Friday, 23 May 2008

Retirement Album

I was asked to make a retirement card for a retiring member of staff (actually that is a very inapt adjective to describe the individual concerned!) Obviously there are loads of people to sign and there's going to be a party etc etc so it needed to have a lot of space but I hate big cards - you can never seem to get a heavy enough card in the right size. So I decided to alter a boardbook to make a very personalised card/album. It has a sentiment at the front with six pages for messages, then a 4 page photo montage with a further 4 blank pages either for extra messages or photos from the retirement party. I have personalised the front with pieces of text and music score that I think he might appreciate if he notices and made lots of silly comments on the photos. The line drawing on the front is just from a photo and then triple embossed to make it into a glossy tile. I hope he likes it one is never really sure if people like the fuss. The photos were a real pain as some were very old but in the end I think it looks quite good.


Jinny Holt said...

I am sure he will love it Cindy xx

Sian said...

It's fantastic!

PBird said...

Where you been Cindy? I've been missing your chatter :) I think he'll love this it looks great x

Katherine said...

Its fab!



Mooneybeams said...

It looks brilliant - I am sure he will love it and be really touched

Nicks said...

awesome to the highest degree, bet he was chuffed!!

Jinny Holt said...

I take it your busy then-no new posts! :(

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

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