Wednesday, 3 February 2021

What's On your workdesk Wednesday? WOYWW#609

Morning deskers! Let's get straight on to the desk, here's my photo taken around 4.45 pm Tuesday afternoon - and it is still light outside!!  Longer days are on their way. It is however actually Groundhog Day as I write -  take from that you will.

Why am I showing you my desk?

Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?

I am still getting on with those WIPS, although I have got down to the ones that require a little more thought. At the moment I am concentrating on making up some never ending cards that I cut out for courses in 2019 (had to stop myself from writing  'last year').  I really love them but get put off because I can't decide what to put on them!! I've also been doing some mass stamping and die cutting with a NBU set - and because the images are quite small I've been tearing through my white card  scrap so a win on several levels. It's a little depressing to think that after nearly a year I am still finishing off projects.  Although actually it's more depressing to think that this time last year I was in sunny Spain. 
I have been seeing lots of posts about a 100 day challenge - well, I might not post on insta every day but I reckon I've been going approximately 300 days already ......... 

You can also see a pile of magazine stamp sets on the desk. I have quite a few it has to be said!! I like them because they are relatively cheap and cover topics I probably wouldn't buy a stamp set for - and they have lots of sentiments!! However although I have kept them together up to now I am thinking of taking off all the sentiments and grouping them in my sentiment stamp folder as hopefully it would be quicker to find them. But it's a bit of a task even though ultimately a time saver. 

I've also challenged myself this month not to buy anything new, as I have indulged a little bit since Christmas - lots of vouchers and birthday money to spend - but this pile of NBUS will never get smaller if I keep adding to it. Two days in, so far so good........  I'll let you know how I get on.

Hubby had his 65th birthday yesterday so we had a weekend of fun with a virtual escape room, a 'pub meal' on Saturday, special sunday roast and a 'pizza express' night on Monday (complete with soft jazz background music). 
There may have been some alcohol involved - let's just say the recycling bin is full again.

Things don't really seem to be getting any better here coronawise, numbers are still pretty high and now one of the 'African variant' hotspots is just down the road from us, which is worrying, but we carry on. So I hope everyone is staying well. Happy WOYWW, stay home if you can, stay safe. 

Love n hugs - Cheers!! Cindyxx


sandra de said...

Hello Cindy, lovely to see you were able to celebrate in style even with the restrictions. Stay safe and hope and pray things improve.
Sandra de

glitterandglue said...

Morning Cindy. What a lovely post. Well done on making hubby's birthday such a special three day event! Sounds like a lot of fun was had! I can well believe it is taking you 12 months to complete all your unfinished symphonies - it is going to take me a lot longer than that, because, despite my very best intentions, other things keep getting in the way! I had just put an embroidery onto my floor frame when my daughter asked if I would be willing to do a large cross stitch for her as an advent calendar in order for her to give it to her own daughter when she gets married in the summer!!! Away went my own piece, hasty finding of fabric and threads... I will be at that for months as I am not as young as I used to be. Oh well...
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #5

Lisa-Jane said...

Well done on the no-spend. Its especially hard when we are stuck at home isn't it?! I split up all my stamps a while ago and ended up ruining some as they weren't in proper stamp storage but I'm gradually transferring it over. I have no idea who any of mine are by now though - it doesn't bother me but it might help you to know in advance! I'm intrigued by the virtual escape room - we've done real ones and a couple of games but yet to find a virtual one so we'd love the info if you have it, thanks. Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #2

Mary Anne said...

Lovely to see your festive celebration, lock-down stylee. Looks like you had fun! Yes the numbers are a worry and it seems every time we get a bit of GOOD news it is immediately countered with some not-so-good news. Variants, questions over immunity, for how long, with which vaccine....I am well and truly over it and just want to be able to move on. We all do - when, oh WHEN will it happen???

Still at least we have Wednesdays to inspire us and lift our spirits!

Happy WOYWW to all!
Mary Anne (1)

Neet said...

What a lovely photo that is of you and the two girls and also the one with hubby in the sunshine. Let's hang on to the thought that we are maybe on the right side of seeing sunshine again.
Worrying about the new strains of this dreadful pandemic. Who would have thought just over a year ago that wwe would be living like we are and worrying about going outside. So it was good to see you had set the whole weekend aside to do some fun things in the house that were kind of taking you off to different places. I just said to my other half last night that we should do a full Indian meal on Saturday with all the trimmings and pretend we are off to a restaurant later. Can't see us getting all dressed up but you never know.
Never ending cards are a pain when it comes to decorating them. I know it is fun making them but I too struggle with what to put on them. Looks as if you have your work cut out by the state of your desk - I too have things from last year (and later if I am honest) to finish. I just cannot be bothered to think these days.
Thanks for the donation you plan on
Hugs, Neet xx 4
ps stay safe and well and try not to worry

Lunch Lady Jan said...

What a brilliant way to celebrate your hubby’s birthday! I LOVE the thought of the pub night and all the effort you put into it. I want a dart board now, lol!! I hope he had a fab time and who’s looking at the recycling now? Well done on working through the WiPs and the sorting out, I know it’s time consuming but it’ll be so much better in the future!
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

Diana Taylor said...

