Wednesday, 30 June 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday WOYWW #630

Hello WOYWWERS, looking forward to seeing your desks as I have been absent for a few weeks - well, that's June gone then!!

I should be in Great Yarmouth at the mo but we decided to cancel as mum went in to hospital following a mild heart attack/episode last Tuesday (we aren't totally sure what happenned). She needs to have a repair and/or stent to her enlarged aorta but although this is considered fairly routine they want to do a general anaesthetic and there are complications due to her spine, lung and heart problems and the fact she developed a chest infection the third day she was there. She had a pacemaker put in on Monday to try and regulate her heartbeat, but they still aren't happy so until the cardiologist and anaesthetist have had their say we are all in limbo. She is well in herself (full of antibiotics and oxygen) but fed up of being poked and prodded and being attached to so many machines!! And also frightened and lonely. Covid means only one visit of one hour a day - we pushed it a bit the first few days but are having to conform now. There are four daughters, plus sons in law and grandchildren who want to visit so it's very hard to div up the visiting slots! Not being able to see her whenever we want really brings home how tough people have had it during Covid - a couple of months ago we wouldn't have been allowed in at all. One day at a time.

Well all this excitement hasn't really helped my non-existent mojo but I do have something to show you on my desk. When in the doldrums I follow a demo or utube video and the one I watched 2 weeks ago was this Interlocking Panel design by Sam Calcott of Mixed Up Crafts which had me reaching for my 12 x 12s and some paper pads. (Yes it's taken me since then to finish them). 

Nothing especially demanding, quite an easy 6 x 6 card to make, but check your envelope sizes - I shall probably try 140cm x 140cm if I make any more to end up with a slightly smaller card. They are quite impressive though - a real 'mantelpleaser' as Sam says. 

One was intended to go to a poorly friend but I see on FB she's already got better - good job I didn't put get well soon on it!! 

On a plus note the craft room is pretty tidy!!

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Have a great week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy xx


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I have to admit these are really very impressive. I was in awe when you showed them opened. They will make great gifts on their own. And I love your tidy desk, too. Happy WOYWW from # 12.

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Cindy i'm really sorry to read about your Mum, I understand the worry having my MIL unwell and not at her best still. At least she has been allowed visits, it really does help the healing process.. You, Mum & the family are in my thoughts, take it easy on yourself, I know how hard it can be when these things happen, hope you will be able to enjoy that break away very soon.
Your cards are really beautiful & your clean desk awaits when your ready x
Healing WoywW Hugs Tracey #1 x
P.S You should try growing your own garlic, it doesn't really need any nurturing just time to grow and do it's thing ;)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I’m so sorry to hear about your mum but modern treatment means she will get better - G had a quad bypass fourteen years ago and he’s as fit as a flea! Hope that gives you some comfort. Your poor mum, I’d hate being in there with limited visitors too, she’ll feel better once she’s back home. Those cards are gorgeous and so clever, I shall have a look at the tutorial but it may require more stash/equipment than I possess!
Hugs LLJ 14 xxx

Diana Taylor said...

Wow your cards are beautiful and I love the phrase mantelpleaser - I'll have to borrow that!
I do hope your mum makes a quick recovery, what a worrying time for you and your family - I can only imagine how tough it's been having restrictions on your visiting. Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts,
Diana xx #28

Crafting With Jack said...

Your cards are won, indeed mantelpiece pleasers! The Covid situation has been so hard on people caught up in it. Saying a prayer for your mother and hoping they can sort her out sooner than later. Angela #7

Mary Anne said...

Sorry to hear about your Mom. Parents become as much of a concern as we were to them as babes, don't they? And so hard not to be able to visit! I wish I could see mine. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery. On a lighter note, I adore the cards. So pretty and I am off to check out the tutorial (once I get done hopping from desk to desk!)

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (2)

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Hope your mum gets through this soon and back home with her family - sounds like she's in good hands and the doctors know what they're doing. Covid remains an issue, I'm afraid but hopefully with the vaccinations and restrictions they can keep it out of the wards, however hard it is not having visitors come and go as they like. All those cards look amazing, Cindy! You're so good making them! I'm in awe as I'm a terrible card maker - with my messy style and general impatience, I always get into a pickle LOL - with smudges and wonky edges, etc. Have a lovely week, I hope you have your mum back home soon, out of hospital. xx zsuzsa #31

Felicia said...

Cindy, so sorry to hear about your Mother! My prayers are with you and your family! I am sure the divvy up on visitations is hard, I can't imagine! So thankful that restrictions have loosened up at least enough for you to visit at all! I was horrified by so many here in the states that had loved ones die in the hospital without getting to see them at all! And think about the poor soul who dies alone! I know your Mom will pull through and be home soon! I LOVE, LOVE your cards. I think your mojo is just fine! LOLOL Blessings for the rest of your week and peace and strength to you as you go through this hard time with your mom! Felicia #30

Robyn said...

