Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Collage or decoupage? That is the question...

I find myself doing quite a bit of collage lately whether that is textural, 3D or flat paper - I call it all collage!! However when I am doing 'paper' collage like the ones above I like to go for a final finish that is 'flat' almost like decoupage. Aha, I can hear you say, how can it be flat if its decoupage? Well, long before I'd ever heard of 3D foam, I made a few things from papier mache and used a technique called decoupage to decorate it. In this technique the layered images are repeatedly coated with layers of varnish - or in my case diluted PVA - and even slightly sanded and then coated again. The final effect is that the image has 'sunk in' to the varnish - it is also pretty well protected!! I like to do this with my collage, although whether this then makes them decoupage is a mystery to me and likely to remain so, I guess its just terminology after all.


PBird said...

Well I dont know what you would call it, but I call them gorg :) These are really pretty the colours are great x

Sian said...

LOL, I don't hold with all this terminology stuff. I reckon if you've created it then you can call it what you like!

Both of these ATCs are fantastic. I particularly like the colours of the one on the left.

Mooneybeams said...

They're both great. I think that your definition of decoupage is the correct one, actually, and it's been changed to cover a new crafting technique.

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

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