Well I'm still at home hobbling around for another week, trying to be positive but am getting a little frustrated atn not being able to do everything. Was going to attempt the shortish walk to the PO but didn't dare take the risk in all the snow - although we are right next to a main arterial london road, the A40, my little dead end didn't see a gritter till last night and has no through traffic. Still sun is shining now so might be adventurous this afternoon - the post is piling up lol!!
Anyhoo, haven't been on the pc much as decided to get ahead with all my birthday cards and then got in a card making groove - won't post them cos they're pretty boring but have managed to replenish my stocks and also use up some (but not all) of the card kits I've bought over the last couple of years.
I have managed to finish a journal page for Nicks as part of the round robin swap arranged by Astrid last year. I don't know why this has taken so long (although my heat gun did die early on) and this finished version is nothing at all like the original idea which I started with enthusiasm but just couldn't make work. I'm much happier with this. Nicks' theme was advice for life. As an acknowledgement to my tardiness I have chosen 'The secret of getting ahead is getting started' but there is a little pull out addition - I'll leave that for Nicks to discover for herself.
That leaves just one more to do .....
Hi Cindy glad you are feeling a little better. Oh my life would end if I lost another heat gun lol no seriously I feel for you. Belinda
The journal page looks great Cindy...my fav colours! Takes cares!
Ange x
nicks is gonna love this - i know i do fabby page - the reallt bad thing is i had totally forgotton about this and i need to do 3more pages i need to find them first
This is fantastic. Nicks will love it!
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