Wednesday 31 August 2022

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #691

Morning Deskers. Well  that was a busy week, a fantastic family get together on Saturday but a lazy Sunday and Monday pottering in my craft room. My desk this week is not so much one photo as a pictorial walk through of what I have been up to the last few days. As usual when I don't have much I need to do and even less brain power, pottering becomes re-organising...... I have recently been gifted a set of large punches (I can't say no, it's a disease) but they have been wandering around the craft room in a huge box getting in my way and generally irritating me. 

To make space I decided to go through my shoebox sized 'scrap' box which was getting out of hand, hasn't been touched for ages and frankly I surprised myself - I was ruthless. There were 3 choices - do I really love it?/Can it be cut into a useful size square?/Why don't I just bin it?  Well the bin has long since been emptied as it was rather full, the second became this:

So my current challenge is to do something with the bits I just couldn't throw away. (I have an irrational attachment to paper, one of my many craft related psychological issues. I'm dealing - self knowledge is half the battle), If they haven't been used by the time I go on holiday next week they too will be destined for the square box or, more likely, the bin.

Here's the first 2 cards I made. The coloured squares were the bits in my scrap box, recycled from a birthday card, I loved the colours. I have also sorted out my embossing folders - I stopped counting at 60, and that number doesn't count Christmas, Lisa Horton, or the many  embossability folders I also inherited and have never used. (As I said, it's a disease, I can't say 'no' to craft supplies). So guilt forced me to emboss the backgrounds on these cards. Whole thing took about 20 mins, essentially all scraps and I christened a NBU embossing folder. 

Win Win. So I carried on.

Craft club last week was a little chaotic as when we arrived the pub was closed. Apparently they didn't feel able to let us know they have had a change of hours and now don't open until 12. Planned refurbishment has been cancelled for the third time and things are looking bleak for my local. (It's a really old building  and at the moment several bits of it are being held up by iron posts - I can see them letting it just fall down so they can sell the land and build EVEN MORE flats. So sad). Anyhow, that has effectively put paid to us meeting there, especially as the currently landlady is leaving, so I am on the hunt for a new venue. We started rather late due to all the kerfuffle but still managed to make some shaker cards. 

So, why am I showing you my desk? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Have a good week, love n hugs Cindy xx

Wednesday 24 August 2022

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 690

 Morning deskers. Another week has flown by.

Main news: The project is finished (ish). In fact it was my daughter's birthday yesterday and I gave it to her with a few gaps - she will have to provide those photos if she wants them in, I don't have  them. There were tears. What a slog but worth it. No photo as I forgot and I don't know where it is at the mo. But here's her birthday card.

Before you ask, I have no idea where that shoe image is from. In my digital stash from sometime over the last xxx no years. I'm liking these springy cards, so as I had cards to do I did give myself a day off from 'The Project' last week to experiment some more and also try out a NBU embossing folder (sweet pea) from Lisa Horton. Was going for a watercolour effect, quite pleased with the finished cards.

Oh, forgot the desk - here it.

As you can see there are a lot of circles and squares on it. 2 minutes into tidying up I decided my box of 'shape' die cuts needed a sort through. So I started, then remembered it was Wednesday. This is so me.

Never mind  WOYWW, I am loosely committed for lunch/coffee today, I have done no washing or housework since Saturday, have a hair appointment tomorrow, a card class on Friday which I have yet to prep for,  I have 25 coming for drinks and food on Saturday, and there is currently so much stuff on the craft room floor I can barely get my feet down. 

But this is what I am doing with my time. 

Better get on with it then.

So, why am I showing you my desk? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Have a great week, love n hugs Cindy xx

Wednesday 17 August 2022

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #689

Oh it's all really been about the weather hasn't it? Too hot, too muggy, too sunny, too dry and now - too wet!! To be fair we haven't had much in the way of rain here so far but it has certainly cooled down a bit. My heart goes out to anyone who has had to work or travel this last week or so - however being an easily persuaded to stay at home retiree I haven't found it too much of a challenge but know others have. 

