Wednesday, 31 August 2022

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #691

Morning Deskers. Well  that was a busy week, a fantastic family get together on Saturday but a lazy Sunday and Monday pottering in my craft room. My desk this week is not so much one photo as a pictorial walk through of what I have been up to the last few days. As usual when I don't have much I need to do and even less brain power, pottering becomes re-organising...... I have recently been gifted a set of large punches (I can't say no, it's a disease) but they have been wandering around the craft room in a huge box getting in my way and generally irritating me. 

To make space I decided to go through my shoebox sized 'scrap' box which was getting out of hand, hasn't been touched for ages and frankly I surprised myself - I was ruthless. There were 3 choices - do I really love it?/Can it be cut into a useful size square?/Why don't I just bin it?  Well the bin has long since been emptied as it was rather full, the second became this:

So my current challenge is to do something with the bits I just couldn't throw away. (I have an irrational attachment to paper, one of my many craft related psychological issues. I'm dealing - self knowledge is half the battle), If they haven't been used by the time I go on holiday next week they too will be destined for the square box or, more likely, the bin.

Here's the first 2 cards I made. The coloured squares were the bits in my scrap box, recycled from a birthday card, I loved the colours. I have also sorted out my embossing folders - I stopped counting at 60, and that number doesn't count Christmas, Lisa Horton, or the many  embossability folders I also inherited and have never used. (As I said, it's a disease, I can't say 'no' to craft supplies). So guilt forced me to emboss the backgrounds on these cards. Whole thing took about 20 mins, essentially all scraps and I christened a NBU embossing folder. 

Win Win. So I carried on.

Craft club last week was a little chaotic as when we arrived the pub was closed. Apparently they didn't feel able to let us know they have had a change of hours and now don't open until 12. Planned refurbishment has been cancelled for the third time and things are looking bleak for my local. (It's a really old building  and at the moment several bits of it are being held up by iron posts - I can see them letting it just fall down so they can sell the land and build EVEN MORE flats. So sad). Anyhow, that has effectively put paid to us meeting there, especially as the currently landlady is leaving, so I am on the hunt for a new venue. We started rather late due to all the kerfuffle but still managed to make some shaker cards. 

So, why am I showing you my desk? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Have a good week, love n hugs Cindy xx


Lunch Lady Jan said...

What a shame about the pub, for the community and your craft group. I really hope it’s saved and carries on the fine tradition. Well done on having the hugest sort out, I’m proud of you!! I love those cards, a square image on a rectangular card is my fav and you do it very well!
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

Tracy said...

Hellooooo Cindy 🤗 me too from teeny tiny scraps of paper 😍 so hard to part with them. Looove the cards you made from the scrapbook were most definitely in the zone 🥰 Sorry to hear about your local pub ... it's so sad and such a loss to a community. Good luck in finding a new venue if you must ⭐Sending love and hugs your way Tracy #9 xxxx

Sarah Brennan said...

Sorry to hear about your crafting venue Cindy - I imagine with the hike in energy costs that closure is an even bigger possibility. Love the latest cards - great use of papers and embossing (I am the same when it comes to the exploding paper box and cupboard full of unused embossing folders). Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #15

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Oh Cindy you’re so inspiring in your crafty organisation. So hope some runs off on me, though can’t believe you’ve not used the Embossaliscious Swirls EF before I frequently call on it, it’s up there as a Favourite l
I pray you find somewhere for the crafty group and I’m amazed it’s legal to keep the pub running if pots are holding it up it can’t pass safety levels surely … anyway praying it all sorts out for all and keep using those scraps! You’re inspiring. Shoukd join Dis Snippets Challenge .
Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I can't believe they didn't tell you they had changes their times but at least you got some crafting done. We have our club at a church hall and I'm sure you will find somewhere else that will be only too pleased to welcome you. I'm loving how you've used up those small pieces of patterned card. I hate throwing anything away no matter how small if it looks as though I could use it for something. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x12x

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Really beautiful cards expertly crafted! So sorry about your pub closing - hope you can find a new venue soon! Enjoy your week! xx zsuzsa #19

glitterandglue said...

Hi Cindy. Oh, how disappointing for your craft group - but even more for the village community if the pub shuts completely. I do hope your group finds another venue. Those cards are just great - as you say... win, win. Lots made and lots of scraps used. Brilliant.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #5

Crafting With Jack said...

What a beautiful assortment of cards. Well done for sorting and using up stash - I am attempting the same! Such a shame your venue is closing down I do hope you can find somewhere else. Happy WOYWW. Angela #17

Helen said...

I hope you are able to find a replacement venue! Well done indeed on your scraps purging, I try to only keep useful size bits but..... yes, blink and you'd miss me.... Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Crafting With Jack said...

I had to laugh as our garden isn’t huge at all. Three of the ponds are those small preformed ones, one with lilies in is very small. The other two are nearly 4 x 2 ft. The best one is circular about 3 ft. I wish my husband had made it deeper, but it was good of him to do it for me. I had a lovely little tree there which died one summer so that’s why I had another pond. I cwould love to have a big pond with lots of fish x Angela

Neet said...

oh Cindy, i am so sorry to hear about your premises. How awful that you arrived not knowing it was closed and closing permanently. I have been wondering if the rent at ours will go up with the energy crisis, can't see it not doing. These places need heating and lighting for us. Well you have been productive, what a lovely array of cards you have done.
Not long now before we can meet up - so looking forward to sitting with you.
Hugs, neet 1 xx

StampinCarol said...

It's always great to use up scraps! Great cards!
Sad about the pub for your group but then sadder for the village.
Have a great week!
Carol N #21

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Cindy, what a pity about the pub and for your craft group’s meeting space m! It sounds like a lot of work to refurbish it.
Your cards are very pretty.
Take care
Lynnecrafts 14

Lindart said...

Hi Cindy! Your cards are lovely, and made me think. I hardly ever use my embossing folders because, frankly, I forget I have them! I have 3 cards to make this weekend, and you just gave me a brilliant idea to use those folders! I have cut up all my extra background papers that I never use and they are all now in a shoebox that I do go through every once in awhile (like in your photo but bigger) if I need something. It takes up much less room than it did before! So, thanks for the inspiration! Have a great week, and thanks for your visit, Lindart #22

BJ said...

Gorgeous cards Cindy, love how you've used the scraps and have just saved your photos so I can have a go. Shame about the pub, sometimes things get too difficult to keep going. I had a similar experience Thursday. I had been given a flyer about a coffee morning by the new church I visited last week. Turned up to community hall, door open but not a soul in sight. I mooched around all the rooms, no one at all. Very curious. Sorry I'm so late, life has been ridiculous this week. BJ#8

Kyla said...

ooh nice cards and fair play for tackling your scrap paper stash (SO not easy, I think we can all agree) and yes, free punches that are "gifted" are a gift! Hope you manage to find a new venue for your craft club too, and thanks for visiting my desk already

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...