Wednesday, 27 January 2021

What's on your workdesk? Wednesday #608

Good Morning Deskers! Hope everyone is well. First order of business must be to apologise for my absence last week.  But I do have a good excuse, I had no sooner linked with a comment for Julia and popped on to Lilian's blog than the internet went down. Seriously went down. No house wi-fi for 4 days. FOUR DAYS. We did have our phones - but for me and my eyesight and fat fingers that way madness lies. I could, it transpires, have hotspotted my mobile data on to my new ipad (Note: I have no idea what that means). However as my daughter was attempting to work from home it seemed only sporting to let her use it rather than watch her struggle with her phone. (For some reason she couldn't do that hotspot thing with her laptop). Bearing in mind of course I wouldn't have had a clue. By the time it was resolved, around mid-morning Saturday, the atmosphere was a little tense and, frankly,  I had other things to do. 

So thank you everyone who commented, apologies for not reciprocating but hey ho, another week, another WOYWW.......

I would like to be able to report that four days without the internet sparked a flurry of creativity and accomplishment. But nah, I just dossed around as always. I think I am becoming conditioned to this low achievement lifestyle.. 

I have however made a start on converting all those mandala's I made back before Christmas into actual cards. Here's my desk late Tuesday afternoon. As you can see I am trying really hard to keep it tidy. 

You can see a pile of the completed mandala cards at the back, the next 'row' are three layout ideas (well they are an idea to me, just a random selection of bits to you I expect). At the front is a completed blue 'circular' card and another one I am just about to do in a similar fashion. 

When I was making the blue one I needed a big circle die for a mat. My pre-cut circle cards are quite large. (I have them, so why not use them) I couldn't find a die big enough. I have a scan n cut so in theory I can cut any size up to 12", but there was something piled in front of the machine and I simply couldn't be bothered to move it. Yes I am that lazy.

Then I found this big die of lots of concentric circles that I bought intending to do some rainbow thing. (must stop binge watching Jennifer McGuire). Haven't done it yet of course. Ran it through my bug and it didn't cut through properly - my elderly bug is a little challenged, pressure wise - but it did make a rather interesting embossed background so I used it anyway. Waste not, want not... 

A couple more of my favourites - there are still loads to go, that must have been some session. 
And, just for my adviser Jan, here is the card with the cornet. Not my favourite make, but it followed the brief (6x 12, tulips, a cornet and those exact words). No idea why she wouldn't let me put the name on, I was just filling up space in the end. 

 Of course before I go I  must link up, as WOYWW is is our weekly bloghop courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, we don't bite. 

It's good to hear that so many are getting their first jabs. Some days I can't really believe this is where we are at, and we have been here for nearly a year.  Happy WOYWW, stay home if you can, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs, Cindy xx




Helen said...

Glad you got your internet back, but how frustrating especially for your daughter, working from home!
You certainly managed to keep busy though, with a great amount of craftiness going on! Take care and stay safe. Helen #1

Neet said...

Can just imagine what it would be like here if the internet went down. Himself would be permanently fixed with his phone on the end of his nose and I would be ranting around the house unable to stay in touch with friends. So you see, you were not alone although you were because my internet was fine. So glad you have it fixed.
I was thinking of my having had some stamps (quite a few) to make shapes like you are doing and couldn't think of the name but then `I realised they were mandalas. Doh! Here I was thinking they had been something else but similar. Anyuway, you are going a storm with them, brilliant!
Love the cornet card. I had to enlarge it as I was reading it as "comet" and now I understand, size, tulips and cornet! No excise - old age!
Take care and stay safe and well, Hugs, Neet 9 xx

Kath said...

Fabulous cards Cindy - I love the mandala cards.
Kath x

Mary Anne said...

We had no sooner moved in and set up an alternative internet connection for my son to use in his job at the time wen he toodled off to the States. And we have a connection for hubby that is a business one. So we are lucky that there is an alternative - different carriers, so rare for all of them to go down at once. When things are slugglish it's hell. I feel for you and your daughter. But you made some lovely cards so not a total loss. Part of my reason for constant tidying is so I can get to stuff that might otherwise be blocked. If I had a Scan&Cut I think I would have it on an island in the middle of the room and use it all day long LOL!

