Wednesday, 13 January 2021

What's On Your Workdeskk? Wednesday #606

Hello deskers. Well, what a pickle we are all in. Been guilty of  checking out a bit the last week, worries about friends and families having Covid in various degrees plus having to isolate ourselves because my daughter Chelsey tested positive after a contact notification have all meant I've felt a bit in limbo for the last 10 days or so. That said, on day 9 of this isolation period we are all well, the other 4 of us have all had asymptomatic tests now (negative) and Chelsey has only felt 'like she might be getting a cold' and frankly, that could be more to do with being stuck in a small room on her own for over a week than anything else. But once my two essential workers are back out in the field next week probably won't be long before we go round again, such is the reality of life today. 

I seem to have perfected the art of being busy all day but achieving absolutely nothing. It is becoming scary how easily one can lose a whole day!! 

I made one card at New Year for my 'honorary' second daughter who is now 30 and who lived with us for about 3 years in her late teens. Where did those years go? Another set of planned celebrations deferred. 

I love box cards, and am so pleased to have found a new template which gives this slightly different shape. Plus a different method for putting them together which seemed to work very well. I've cut a few blanks out ready while I remember the instructions but haven't made any others yet.

Commissions still coming in - well, people can't get to the shops I guess. Here's a first birthday. 

I have still not gone through the Christmas cards - perhaps I shouldn't say this, but although I keep a few cards each year I do try and upcycle handmade cards if I can for next year - what do people think about that? Is it a no no? Personally, I'd prefer people did that with my cards than they go in the bin. Shop cards get sent for recycling (after any cute bits and bobs removed!!) or cut into mats or cut down for ATC blanks. 

We have managed to take down the decorations - I know some people have elected to keep them up but after 'going early' I had definitely had enough by twelfth night!! The house seems bigger, which is a blessing as we are stuck in it. I will however post this pic of two of my Christmas pressies. The one on the left is the 'handmade' present from my sister (too talented by half). Plus a felted miniature from my daughter. Recognise that work?

My tidying of the craft room has continued in a desultory fashion. I bought some new storage for all my cards which made me happy as it was overflowing and the new boxes can be stacked neatly with labels on. (I am a closet neat freak). I also realised that I couldn't tell my BIGZ dies apart from one another - so I have re-labelled them in BIG letters so I can see at a glance. I've been quite successful at reducing the number of random boxes floating around the craft room - it is nowhere near finished however.

Oh and at last you may be saying, here's my main work table/desk. I have opened it 3/4 out and put it in the centre of the room. It doesn't leave a lot of space around it but it does seem to be working at the mo and it is easier to get to some things. I have still not decided about replacing my rolling chair - don't worry Julia, I do still have a chair, and I have bought a nice memory foam cushion for it so I am not risking my back by doing all my crafting standing up!! Again this arrangement seems to be working but then I'm not doing anything much at the mo. 

As you can see I have a nifty new stand, and a new ipad, which means zooming and videos are now  much easier and indeed possible (couldn't get zoom on the old ipad). I'm all set, if only I could find some gumption. So that's me, managed a good night's sleep last night and up early so this might actually be a productive day. But for now I'm planning a leisurely virtual cruise around visiting my fellow deskers. Here's the link to the one responsible for this weekly event, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about.

Finally I hope you are all well, I'm here if you need to offload. It's scary out there folks, stay home if you can, stay safe, stay well, Love n hugs Cindy xx

EXTRA:: Can anyone help with a link for an embellishment or image of a 'Cornet'. I am not even actually sure what I am looking for, but have a commission for a 'cornet player' and they want one on the card. I can't tell the difference between them tbh. (This may be one for LLJ!!)


Neet said...

