Wednesday, 5 October 2022

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #696

 Morning all. 6.45 am here and it is full on dark. Yuk. 

But to business. I don't have any pics of the Crop you will have to pop over to Helen for those. But it was great, so lovely to re-connect with deskers I have met before and meet more in the flesh for the first time. Big thanks to Jo and Annie who made it happen and to Julia our illustrious leader who also did the driving!! Of course I came back with a bunch of RAKs and a fab raffle prize. 

I haven't talked so much and so consistently for months. It was hard to come down to earth on Monday, but by Tuesday I was at my desk again tackling one of those black baskets. Made good headway with finishing off projects and ditching. About 10 cards in total to add to the stash. 

Here's the desk this morning only ever so slightly staged.

The ATCs bottom LH corner were what I took to crop, there are a couple left if anyone wants one. I will persevere with the basket this morning but then I really must prep for my craft class on Friday. We have moved to the local library for now, still not ideal but we'll see how we get on.

So, why am I showing you my desk? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Have a good week, love n hugs Cindy xx


BJ said...

Cindy you've put the wrong link in, I was a bit confused as it goes to #637 in August.... BJ

BJ said...

Anyway - found the right post to comment on in the end. COVID brain just managed to work it out that it wasn't still August. Are you still having the same internet problems btw? I digress, super RAKs and great raffle prize too. Super makes on your desk too. BJ#6

Mary Anne said...

Loving all the WOYWW crop posts, and plenty of photos from Helen so I can almost fool myself into thinking I was there. Waaahhh! Next time! I did miss seeing you all in person for sure. Enjoy your raffle haul.
Happy WOYWW, on time!
Mary Anne (1)

Tracy said...

😊It was a joy to see your other post though 😘 What a gorgeous time you all had at the crop Cindy ⭐πŸ’ŸπŸ₯° it's been a joy this morning hopping along reading all about it plus waving hellooo to you all in the pictures as I go πŸ–πŸ’•πŸ˜ŠπŸ₯° Sending love and hugs Tracy #13 xxxxx

Caro said...

It was so lovely to see you on Saturday. I loved every minute of chatting, pretending to craft, laughing and having fun. Happy WOYWW. Take care, with love & God Bless, Caro x (#14)

Helen said...

Glad to be able to oblige with pics! Great day, great desk today Helen #2

Neet said...

Lovely to meet you in the flesh on Saturday - great day wasn't it.
Love your staged desk - hope you got your messages out re the class and where it is.
Hugs, Neet 5 xx

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh love your photos. We have about the same weather. Dark here by 7pm earlier than other years. Its 7 AM now and still morning darkness. No like it. 30 degrees predicted night so will cover the tomatoes/flowers as it should warm up daytime. And leaves are turning beautiful colors. So glad you could attend the crop. Son still in the area so maybe next year I've always dreamed of coming there. Have a great weekend.

Crafting With Jack said...

It was lovely to see you on Saturday. Well done on your crafting. I haven’t done any this week. Happy WOYWW. Angela #9

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, it was just brilliant to see you Saturday and what a great day. Well done at getting some crafting done, I've been busy sorting stuff for my mum since we got back and have to admit to having prepped most of my blog post for today as I knew I wouldn't have much time. It's great to see all the lovely crafty stuff you brought home too. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x12x

Lindart said...

Hi Cindy! Your desk looks nice and busy today! Looks like you had an awesome time at the crop, wish I could go too! Have a great week! Lindart #20

pearshapedcrafting said...

It was so good to see you again Cindy. I didn't get much crafting done on Saturday and haven't done much since we came home - maybe tomorrow! Happy WOYWW, hugs, Chrisx

Annie said...

It's been another busy day for me ad I'm only just finding time to visit the desks.....better late then never eh?
It was so lovely to meet you in real life on Saturay....what a lovely day it was.
Annie x #7

Julia Dunnit said...

It was a great weekend, thank you so much for your company! I had a slightly out of sorts day on Monday, and despite making time at my desk today, haven’t been near as productive as you! Great works gal. Good luck for Friday, hope the Library isn’t too difficult a venue.

Sarah Brennan said...

It was so good to meet you in person for the first time Cindy. Hope the new venue for your class works well. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

glitterandglue said...

Hi Cindy. What a fantastic day out you all had. I was so very disappointed to miss it. But the 80 mile drive each way was just too much to contemplate a mere day after my 2 negative covid teats! If it was this weekend....
Yu have been incredibly busy continuing with your black box, too. i have managed a dozen thank you cards - and that's it!!!
Thank you so much for your offer of an atc. It would be absolutely lovely - if you still have one! My email is margaret(dot)diddanfa(at)gmail(dot)com Drop me a line and I ill let you have my postal address
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #4

Lynnecrafts said...

Glad you enjoyed the crop. I hope to be able to join you next year. You brought home a fantastic stash!
I'm late today as we had a log delivery yesterday and stacking it wore me out!
take care
Lynnecrafts 13

StampinCarol said...

Glad you got to attend the crop! I've enjoyed so many fabulous photos of it! Looks like a great time was had by all!
Have a great week!
Carol N #18

Kyla said...

ooh some fabulous goodies from the crop, been lovely to see all your photos. Fair play for coming back and making 10 cards! That's a really good session and they look great
thanks for visiting my desk already
kyla #16

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...