Wednesday, 10 August 2022

What's On Your Workdesk? Week # 688

Morning deskers! How these numbers keep mounting up!

Been a pretty quiet week here, the highlight of which was to go to a pub to see a rendition of The Taming of The Shrew in the garden. What a hoot, and such talented, energetic young people. A perfect evening too, just the right temperature for enjoying an evening outside. Of course my friend did come over to craft last week, which was why I was a bit late getting round. We did manage to make the required 8 cards, but it was not my finest hour and I didn't take photos because frankly I don't want to be reminded of them. 

So here's the desk. Am pleased to report that some significant headway has been made with the big project, which in case I didn't say is an album for my daughter's 30th, which was last year, but I didn't get it finished in time - too many other things going on. I would hesitate to say I am halfway but have pretty much decided everything that is to go in, (why does thinking take so long?) just the physical sticking in and then decorating and writing a few bits to go. As you can see it's gonna be pretty bulky!! Maybe a 12x12 album would have been the way to go. As time goes on I am getting less and less precious about it, after all it will probably just gather dust after a couple of look throughs. 

Had to take some time out to make a couple of birthday cards (one awaiting finishing on the desk - two the same, they don't know each other, easiest way to go lol)) and a silver wedding card for a regular client. 

So, why am I showing you my desk? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Stay cool, love n hugs Cindyxx


Helen said...

Glad you are getting DD's album sorted, I am sure it will be fabulous and do more than gather dust!! The Taming of the Shrew in a pub garden sounds lovely! Have a fab week. Helen #3

BJ said...

So glad you've had some time for the big project, it's going to be very special. Super cards, love the circles and love the sparkle behind the trelliswork too. Happy WOYWW BJ#1

Crafting With Jack said...

Drama in the pub garden sounds fabulous, ages since I have seen any theatre. You will whiz through your album now all the thinking has been done and am sure it will be much admired. Happy WOYWW. #6. Angela

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I'm impressed at you managing eight cards, when I go to the craft club I'm lucky to come back with one as we talk far too much when we should be crafting. What you have to think is that although you may not look at the album for long some one else will also get lots of enjoyment looking at it too. Loving the card which reminds me I have some anniversary cards to make! Take care and have a very happy woyww, Angela x9x

Julia Dunnit said...

Blimey, Silver anniversary seems a long way ago now, what a lovely card. Am a bit horrified to read that you average 6 hours of sleep…my god, I have to drag myself awake after 8, it’s a constant joke in our marriage…even this morning when I staggered in to the kitchen he smiled and asked why on earth I was awake so soon! Days of the week mean nothing to him!! Outdoor theatre is a lot of fun isn’t it, I hope it was successful enough that they’ll do some’re right about the album, but also wrong…it will be cherished because of your effort and makings, but not referred to so often…my experience is that it’s real beauty is in the fact that you use photos that others don’t have and that really makes them precious. Well done on the 8 cars, it doesn’t matter if you won’t show ‘em…for me, 8 in one session would be a miracle!!

Mary Anne said...

You may be surprised. I have sent mini-books or albums as gifts over the years and I still get comments mentioning them. Why not think it will become a treasured item instead? It could happen LOL!Its looking lovely BTW. Oh and I used to love my Mom's record of Kiss Me Kate as a kid. Weird cause now I am not much of a musicals fan. Sounds like the garden/play was fun.
Determined to DO BETTER this week!
Mary Anne (2)

Sarah Brennan said...

I am nearly 8 years late with my parent's Golden Anniversary album Cindy so I wouldn't beat yourself up about your daughter's. I may actually do more to it in time for the Diamond anniversary in 2024 lol. Love that card and the blue background at the back of your desk too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #12

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Love a bit of outdoor Shakespeare, so glad you enjoyed the production! I bet those 8 cards were still fabulous even if you didn’t like them and I bet the album will be treasured. I share your sleeping woes, am happy to get an uninterrupted 7 hours, it’s rare…
Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Cindy, clever creations, well done on all your niceness on your desk, including the belated keepsake for daughter 30th am sure she will love it, and the silver anniversary is very special and sparkly. Interesting design on your birthday cards too, lots of variety.
Thanks Cindy, for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

R's Rue said...

I loved reading these posts.

pearshapedcrafting said...

I'm sure your DD will be just as happy with it whenever she receives it. That play sounds like great pub entertainment. Your desk looks fabulously busy. Hugs,Chrisx

Neet said...

Sounds like an ideal evening in the pub,, nothing like that around here.
Well, you can always delay the book and make it for her 40th, by which time it will be evenbulkier I guess.
I don't see anything wrong in doing two cards the same if they are for different people. I make a batch of samey cards for my club members. Love the roses!
Hugs, Neet 4 (wilting in this heat) xx

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...