Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Busy, busy, busy......


Still keeping this going - am now up to no 321 so 44 to go!! This is my favourite from this week's batch, it's called 'Stripes'.


This week we had a darling little girl to include - I decided to do an ATC using a ready made background as I was a bit short on time. After I had transferred the image (not very successfully) I realised that the backing was actually smaller than ATC size!! So I cut it down a bit more and popped onto another mount. The transfer was a bit patchy so I added the goldpainted grungeboard wings and crown to make 'little Angel'. Not my best work and a lesson that sometimes it is better not to rush.


Am loving my little wooden dominoes - here is another batch. This time, I did endless (well about 4) layers of acrylic paint attempting to 'lose' the embossed dragon on the top before giving up and just adding paper and collaging. This time I used Anita's 3D as a glaze which is certainly quicker than EP (if you discount the drying time) but I do note a few days later that some have developed a slight crinkle in the centre. Not sure what could be causing this - any ideas?


And finally...... the piece(s) de resistance as far I'm concerned this week has been the altered CD challenge over at the new group at GAS MAMMA. The theme was oriental and at first I struggled to come up with an idea and then suddenly - wham bam - had two done in no time at all.

I particularly like this lantern one even though I don't consider it quite perfect - the more I look at it the more mistakes I see lol so probably a good thing it will be on it's way elsewhere. The second one is mor subtle and gave me the chance to use a bit of bamboo work I had done with my embossing paste. Mind you, after getting all my oriental bits out again I do wish peeps who make stamps would indicate which way up their oriental script goes - I've probably got it all upside down!!

Phew!! I have also done the final journal page to the round robin but was so excited to actually complete this project I posted it without photographing so will have to ask the recipient to do it for me! How I have managed to do all this beats me - but it probably explains why the house is such a mess!


Femmy said...

wow!! you,ve been busy!! love all of these. the stripes and altered Cd are my favorites!!

Mooneybeams said...

Wow! is my comment too! I am loving those altered CDs - completely brilliant x Plus I adore zebras (altough maybe not quite as much as I adore giraffes) and that ATC is fab.

Ange J Lee said...

I'll add another WOW!!! to that. I love the altered cds Cindy. The lantern is a great idea and the colour scheme of the other one is just divine.

Jinny Holt said...

Flipping heck Cindy-where do you find al the time??? These are fab and esp love the doms- have found a tin of plastic doms from Asda but the are chunky!! and hae also got some wooden ones- one box is well old,seems a shame to alter them but my dad saw them in a charity shop and hae told everyone i was looking for them!!!!!

Have a lazy sunday

Sian said...

Wow! I think I love everything here. You've been very busy and have created some fantastic stuff.

Bel said...

Hi Cindy I have missed so much of your fantastic work, you have certainly been a busy girl. I love your altered domino's. I have had some white plastic ones laying around forever that I am never going to use so I want to send them to you. Could you please send me your address (that is if you want them lol) take care Belinda

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...