You are so right, it's scary out there. Must be more so where you are as the figures are alarming. I don't want to watch the news any more but when it comes on I feel a compulsion to watch. Can imagine someone prone to depression is suffering with the state of everything right now.
Better to hibernate in our craft rooms - we should be so glad we have crafting to escape to.
Hope the family are soon all back to normal and stay that way
Hugs and prayers for you all
Neet 17 xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I am your girl! Most cornets are all Bflat and therefore very little difference between them but they are much shorter and dumpier than trumpets so that detail has to be right! I shall email you a pic so you know you’re on the right lines - I also have a commission for one of those amazing box cards please!
I’m sorry to hear about your gal but hopefully it sounds like the rest of you have dodged it, I’m very glad that she seems to have had it mildly, thank goodness for that. My recently retired midwife friend has signed up to be a vaccinator and started last week, she was surprised at how many people don’t turn up for their jabs so the staff are getting them early, she had the first Pfizer jab this way.
You made me smile with the cooking stuff, I know exactly what you mean about keeping the foodie inspiration going though I’m lucky in having an other half who is also happy to produce a meal!
Hugs LLJ 15 xxx

Julia Dunnit said...

Argh! isolating in a house full must be very hard, just getting out of the habit of opening the bedroom door and joining in...Glad and relieved that none of you have experienced any symptoms, hope you can all keep it this way. You are so right about things being scarey. That exploding box is just fabulous, what a gorgeous way to post a celebration! I must say that the new iPad stand is a rather professional looking beast isn’t it, I shall look forward to your filming and zooming shenanigans! Your room looks fab, it’s inviting! I met your sister on your MacMillan morning, she said she dabbled a bit.....BLIMEY! its a beautiful picture, I bet you were a bit blown away! Have a good week, am perfectly sure that the ‘desultory’ will be a distant thing..something will spark your interest and you’ll be off!

Diana Taylor said...

Oh goodness what a worry, I am glad you all sound well and not too badly affected by it but it must be so hard isolating in a house full. Your cards are fabulous - I love that box card, it's just amazing and very clever too.
Hope you have good week, enjoy your new iPad and stay safe and well,
Diana xx #25

Mary Anne said...

Scary does not even begin to capture it. Hiding in your craft room might just be the best plan. It looks like you are getting it to just where you want it - it always takes a bit of time to get the workflow just right. I love the cards, they are all so lovely and fun.
Hope you stay well and busy - have fun with your new toy!

Happy WOYWW, with a late start
Mary Anne (1)

glitterandglue said...

Hi Cindy. Goodness - what a 10 days you have had. You are right, though, that get your essential workers back out there.. and I trust no harm will come to them; that they will manage to stay fit and well. Yes, it is scary out there at the moment. I see the tv reports of the folk who just don't think the rules apply to them, and wonder which planet are they on??!!
That celebration card is stunning - yes, a slightly different template. It's great. Well done.
Your craft room is looking fantastic - well worth all your hard work. I have hardly done anything in my own space since before Christmas - done other stuff elsewhere, but not been using my lovely landing space!
Do take care of yourselves. God bless you all.
Margaret #2

Sarah Brennan said...

It is indeed scary Cindy. Glad your daughter has only had mild symptoms and the rest of you escaped. Your workroom is looking very organised. Love the 30th birthday card. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Felicia said...

Cindy, LOVE, LOVE your craft space! It is so inviting and it looks like you have plenty of space to move about and bang out some goodies! Not to mention tidy and organized! Your cards are gorgeous!! LOVE, LOVE the orchids!! Good luck on the Cornet!! Eeeek! LOL Blessings to you and stay safe! Felicia #33

Caro said...

It is so scary now. So glad that you are still well. Loving the look of your craft room. That box card is stunning. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#13)

Karen said...

Hi! you have a great workspace with lot's of treasures I see! I admire your pop up birthday box ~ I don't know if I'd have the patience, but I really like them. Glad your daughter only has mild symptoms. ~ Stay well! Love, Karen#30

Shoshi said...

