Wednesday, 17 January 2024

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #763

 Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Late on parade today. Bright but not a lot of sun out so think it will be a chilly one. Feel for those of you further North - guess it's worse for you!! Still I have my thermal vest on and my FUR LINED LEGGINGS (why didn't I buy 2 pairs?) so I am nice and cozy in my craft room. Do have to go out later - we are taking Lionel to the dentist as he chipped his front tooth yesterday - he only has 3 and a half and he's already damaged one. My daughter is not happy as she has a bit of thing with dentists - bad experiences when younger, ingrown teeth, endless orthodontistry to rectify.  Asked recently about her own teeth because they have moved - been told that the orthodontistry she had when young has essentially knackered her teeth because it's weakened the roots. Aaargh! I swear nobody ever said that was a risk. 

Anyway, I digress, the desk.  

Nothing to see here really, I have found a little local craft group on Tuesday afternoons and basically this is the detritus from unpacking my bag. (I didn't know what to expect so I overpacked). It was OK, the ladies are all nice though I may have lowered the average age by a year or two.  I think I will go again, I know two of the other ladies, one comes to my group, it gets me out of the house and you can be focussed on a little project for a couple of hours without having to actually organise anything.  The black basket is my WIP box, I took something out of there to do and had a quick weed while I was there. Looking quite manageable compared to a year ago.

I have managed to finish off a few more of those 'Christmas Cluster' cards. Doing well, only another 50 or so cards to go........... May be a late visit from me but should get round you all.

Have a great week. Love n hugs Cindy xx


Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oh poor old Lionel, it’s the start of many bumps no doubt. Owen was taken to Minor Injuries so often we thought we’d be invited to their Christmas dinner!! Rhys was marginally better but still broke toes and an arm - it’s not that G and I were negligent, we just let them have a lot of outdoor freedom and that comes with liabilities! Love your cards, they’re all so bright and cheerful, hope you enjoy making the rest! And how lovely just to go to a craft group and make stuff rather than leading the session, good fun!
Hugs LLJ 8 xx

Mary Anne said...

Your Christmas cluster cards are just so adorable. Very retro, some of them, and really cute. I made one of my all time fav layouts from the rubbish in the bottom of my crop bag - it was at one of Julia's crop and there was just too much fun and chatting going on for me to focus. But in the end the limited supplies really helped with that. Maybe your detritus could become something wonderful...
Happy WOYWW Day!
Mary Anne (4)

Crafting With Jack said...

Loving your cluster Christmas cards, if I hadn’t put everything away I would be tempted to do some.. I bought some thermal footless tights from Tesco. They are lovely and warm. Dental treatment has changed over the years - still somewhere I don’t like going to though! Happy WOYWW. Angela #15

Lindart said...

How nice to have found a little craft group! I used to belong to a few over the years but they are all gone now☹️Glad you found one! Your Cluster Christmas cards are lovely! Nice to have al ready for next year! Too bad about the tooth, I hope it's all OK once the permanent teeth pop in! Have a great week, Lindart #18

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

High Cindy, it's been sunny but cold here. I understand how your daughter feels about the dentist as she obviously had a bad experience but dentistry has come along way over the years and even Painless Dentistry is not that old. Even in the 1950's things were not so good. Your unpacking from the club day made me smile, very familiar. Loving your cards too. Wishing you a very happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x11x

Sarah Brennan said...

Poor Lionel hope the dentist isn't too stressful for him. I wrapped up warm today as it was my duty day and there is a big wind chill factor. Glad to back home. WHat a great collection of Christmas cards already CIndy. Enjoy the new craft group. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Helen said...

Hope Lionel got sorted at the dentist... poor thing! I could have done with fleecy leggings today, it was FREEZING coming home from work. proper brrr I see it's going to feel like -7 tonight.... glad you found the craft group, hope you carry on enjoying it. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Chana Malkah said...

So glad you found a group! That always makes for fun crafting time and finding new, fun acquaintances!

Hope the dental trip goes smoothly for Lionel!

Chana Malkah, WOYWW #6

Diana Taylor said...

I love your Christmas cards, they are so bright and cheerful. I hope the dentist went well for Lionel yesterday - I can understand your daughters dislike of them, although I think they have improved immensely over the years. Nice to find a craft club to join in with, without the stress of actually running it.
Have a great week,
Diana xx #13

Julia Dunnit said...

aw, poor Lionel. At least early visits will remove the fear of dentists, I really got a grip of myself so I didn't pass on my fear to Jenny, seems to have worked. I was never told that roots would weaken or that teeth would try to migrate either...both have happened. I'm loving the look of your WIP basket, crikey, one retreat weekend and you'd empty it! Really loving the cluster cards CIndy, the outcome as much as knowing how much you're being able to use up, so satisfying!

BJ said...

Loving your Christmas cluster cards, I really ought to do likewise and use up the stuff which has been sitting in my Christmas box for so many years.... Hmmm Hope the dentist went OK for the little one. I didn't like my brace as a kid and only wore it for about 3 hours before consigning it to the drawer, not such a bad thing from what you say. Hugs BJ#14

Neet said...

Oh dear, poor little Lionel. I do hope all is well and his mummy is not too distraught (about herself as well as him).
You made me laugh about the craft club, bet it was like sitting with me at the crop.
Tuesday saw me cleaning up for the friends coming around and somehow I got my feet legged up in one another and in a flex. Down I went like a sack of potatoes.
result - a 999 call and I spent 9 hours in hospital. Broken ribs and my knee is a bit of a mess to say the least. The doctor was all for sending for the plastics team but the trauma ED nurses decided plastics wouldn't touch it as it needed too many skin grafts.
So here I am, feeling very much my age and sat in a chair with my leg up unable to do anything but watch tv and just today I got on here with comments.
I really am a silly old thing. No crafting on the horizon!
Hugs, Neet 7 xx

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...