Happy WOYWW - NOT at the hospital today but with a thumping headache yet determined to WOYWW nonetheless! Best day of my week…
Mary Anne (2)

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Wow, brilliant lot of makes Cindy,especially that cornet card .. lovely work.. as for the circles I’d have tried another shim they might cut then.
Thanks for sharing, and God bless, Shaz in Oz.x #5

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

BJ said...

No internet for FOUR days, nightmare!!!!Maybe you ought to sort out what hotspotting is before the next time. As we have BT internet they sent us a gismo for free data whilst they sorted a problem and they also give us free data on our BTmobiles for hotspotting. The gismo came in jolly useful when we had a subsequent outage, and I've learnt how to hotspot my tablet to my phone. MY PC doesn't have wifi so it's always a problem there.
Hope all is OK now BJ#11

Lunch Lady Jan said...

When I hear techno speak like internet hotspot etc etc I have a tendency to stick my fingers in my ears and go la la la! I’m so incredibly tech unsavvy it’s not true, I know I should learn cos I’d be desperate without the interwebs these days. Um, that’s an odd mix for the card for the cornet lady! I know you fulfilled the brief but..... your mandalas float my boat a lot more!
And here’s to sobbing, we should all do it more!
Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

Christine said...

Great mandala cards, love that you've used them up.
My internet is very hit and miss, live at the bottom of small hill so even though it is the 2nd City, internet missing days are a way of life.
Have a good week
Christine #31

StampinCarol said...

I can't imagine 4 days without internet... oh wait, I have done that! Our phone lines are the worst ever and my internet is the slowest possible legal speed.
Love your cards, those mandalas are gorgeous!
Thanks for popping by and stay healthy!
Carol N #29

Elizabeth said...

Hi Cindy, it's too bad you lost your internet. Any other time it might not be such a trial but when in lockdown ... doesn't bare thinking about! And I wouldn't know what alternatives there are either - hotspot suggest sun, sea and sand to me. Love your mandalas - they are all so beautiful. Have a great crafty week. Elizabeth x #30

Lisa-Jane said...

Crikey missus! Lockdown 3 + 4 days of no internet would test the patience of a saint! Those mandalas are gorgeous!! Is it a stamp and die set? I have an elderly Bug too - the handle has fallen on of the arm so when it 'gives' after the die has passed through, it suddenly spins and you have to hold your hands out of the way! I use a shim if I need more pressure, sometimes, several shims... Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #10

Karen said...

You got a lot accomplished! who are you kidding?! The Mandala cards are beautiful. I love how the different colors totally change the mood of the card. Enjoy your week and your internet! Love, Karen#32

Sarah Brennan said...

Glad you are back online Cindy, most frustrating for you all. Love the cards you have made this week. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Felicia said...

Cindy, FOUR DAYS!!! Oh Jehoshaphat!! As I have two teenage girls, there would have been mayhem for sure!!! LOLOL You find out how dependent you are on that service when you don't have it!! LOL I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your mandalas! I am a mandalaholic! Any art incorporating those beautiful guys are right up my alley! Your cards are fabulous! Love the tulips and coronet as well! I'm proud that I have made it to my age, so I tend to shout it out! LOL But I understand the ones that may not be so outspoken about it!! LOLOL Again, beautiful cards! Stay healthy and safe! Felicia #28

Shoshi said...

So sorry to hear about your Internet woes, Cindy. It just makes you realise how much we depend on it these days, doesn't it. It seems incredible that only a few short years ago we were perfectly content without it, and without the ubiquitous mobile phones, and the world didn't collapse into chaos without them! It does seem as if it is managing to collapse into chaos WITH them these days, though! Anyway, I am glad you are up and running again and back in touch with everyone. I simply adore your fabulous, beautiful mandalas! They are totally brilliant.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #24

Caro said...

