Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Wha's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #627

Oh dear AWOL again, a combination of Bank Holiday confusion and a bad back meant I completely missed Wednesday last week. But no matter, I'm back again, and here's my desk.

Not much crafting to show but a plethora of craft machines. This was me finally getting round to checking my todo machine works OK in anticipation of getting rid of it and also checking my brand new - in the sense of never having been used rather than recently purchased - Go Press and Foil machine works. I really only bought the todo for the foiling and then hardly ever used it because it was always covered in 'stuff' as a makeshift filing space. I feel I am much more likely to use the GPnF. Mind you it was a pre-lockdown purchase so no guarantees there but they both work fine and I was very impressed with my first attempts on the new machine. I was even more impressed that I managed to sit it centrally on that piece of card!!

Other than that, life just plods on, getting increasingly busy with catch ups and the odd meal out but mainly consists of walking, gardening and household chores but very little crafting!!

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Have a great week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy xx


Sarah Brennan said...

I do hope your back is feeling better Cindy. I have a MINC for foiling which works with laser printed or photocopied items. Good luck selling the TODO. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

Helen said...

I've never had a foiling machine and am impressed with your first attempts! Yay to using "new" (or newly rediscovered!) products! Enjoy the sunshine. Helen #2

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Cindy, I believe you are machine happy. That foiling is amazing. I]m always in awe of tools, so it looks like you have more than what you actually need, Of course, is that ever the case? I don't think so, either. Happy WOYWW from # 3.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Do you know, I just think I’m getting the hang of the card making lingo and then you throw a curved ball - what on earth is a Todo machine?? And how do you pronounce it? As in To Do? OR Toad-oh? These things make me ponder…sad but true. Sorry to hear your back’s been bad, sounds like a good chance to just sit in the garden and drink gin rather than weed.
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

Neet said...

I only recognise the little green die cutter which was my first ever purchase of that type of machine - now, of course, I have loads. I really should have sold some of them years ago - I mean who wants a first edition Cricut now? Was trying to remember the name of that little green machine the other day and it still escapes me - it will come to me when I go home and see it irl.
I am impressed with the gold foiling. I remember demonstrating a foiling machine but I had to stamp images and get them copied on a laser printer before the show. I still have some of my images I did. I think you do lots of commissioned cards so it will pay for itself in no time with you. Can you do other metallic colours too - like silver, copper and blues and greens?
Sorry about the bad back. Funnily enough a friend of mine had one and said she had thought of me and wondered how I managed all this time. Two and a half years now and not that much different. Yesterday was a particularly bad day but hey ho - no use in moaning. Just hope yoursl gets better soon and if not persevere and be strong and make the nhs do something about it.
Hugs, Neet xx 5

Lisa-Jane said...

Wow, the effect of that foiling is amazing! I am struggling to resist even though I have absolutely no need for one and I have never thought "I wish I could foil this". But it's so shiiiiinnnnyyyyy!!!! Hope your back is sorted now - blooming things. Bye for now, Lisa-Jane, #8

Spyder said...

I have just received a little mini Gemini and am sure its going to last for year cutting my tiny dies that the bigshot appears to lose. or they just get stck to the plate and I misplace them...The foiling is brilliant, I love playing with differnt stuff to emboss-have a great week! Stay safe, keep crafting! Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #26

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

The foiling from your new machine looks fabulous Cindy, Christmas sentiments especially will look awesome. I remember the Todo machine and have quiet a few essential shape dies that cut like a dream but the machine was far too big for me, I have limited surface space as it is. Hope you find it a happy home. You enjoy the pleasures of life as we are allowed to do a little bit more but take care not to over do it with your back.
Happy WoywW Tracey 13 xx

Mary Anne said...

LOL! Your array of craft machines reminds me of our bookshelf of cooking machines (multiple crockpots in various sizes, a tortilla press, soup maker, egg cooker...) I have a few but not that many. I seem to use my Sidekick A LOT nowadays cause the diddy size makes it desktop all the time. Not, the accordion is built fro the scraps, not built with scrap ON an accordion. I must find the video again. I know the creator is named Meg but I just need to do the work to track it down again - using YouTube on such a wide variety of devices, signed in with Hubby's Premium account on a couple of them and maybe NOT signed in on others, my history can me a bit spotty. I will do and let you knoe the link!

Back from my first real HAIRCUT in 18 months - truly a HAPPY WOYWW!
Mary Anne (1)

Crafting With Jack said...

Hope your back is okay now Cindy. I haven’t succumbed to a foil machine yet, but the effects are very tempting. Enjoy your walking while the weather is good. Angela #12

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

OK, so I immediately had to go and look up the GPnF - the burning question is - do I need one LOL? You've got some amazing results there and I've just watched a video which showed how to use it with embossing folders! Well impressed! Will sleep on it and try to talk myself out of getting one! Happy playing! xx zsuzsa #28 ps. I missed last week too!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, the machines look interesting but I try not to buy any more as I've been tempted in the past and now have stuff that has hardly had any use and feel guilty but can't pluck up the courage to let them go. The effect looks lovely though. Hope your back is feeling better. Have a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x17x

Shoshi said...