Love your cards. I make the envie after the face so I know it will fit. Robyn 5

Helen said...

I am sorry to hear of your Mum's troubles - hope they can sort her out soon and she can get home - thank goodness you are at least allowed to visit for a bit, though the days must seem very long to her. Thanks for your visit and your apology is duly accepted - no need to make one at all! The cards you have made are stunning. Happy WOYWW Helen #11

Caro said...

Oh Cindy, I am so sorry to hear about your Mum. She (and you) are in my prayers. Love the cards - they are simply amazing. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, with love & God bless, Caro xxx (#29)

Neet said...

Sam does some lovely cards and that one sure is a pleaser.
So sorry to hear about your mum. What a worry for you and, I should imagine, very frightening for her being only allowed family for one hour a day. They must seem like very long days and nights for her, I hope she has some nice neighbours in her ward that she can talk to and, of course lovely staff. But still, it is better than it was previously when we were not allowed to visit people in hospital. Not much consolation though when it is someone you love.
Take care of yourself
Hugs, Neet 10 xx

StampinCarol said...

Hope your mom gets the treatment she needs.
Beautiful cards!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!
Carol N #4

Julia Dunnit said...

Ah your poor Mum, am really sorry for her. MeBart had a short procedure on Monday and the car park was full of people waiting and some a bit shocked at being unable to visit for longer than an hour. Am very glad that she’s well in herself, I hope the heart Doctors get on and sort her so she can get back to you all.
As for the cards, they’re abs lovely, she’s quite right with her phrase of mantleappeal. A lovely way to use some pretty papers which is a great way to spark the mojo for me.

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy Belated WOYWW. I hope your mum gets her surgery soon. It must have been horrible for those during Lockdown who could not have visitors at all. She must love that hour of chatting so much. Your cards are definitely very 'displayable'. Ali x #15

Sarah Brennan said...

So sorry to hear your mum is in hospital Cindy. Hope they come up with a plan soon to help her so she can come home and see more of the family. The days must seem really long for her at the moment - and you too. Beautiful cards. STay safe. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #9

BJ said...

Oh you are funny, I've missed lots of stuff lately but I guess we just pick ourselves up dust ourselves off and start again. Didn't mention this on my post but one of my son's childhood friends passed away quite a few weeks ago which has hit me hard. We live next door to his grandma, and the funeral is this coming Monday. We'd only played badminton with him the day before he went into hospital too. I do hope your Mum gets what she needs and things get better for you all soon. Lots of love and prayers BJ#25

Shoshi said...

I hope your mum is doing a bit better today, Cindy. I think the Covid restrictions are horrendous and have caused so much suffering. We have several people in our family going through this at the moment. People with dementia simply can't understand what's going on...

Your room is looking remarkably tidy! I think there's a tidying/reorganising bug going around our WOYWW community at the moment. You do realise that you are the one who is responsible for the remarkable transformation of my own room, don't you!! I simply had to get down to tackling it before the arrival of the Great To-Do! Another thing to be grateful to you for!

Those cards you have made are absolutely gorgeous... I really must follow this up. They make quite a statement and the word "mantelpleaser" describes them very well! Not the sort of card I would ever want to take down.

Thank you for your visit. Things are falling into place now, with the first of my phone appointments this morning, with another tomorrow - I now have a better idea of where I am supposed to be, and when, in order to get this show on the road. I know I'm going to have to behave afterwards and my hubby is going to be around to help - I just hope I don't get too frustrated! Lots of videos etc. to watch, and kitties to cuddle so I must just resign myself and enjoy the ride. I'm glad you've got a friendly kitty to chat with on your walks. They do love a bit of attention, don't they.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #26

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sorry I'm late this week just got a bit distracted. I'm sorry to hear about your mum, it's so hard when they are in hospital at the moment. My dad died in hospital last year and we couldn't go and see him which was very hard so I know how you feel. Hope you and Mr Mojo have a happy belated woyww, Angela x23x

Susan Renshaw said...

Sorry to hear about your Mum - hope she is doing OK.
Those cards are lovely - must have a go!
Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well!
Susan #24
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Marit said...

I hope your mum is doing better now, today I hugged my mum and dad for the first time since the beginning of Covid (March 2020) - we now all have our two vaccins - my parents got them earlier this year and it's been two weeks since I had my second vaccin now, so I bought cake and we celebrated with a hug! Have a nice weekend you beautiful one, love from Holland! Marit #13,

Kelly said...

Hi Cindy!
Very pretty cards. Sending healing energies to mum and patience all around. Thanks for including the link. I love checking out new faces. Yes, I'll be careful of moving stuff. Thankfully, most everything has its place... I just need to put it there! lol Creative Blessings and hugs! Kelly #32

Empire of the Cat said...

Hope you mum is doing better. I love your interlocking card designs, they look great. Thanks for your visit, I'm late this week Happy belated WOYWW! Elle #35, EOTC

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...