Wednesday, 28 September 2022

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 695

Morning deskers!! Wow, where did that week go? Huge apologies, hardly got round anyone last week, I seriously underestimated how much I had to do before my Macmillan Open House on Saturday and the Weds, Thurs and Fri just slipped away. By the time I found my feet on Monday it seemed better to start preparing for the following week!! Current total raised is £260. Anyhoo here's my desk Monday afternoon, getting ready for my card making friend (?) to come over Tuesday. (Only 5 cards required this month).

I have been delving into bags, folders and boxes again and it seems that despite my efforts this last year I still have a lot of unfinished projects to get through. So much so I now have another basket of everyday cards to make up (on the right) and a similarly full basket of Christmas themed cards to do (to the left). The flowers and BG pieces on the desk are from my little holiday back in May - quite why I stamped and cut so many of those flowers is a mystery to me now!! I discovered a big pile of stencils in with them as well - yikes!

I did get stuck in and made these. I'll add sentiments or inspirational words (!) later.

But everything is on the back burner now as its time to GET READY FOR THE CROP!!

I'm so excited I nearly wrote the whole post in capitals. Do let me know if you are coming too!!


Cindy xx


Neet said...

Well Cindy, you know I am coming to the crop. I might just bring my stamps from Tracy with me as I thought I could do a little wonky book with them in for a change - oh I don't know - maybe I will bring them all. It will be a surprise anyhow.
Congratulations on the money raised - that's a great sum to have for the charity and I am sure they will be thrilled with it.
See you Saturday, save me a spot if I am late (2 hour journey)
Hugs, Neet xx 4

glitterandglue said...

Morning Cindy. Those cards are lovely - well done! Uh oh - finding unfinished projects is always painful, isn't it! Hope you manage to finish a few before too long! I am hoping to get to the crop... if I am released from covid house arrest in time!!! Don't worry - I won't be there if I haven't had the requisite two clear tests... not fair to folks otherwise.
Take care. Enjoy Saturday. God bless.
Margaret #6

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Loving the cards Cindy. I have so many folders of half finished cards and left-overs but every now wnd then I have ago at clearing them. I will be at the Crop but have no idea what to take with me but determined it wont be the kitchen sink! Wewll done with the charity funds too. Wishing you a happy woyww, Angela x10x

Diana Taylor said...

Lovely cards, they are so pretty. It's always a great idea to have spare die cuts for those cards you need in a hurry - I always die cut more than I need but will never get through them! Hope you have a fab time at the crop,
Diana xx #11

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Super cards Cindy and well done on raising that money for charity! I have to miss the crop unfortunately - shame, I would have loved to meet you! Perhaps next time! You have fun, okay? And show me all your photos next time! (If I'm not here next week, I'll scroll back next time I visit!) Take care xx zsuzsa #16

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

er cards Cindy and well done on raising that money for charity! I have to miss the crop unfortunately - shame, I would have loved to meet you! Perhaps next time! You have fun, okay? And show me all your photos next time! (If I'm not here next week, I'll scroll back next time I visit!) Take care xx zsuzsa #16

Annie said...

Thanks for visiting me earlier and for your lovely comments. I've managed a busy sewing day today and thankfully my mouth isn't quite so swollen although it's still rather sore. I'm on top of my sewing demands now so just got to start cooking/baking ready for the crop around my dentist appointment in the morning. I will get there :-)
Love the cards.
Looking forward to seeing you at the crop.
Annie x #7

StampinCarol said...

Hope you have oodles of fun at the crop! Love the cards!
Thanks for popping by and have a fabulous week!
Carol N #18

Sarah Brennan said...

Oh Cindy, can't wait to see you at the crop. Fab cards and well done on all the fund raising too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Helen said...

love the cards, hope you find the right words to add to them. Looking forward to the crop so much, and the company on the journey, too! no idea what to take, but determined not to take too much if only because it probably won't fit in Julia's car!! take are and see you Friday (nearly said Saturday!) Helen #1

Crafting With Jack said...

Lovely cards Cindy, love those daisies. Funnily enough I have just watched a tutorial where daisies are the main image. Looking forward to meeting you at the crop on Saturday. Happy WOYWW. Angela #9

Christine said...

Thanks for your visit. Love the cards, will be great to meet up

Twiglet said...

Lovely cards Cindy. Looking forward to seeing you at the Crop! xx Jo

Mary Anne said...

Those cards are so very pretty! And I hope you had a fabulous time at the crop - and that you and the rest will be sharing your photos with those of us who could not come. Still really sad about it, even if I know it was the right decision - for a start we would have missed our covid +flu jab appointments had we left on Friday as was the plan. Yikes. See you in a few days for the NEXT WOYWW.
SO late
Mary Anne (2)

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...