First of all, I hope your back is on the mend now, Cindy. It must be so painful and difficult to do anything - you have my sympathy! I am so grateful that with my various health problems, pain has not been a major issue - not sure how well I'd cope with that.

I am fascinated by your machines! I have just spent some time looking them up and watching some YouTube videos. I am particularly impressed with the ToDo machine and think I might get one of these. I had been thinking about a Big Shot but it's so massive, and the ToDo does sooo much more! I've got a little Cuttlebug which works fine but it's a bit limited because it's so small. I am fascinated that you can not only die-cut and emboss, but also hot-foil! I've wanted to do foiling for ages but haven't got a laser printer or a laminator and have had no success with other methods. This is definitely something to look into. At the moment, of course, I'm into yarn-based crafting with the various things I had to get done (throws for the new furniture, knitting UFOs etc.) but I do have a hankering to get back into my studio and start working with paper again! (My goodness, isn't WOYWW amazing for learning about new stuff...)

Thank you for your visit and your sweet comment - very much appreciated. I got through the last lot, and have every intention of getting through this one too. It's my hubby I feel for most as he does worry, and he also has to take me to all the appointments and it's a major commitment of time. Yes, thank you, I had a lovely birthday - very quiet on the day but enjoyable with my lovely new knitting bag and pencil case from my hubby! We had a smashing day out earlier in the week which was my birthday treat.

I've also made the mistake of freezing things in much too big portions!! I've got it sussed now. I've worked out quantities, grain-to-water ratio, cooking time etc. so my portions always come out the same. If you would like me to share these with you I'd be happy to do so. Many recipes call for a can of beans or chickpeas etc. but I always cook my own from dried legumes (much cheaper, and with the pressure cooker, hardly any time, and no soaking involved) and make up can-sized portions for the freezer. I am very happy with the results now. I usually cook batches of 4 packs of grains (so 1 pack would be, for instance, rice for 2), and 4 portions of 1 1/2 cups of legumes (one tin each). Hope this is somewhat clearer than mud lol! There was quite a bit of trial and error till I got it right, but now it's easy peasy when I need to cook more.

So glad you like my Persian Tiles! I am so enjoying doing this project and very pleased now I've got the colours right.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #9

Lillianb said...

I hope your back is feeling a lot better today, and wow all those machines no room for crafting there lol

Stay safe and well,

Lilian B # 10

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh your poor back, I feel for you. My life is taking on a similar shape as lockdown eases. In fact, I went out to a pub last night for the first time and I have to say that this morning I’m shattered, feel like I was at a rave or something, such a late night!! Can’t believe I’ve gone from ‘nothing will bloom, it’s so wet and cold’ to enjoying some gorgeous blooms and rushing to make the most of the sunshine in the space of a week! The smaller foiling machine is fab, I reckon even I could find room for that, so please don’t over tempt me. I do love a nicely foiled image….! I can see you doing some amazing work with that, your commissioned work will double when people see that you can do that.

Stacy Sheldon said...

I was grinning as I still have my original cuttlebug too :) and I have no clue on the foil machines you have the one I caved on was the one that fits in the gemini JR. I think the pieces you made turned out great. Hopefully your back lets you have some play time soon Cindy. ~Stacy #31

Shoshi said...

Hi Cindy, me again - wow... what can I say? You are soooo generous! Are you sure about this? I would love to have it but would hate you to be out of pocket and would be happy to give you something for it! I will certainly pay the postage, that goes without saying. It looks such an awesome machine! I am really glad that I didn't buy a big shot now. This will be an incentive a) to get back in the studio again and start working with paper once more, and b) to tidy the place up, in order to make room for it!! I know it's got quite a bit footprint. I do need to do some reorganising in there, quite apart from tidying up - it's been an absolute tip for months! If I can tidy up before I have my surgery, that would be a real boost, as well.

I really can't thank you enough! What a star...

I think you've still got my address but if not I can email it to you. If you send me your bank account details I can pay the postage by BACS, or I could do it by Paypal if you've got the facility, or send you a cheque - whatever you like. Just let me know.

Loads of love,
Shoshi x
PS How is your back today? Any better? I do hope so.

roffeycreations said...

Hiya Cindy - just a quick pop by to say Hi - I am - like every one seems to be "flat out like a lizard drinkin" to use an Aussie expression LOL!
Gorgeous stuff on your desk - Have a great week - Stay safe & well - Cheers Maurs xxx #35

Marit said...

I don't know a thing about those machines but the result with the butterfly is gorgeous! Thanks for your visit to my blog the other day, big hug to you beautiful one! Love from Holland. Marit #20 (P.S. Cataract surgery went very well, I am in the healing mode right now but am able to spend some time at the computer... and I can SEE well, yay!!! )

Shoshi said...

Hi Cindy, just got your latest comment on my blog, and I've emailed you. No worries - you take care of you and yours and everything will get sorted eventually!

Shoshi xx

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...