I'm glad you are all OK, Cindy. Well done with the room organisation - you've certainly got a great room there! Love all the cards, especially the box one. I love anything 3-D and interactive. Thank you for your visit. We've had some pretty dodgy parcels in the past - one of my whole-food order parcels came a-cropper - the driver said he lifted it and the bottom fell out! He had to bring in everything separately! That stuff is very heavy in bulk and usually they make 2 parcels which is safer. The kitties are each over 7 lb in weight so it adds up when you've got both of them! Amazing to think my hubby could hold the two of them in his hands when they were tiny. They eat two pouches of cat food each per day and a small handful of biscuits. The replacement blender is brilliant - I'm really glad I decided to go up a model. It's getting used several times a day and I love it! It's a very powerful beast and I'm getting great results with it. Thank you so much for your good wishes re my health and the hospital. Nothing to be done except wait, but it is very frustrating!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #28

Helen said...

Hope your daughter is fully recovered soon, and no worse symptoms, for any of you going forward. I think isolating in one room must be awful, at least I would still have the run of the flat.... Great birthday card and a fab pic of your room. Helen #4

Crafting With Jack said...

The situation gets scarier every day, glad your daughter is better. It amazes me how people still disregard the rules. Your craft room looks great. Enjoy your week Angela #10

Heather M said...

Hi Cindy - it is for sure a scary time. People can't seem to do as they are asked, and no matter how tight the regulations get, there will always be some who blatantly break the rules because that is their mentality. Glad to hear your daughter has not suffered too badly. My daughter just let me know her husband has tested positive, so that's both of them off work for 10 days (she's a childminder). I'm lucky I can work for home. Mr M picks up click and collect shopping on his way home from work, so apart from medical appointments and an occasional quick walk to the post office, I don't go out. I do recycle shop bought cards - never receive handmade ones, so can't answer your question. Well done on getting started on sorting your craft room- I think we all permanently have the idea in our heads for a clear out/tidy up! Thanks for stopping by - Nic chose some lovely words for the inscription, it was so special seeing it. Have a lovely week, Heather xx #18

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, pleased to her it looks like you are all free of this awful virus. I loved teaching but I have to say we are both pleased we are now retired, it's so scary out there. I see nothing wrong in recycling handmade cards and I'm with you it's much better than throwing them away. I had quite a surprise some time ago when we visited a friend who my hubby used to work with and she had kept every Christmas card that I had made and sent to them. It was quite funny really because she just kept putting the new one on top of the year before so they went back to the very first year that I made Christmas cards and I can tell you they have come a long way Lol! Take care and have a lovely creative week, Angela x23x

StampinCarol said...

Hope your daughter is getting better and better. Great room! I do some of my crafting standing and have my table on blocks so that I'm not bent over so much.
Have a great week!
Carol N #29

Spyder said...

I think your craft room's just brilliant with space enough to do stuff and get stuff out and play with it! I have an 'island' too, when I pull my trolly/dolly out to get to other things it hides, stab my toe on it, so push it back! Have a great crafty week Stay Safe, Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #21

Lillianb said...

Sorry about the late visit,

it is scary and hope everyone is okay and well now I thought I had a lot of craft stash till I looked at your lol look well organised. That box card ia amazing,

Take care and stay safe,

Lilian B #7

Marit said...

Scary times indeed, I'm glad to hear you all are allright... the Netherlands extended the lockdown but there are still too many people going outside. I'm afraid we won't see the end of it this year... hope the vaccins will help in time. I LOVE that card by the way, so colourful and happy! I, too, safe cards and cut them up to use the bits and bobs... nothing wrong with that I think! Have a nice week dear, stay healthy and safe! Big hug from the Netherlands. Marit #31

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Cindy,
OOh I am glad to read she is feeling it mildly and the rest of you are still doing OK. (My mama & step dad have been quarantined at home together so fortunately they are starting to feel better now too ( and not in the hospital)
Love that exploding box, that looks like when someone opens it they will be so thrilled. (9 HUGS )) stay safe,
~Stacy #36

BJ said...

Super Duper box card, I love them too and the shape difference really DOES make a great difference. Love the blue card too. Hope you are all feeling better soon. BJ#6

Susan Renshaw said...

Do hope you all become/stay well. It is frightening times!
That is fabulous box card and love your other card too.
Good idea with the large for labelling. I really must sort out my dies! Your craft room looks so inviting!
Happy WOYWW!
Susan $26

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...