Being without internet for 4 days must have been challenging - it would be a nightmare here as I'm working from home and Alex is doing online school. Love your beautiful cards. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, with love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#14)

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Oh dear Cindy, four days without the internet! How did we ever manage before we had it but we certainly have got used to it in a fairly short time. Love the Mnadala cards they look great. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x18x

Stacy Sheldon said...

HI Cindy, oooh I know that story. ( no internet, I'm going to craft like a crazy chick bawahahaha) ;) glad yours is up and running again. I love those mandalas so much those are gorgeous. ~Stacy #33

Lillianb said...

Glad you have everything sorted and you are back online. When I spotted my name my first thought was hope it was not linking to me that caused the wifi to go down I really love all your work they are lovely

Take care and stay safe. Lilian B #16

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW and thanks for your earlier visit. No wifi for 4 days! I think I would go mad, although I could use my phone. I can still remember the days when we didn’t have internet. I was always busy then too, but didn’t get to connect with so many people around the world. Ali x. #26

Spyder said...

Oh-n-no! Losing the net is like suddenly realising your head has fllen off! Well, in my case it is! Love those circle frilly cards! very nice! Keep Crafting, Stay safe Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #16

Annie Claxton said...

HI Cindy, I feel your pain with the internet issues, I'd be bereft without it and I get so frustrated when I can't do all the zippy stuff my techy son can do! Love your mandala cards, they're really gorgeous and beautifully done. Have a great week. Annie C #27

Lindart said...

Hi Cindy!
You asked about my warm vs cold desk, well my craft room is about 5° colder than the rest of the house, you can feel it as soon as you open the door, which I leave closed because of the cats. The warm desk is downstairs in my office with a heating vent right at my toes. If I plan to be in my craft room I have to leave the door open for a few hours first.
No internet! well, it's nice to know that if you needed to, you could again, live without wifi for a few days! It's so different what we rely on now for day to day than what we relied on in our 20's and 30's! How did we ever manage without wifi, internet, Google, and a phone/camera in our pocket! I love your Mandala cards, so beautiful! Thanks for your visit, have a great week and stay safe! Lindart #34

Heather M said...

Hi Cindy, a few days without Internet- could go either way for me. I wouldn't be able to work, so I could craft .... but then I wouldn't craft, I would want to do something different. I procrastinate more than I should, and then end up doing ... nothing! I still haven't got past lesson 3 on the Scan & Cut tutorial I downloaded ... yes, there is something in front of my Scan & Cut too! The mandala cards look great! Have a lovely week, hugs Heather xx #21

Shoshi said...

Thanks for your return visit, Cindy. So glad you like the latest cat square - I've decided I'm definitely going to do more, even though they do take a long time. Part of the problem is that I keep making mistakes and having to undo it!! The smoothie bowl wasn't actually that huge. With the toppings on it is much less "green slushy" and really tasty with lots of chewable texture. I'm sure with practice I shall make more delicious green ones to match the red berry one which I could have eaten all day...

Have a great week.
Shoshi x #24

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi Cindy, your mandala cards are lovely. I sent the cartoon to my daughter tell her to substitute Internet for IPhone, IPad or Laptop 🤣. The children are lost without them! Have a great week Angela #15

Kyla said...

ooh no internet for 4 days!!!!! Your comments did make me laugh though :-) and I love the idea of becoming accustomed to a low achievement lifestyle - I now have a focus ;-)

Thanks for visiting my desk already

Susan Renshaw said...

I would not be happy not having internet for 4 days!
I too have that concentric circle die - I think I was watching JM too. I have made some rainbow cards but didn't get into the multiple sets that she did. My die also takes some running through the Big Shot. In actual fact I was using it today - I just wanted some paper rings. Anyway I ran it through several times to get the rings but then the paper moved so I got some mis-cuts.
Anyway sorry for the late visit - happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well.
Susan #6

Morti said...

Putting in a very late appearance this week, but wanted to stop by and say "Hi, thanks for visiting!"

Those mandala cards are lovely. I too have bought dies to do a rainbow - though my set are actually half circles specifically to do a rainbow. And I too have not done it yet. Hah!

Morti #20

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...