Here's the desk. I watched a quick video from Sam Calcott and tried out this card. Of course I didn't watch the 10 min video the whole way through so mine ended up going together in a different way because I missed a key instruction. I also managed to miscut the final mat to discover that I had no more of that paper so had to improvise again. But it's essentially an easy make, I like it despite the improvs, it folds flat and turned out quite a mantlepleaser. I might make one for my 'cardmaking' friend who only likes side fold cards. Revenge is sweet.

Work on The Big Project goes on. I have a week left to finish - will I manage to do it in time? The Jury's still out on that one. 

(Speaking of juries, if anyone has a chance to catch a NT screening of Prima Facie with Jodie Comer I can highly recommend it. I thought it was very good (a bit gritty at times) and tbh I suspect it has the edge on a stage production simply because you get such a good view!!)

Anyhoo here it is on my desk. It's looking a little more under control now but I have had to give up on some of my mat and layering ideas because it bulks the book up too much. I have to say there have been a few teary moments looking back at all these photos. What a silly old numpty I am. 

So, why am I showing you my desk? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Stay cool, stay dry, love n hugs Cindyxx

Wednesday 10 August 2022

What's On Your Workdesk? Week # 688

Morning deskers! How these numbers keep mounting up!

Been a pretty quiet week here, the highlight of which was to go to a pub to see a rendition of The Taming of The Shrew in the garden. What a hoot, and such talented, energetic young people. A perfect evening too, just the right temperature for enjoying an evening outside. Of course my friend did come over to craft last week, which was why I was a bit late getting round. We did manage to make the required 8 cards, but it was not my finest hour and I didn't take photos because frankly I don't want to be reminded of them. 

So here's the desk. Am pleased to report that some significant headway has been made with the big project, which in case I didn't say is an album for my daughter's 30th, which was last year, but I didn't get it finished in time - too many other things going on. I would hesitate to say I am halfway but have pretty much decided everything that is to go in, (why does thinking take so long?) just the physical sticking in and then decorating and writing a few bits to go. As you can see it's gonna be pretty bulky!! Maybe a 12x12 album would have been the way to go. As time goes on I am getting less and less precious about it, after all it will probably just gather dust after a couple of look throughs. 

Had to take some time out to make a couple of birthday cards (one awaiting finishing on the desk - two the same, they don't know each other, easiest way to go lol)) and a silver wedding card for a regular client. 

So, why am I showing you my desk? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Stay cool, love n hugs Cindyxx

Wednesday 3 August 2022

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #687

Morning all. It's that day of the week again.

I find I am rather unprepared to show you my desk this week. I have a friend who is coming over today with an impossibly long list of cards to make in 3 hours (sent to me at 2.15 yesterday) so I spent the afternoon trying to come up with ideas and track down stash (this gets exponentially harder to do when there are two of us in the craft room) so that we can at least have a stab at getting it done. I do sometimes find it a little frustrating that the only person I know who wants to come over and craft is the least crafty person I know so it ends up not really being crafting together but me crafting for two people..........

So the desk - the black card is one I have been working on after watching a Gina K video (which I can no longer find). The other is my attempt at making a 'dress' topper for today's visit (to meet the 'fashion' brief I was given). I found some templates on line but they turned out  ridiculously deep (as on the card) so the one on the side is my own version of the skirt  which I like better. 

The BIG project has at last been started, no thanks to my DD who, after scuppering my workroom plans Tuesday and Wednesday last week,  continued to work from home on Friday, be home in the evening (never happens) and then hang about until 5 on Saturday. Hopefully I will be able to show you something next week but don't hold your breath as the rest of this week is jammed.

So, why am I showing you my desk? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Weather? Too cloudy and muggy. Rain or go away will ya. Blue skies every night at 7.30pm is not conducive to my good mood. And the milk is always on the turn, every cuppa is a lottery. First world problems.

Stay well, stay cool, Cindy xx

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 798

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW which  is now being hosted at Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the lin...