Saturday, 17 May 2008

The last garden?

For anyone who is interested this is the garden we have been making this week. The weather has been appalling, either scorching or pouring, neither the best to be planting but it is now (almost) complete. The water feature isn't running in the photos but is quite impressive. Carried in and planted all the plants myself (I have to admit the biggest one defeated me, couldn't even lift the pot) plus put down mulch all while trying nor to tread on newly laid lawn or sink into the quagmire that was the borders after torrential rain. Plus having to navigate the deck structure like a gazelle before the boards went down. Heavy, heavy clay and I'm really feeling it, I can barely type my hands are so stiff, and think I might be getting too old for this lark.


PBird said...

Your hard work was worth it it looks brilliant!! Wish you lived near me to sort out my garden :$ Hope your poor fingers recover soon xx

Sian said...

It looks fantastic!

Mooneybeams said...

What a beautiful garden! You are a very talented designer


FANTASTIC Cindy, you clever thing you. Great job

Gwen (Minimaker) said...

Never the less it looks great. x

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

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