choose from. That way you will only have to endure loads of photos once. If you can't wait there are a few on my FB page. Weather is looking pretty pants again for an outside event this weekend - I may be taking my wellies never mind the heels.

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Have a great week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy xx


Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Hi Cindy, you're my PIF! I've already sent out your ATC and it should be arriving soon! I love your daffodils - definitely full of hope, renewal and friendship! Happy anniversary and congratulations to the young couple. Hope you'll have good weather this Saturday - it's touch and go these days - I narrowly escaped a downpour on Monday when I went to the town to post my ATCs, but got lucky! Hope you have a wonderful week! xx zsuzsa #17

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Happy 12th WOYWW! I think your ATCs are beautiful and yellow seems to be a prevalent colour in your life recently, especially in your wedding outfits and shoes! Great pics of the wedding, it looks like everyone had a blast. I hope the weather is kind for the next ceremony!
Hugs LLJ 3 xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

It's definitely good to see you here with your awesome ATCs. I am impressed you have a postcard, too. I love the beautiful yellow irises you created. They are fabulous. Nice wedding photo, too. Happy 12th Anniversary from # 10.

Diana Taylor said...

Hi Cindy,
Gorgeous photo of the happy couple, glad the day went well and you managed to stay out of the bad weather. Here's hoping the weather this coming Saturday is a lot better for you.
I love the ATC's and I'm very pleased that I'm your PIF! I'd like to pop an ATC in the post to you as well if you are happy to let me have your details. I can't access your email via your blog, my computer won't allow it for some odd reason, so would you mind emailing me at please and I can reply to that with my details too. Sorry about that!
Happy 12th Anniversay,
Diana xx #18

Neet said...

I don't know whether we agreed to swap but we usually do so guess we are doing and I would love one of your beautiful iris ATC's. I will make another trip to Bury today to post the last of mine off. Am taking every precaution I can.
Loved the wedding photos on FB and can never get enough of wedding pics - I love a wedding! Thought your dress was beautiful and the wedding party looked so lovely. What a beautiful family you have.
Hugs & Happy Anniversary,
Neet 1 xx

Helen said...

I may be a cynical divorcee but I love wedding photos the more the merrier. Happy woyww and to many more Helen #11

Twiglet said...

Happy 12th anniversary! Your little ATCs are lovely and doesn't the bride look stunning in your photo (well and the groom of course). Annie and I have just had a coffee to celebrate and sort our ATCs to post. xx Jo

Lisa-Jane said...

It really hasn't been the sort of weather we'd expect from May has it?! I hope the bride managed to keep her dress free of mud. The iris cards are beautiful and so thoughtful too. I would love to swap as I haven't started them yet so I can do as many as I need. Anyway, happy anniversary! Lisa-Jane, #2

Mary Anne said...

Oh my - your ATCs are stunning, and the bride shines as bright as the sun. What a lovely wedding it must have been despite the weather. I think I tried to email you about swapping, in response to your comment, and you might very well have snagged the last one I have. Lovely to see your art week after week.

Happy 12th Anniversary to all my desk-hopping mates!
Mary Anne (7)

Annie said...

I've had a really manic morning with sewing so am late in the day joining in the celebrations. Thanks so much for your love and friendship for all these years my friend.
Annie x # 19

Caro said...

I love the idea of the yellow iris for hope - the ATCs are lovely. The happy couple are gorgeous and I enjoyed the photos on Facebook. Happy 12th WOYWW Anniversary. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#15)

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Your ATCs look gorgeous. I saw the wedding pics on Facebook, they are really lovely and I think considering what the weather has been like it could have been a lot worse. The bride looked stunning. Have a lovely creative WOYWW Anniversary. Hugs, Angela x25x

Robyn said...

Happy 12th anniversary! Thanks for inviting me and visiting my place. Here’s to 12 more!
Robyn #6

Crafting With Jack said...

Happy WOYWW Anniversary! Lovely yellow Iris ATC’s. I am glad the wedding went well. Angela #23

glitterandglue said...

Hi Cindy. Happy anniversary. Your ATCs are rally beautiful. The wedding photo is so lovely - oh my word... just look at the colour of your daughter's hair!!! It's beautiful. Mine was just the same 49 years ago - rather faded now. Glad the sun made an appearance for a short while for a few outside shots.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #25

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Cindy, Happy Anniversary. Ooh what a beautiful photo of them :) Love how your ATC's turned out too. ~Stacy #35

Sarah Brennan said...

So glad the wedding went well even if the weather wasn't too kind Cindy. That's a beautiful photo. Fabulous ATCs too. Stay safe and happy 12th anniversary WOYWW. Sarah #9

Debbie Rock said...

Hello Cindy ... thanks for popping by my blog yesterday! LOL, no, I don't give all my artwork away ... all of the giveaways were made specifically to, er, giveaway, and I tend to keep the original of anything I make and then do another should anyone want one - which is great if it's something I loved doing but challenging if I didnt! Your ATC's are just beautiful and how wonderful to hear of a wedding taking place. Hearing of so many weddings cancelled or not going ahead as hoped has been so saddening - Charlie & Hollie's wedding had to be cancelled last May and Lucy's life changed dramatically as she is a wedding photographer ... been really awful seeing them go through such difficult times. Let's hope with all our hearts things are now picking up. Much love my dear from Debbie 14 xXx

Susan Renshaw said...

Happy Anniversary!
Those ATCs look wonderful -
and what a beautiful wedding photo!
Happy WOYWW!

Susan #31

Heather M said...

Hi Cindy, happy 12th Anniversary. Your ATCs look gorgeous, and if I do manage to find time to make some, I would love to swap - but I'll know more next week! The photo of the happy couple is lovely - very strange times to be getting married, that's for sure! I'm glad they let you sit inside! Thanks for visiting my blog. I think the Brushos will last forever, as you only need a few specs at a time - brilliant investment though! Have a lovely week, Heather xx #20

roffeycreations said...

Hi Cindy - lovely ATC's - afraid I am so far still not getting any crafty stuff done - but its nice to see others are. See you at next WOYWW Cheers Maurs xxx #26

Spyder said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSAY Cindy! Sorry I'm late... Yes I'd love to swap if you have one spare! I decided to make mine all different...your look faboulous, I'm not thinking, oops, maybe mine should be all the same... they've all got WOYWW on there somewhere! HAPPY WOYWW ((lyn)) #5

Lynnecrafts said...

Beautiful yellow irises in your ATCs! And what a gorgeous wedding photo!
Hope is so important now that it’s a really good message
Happy WOYWW anniversary week and have a great time
Lynnecrafts 3

Julia Dunnit said...

Aw Cindy, the wedding, all looks beautiful, what a happy day. Decent of them to let you have the village hall in the end. It rained in cold torrents on our wedding day and I barely remember that, so don’t worry, the bride and groom will have memories that don’t necessarily include the weather, after all they’ve gone through to get this far! Didn’t they look a beautiful couple. Had a good long look at your FB pics too, love your dress. Hope the shoes were good for standing about in! Your ATCs are lovely and I love the sentiment in your thought process. This collective would be so much the poorer without your writings and photos.

Shoshi said...

Lovely ATCs, Cindy, and a beautiful wedding photo. What a beautiful bride, so slender and elegant in her fabulous dress, and I love how her bouquet co-ordinates with her glorious red hair! Wow.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #29

Empire of the Cat said...

oh I love your ATCs. Happy 12th WOYWW! Better late than never! Elle #12

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...