What a lovely birthday celebration for you hubby - it sounds like a lot of fun. Sounds like you are getting organised with your wip's - something I should really get cracking on, but once I've walked away from something I find it so hard to create a renewed interest in it! Yes, it's certainly a worrying time, in fact I feel more worried now than I did back last spring. I know 9 people locally currently with Covid (4 unconnected households) and 3 friends further out in the New Forest with it (2 households) and the death of a neighbour with it last week - and we are in a fairly low rate quiet village - at the moment I am not even stepping outside the front gate as I just don't feel safe enough, but luckily I have some hermit tendencies already, and enough craft stash to last a life time!!
Stay safe and keep well and I hope you have a good week,
Diana xx #23

sally said...

Well done Cindy! A lot to celebrate and looks/sounds like you are still being super productive 😄. I’m doing the 100days again - 3rd year in a row & still working small to use up those scraps and bits & bobs. Don’t do the Instagram link just the Facebook one plus I share in a couple of groups. Get them on the blog as & when!

Good luck with the projects & pile of free magazine stamps , I keep thinking that I will put the sentiments on laminated sheets.... one day lol

Sally xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, pleased to see you keeping busy and it sounds like you both had a great birthday celebration. However I'm not sure how long you will manage not to buy new stash but well done for trying. Have a lovely creative week and happy woyww, Angela x16x

BJ said...

Great to be finishing off stuff Cindy, but I'm ogling at the pretty scissors. Mine are all just plain. Great birthday celebrations too. BJ#25

Helen said...

Glad you had a celebration for your hubby's birthday. These new variants are all a bit scary aren't they! I'd have to pass through Mitcham (CR4) if I was able to go to Kew on the train. it is just round the corner really.... you are right about missing Kew - think that's why I've been spending so much!! hopefully it won't be too long before it's safe to go again. Take care and stay safe. Helen #3

Crafting With Jack said...

I just worked out WIP - works in progress! I have a fair few of my own! Have a great week Angela #17

Chana Malkah said...

Your birthday celebration for your hubby sounds quite creative. I think the lockdowns have released a lot of creativity in folks who never knew how creative they are.

I feel for the extroverts during this pandemic. I was on lockdown for four years before the virus ever hit, so I had made the adjustment to being happy in my home all the time.

I sometimes wish I had a magazine subscription (that included dies) because people make such awesome projects with them. Good luck with your WIP!

Stay safe!
Chana Malkah,#32

Dorlene Durham said...

I think we all have the unfinished projects but if we hide them well enough, they won’t pile up. LOL. We thought about doing one of those virtual escape rooms, I’d love to hear what you think about them. I was surprised that they were expensive. They sure do look like fun. Have a great week. Dorlene #31

Sarah Brennan said...

Some imaginative ways to celebrate at home Cindy. Hope the SA varient stays away from your neighbourhood. Good luck with the WIPs and the buying embargo. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #10

Morti said...

Some of those magazine stamp sets are really good, and good value for money. I have *coff* a few myself... LOL

Belated happy birthday to hubby - looks like you had fun! I hope those darts were the velcro kind though...?

Shoshi said...

Congratulations to your hubby on his birthday, Cindy, and well done and what fun, creating a pub evening out celebration at home, complete with dart board lol!! I expect this particular birthday will be more memorable than others when you come to look back on it in the future. A little bit of imagination can really make all the difference!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #15

Karen said...

I challenged myself to only buy new if I donate or sell something old, and that's working pretty well so far for 2021. Looks like a fun safe birthday celebration :) Enjoy the weekend ~ Love, Karen#27

Lillianb said...

Sorry to be so late but the internet packed up its surprising how I missed i.
I am trying not to buy anything new but its not easy is it.

Happy birthday to you both. Two great photos.

Take care and stay safe,

Lilian B #12

Susan Renshaw said...

Thanks for your visit.
Before our move to Australia I went through my craftroom and sold everything that had never been used...then all the things that had been used once. I then did job lots of stuff I didn't want to ship. Very liberating but I often think I once used to have...
And I am building up my stash already...
Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well.
Susan #8

Spyder said...

happy belated birthday to hubby and nice to see you had some birthday fun too! Have fun with your crafting. Hope you're well. Happy Crafting -Happy late WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#20

Shoshi said...

Thank you for your return visit, Cindy, and I'm glad you are enjoying the progress on the kitty throw. I think my hubby will be pleased with it! It has certainly turned out to be such a fun project to make. I'm into the home stretch with the squares now, and will soon be concentrating on designing the layout and working on the embellishments.

I so agree with you about Shaz. When I dusted the sitting room the other day and took everything off the mantelpiece, I have put both her card and yours back again! I love them both so much and don't see why they have to come down! I'm glad you enjoyed the reference to Saddam Hussein soup too - it was my bro in law who came up with that one, and it stuck! It's such an easy soup to make and so delicious, as well as being versatile - made really thick you can use it for stuffing pittas and topping things etc. I haven't tried making patties with it but I am sure that would work too - I made some with the excess nut roast I made for Christmas day and they were a real winner.

See you tomorrow!
Shoshi x #15

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...