Wednesday, 17 February 2021

WOYWW # 611

My post this week, like that of many other WOYWWERS, is tinged with sadness. The wonderful Shaz Silverwolf lost her fight with cancer last week - and she's been fighting a long time. Closer friends and better writers than I have paid tribute to her generous nature, creativity and originality - you will see as you go round. My contact with Shaz was at best oblique, confined as it was to WOYWW, a few crops, and the odd craft show meet, but it strikes me that over the years we've had more regular contact through WOYWW than I manage with some of my oldest friends IRL. She certainly felt like a friend, along with hublet Doug, and there will be a Shaz sized hole in my week from now on. Farewell dear girl.

Not a lot of crafting done with one thing and another, but here's my desk. A friend of mine has been de-cluttering and offered out a sewing machine to the group. Now, I am not really that interested in sewing but on occasion it is useful to have a machine. My current one is 30+ years old and the bobbin winder doesn't work. So I said I would take it off her hands.

It's vintage and it's a beast of a machine considering it only does straight and zigzag. Looks in pristine condition but haven't had the guts to try and see if it works yet. It may well turn out to be an onerous benefaction but I have to admire the engineering of it. For now it's under the table and will probably stay there until I develop enough upper body strength to lift it onto the work surface again, it's so heavy. 

Well that's it for this week.

Stay well, stay safe,

Love n Hugs Cindy xx


Sarah Brennan said...

That certainly looks like a beast of a machine Cindy. I haven't used mine for so long I am not sure whether it still works or not. Shaz will indeed be missed. Stay safe. Sarah #6

Mary Anne said...

Yes, like you, I found that the weekly visits to Shaz' desk were not than I managed with even some of my FAMILY. Funny that. She is missed, and will be for a long while. Enjoy the machine - it IS a beast for sure.

Hugs to all on a sad WOYWW day.
Mary Anne (1)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

It’s so good tor dad about what Shaz meant to other people, she really was a brilliant woman. I haven’t said thank you for my lovely card either, it came at the perfect time for cheering me up and meant a lot, thank you xx
Blimey, that’s an Arnold Schwarzenegger of a sewing machine, I’m shocked that anyone managed to lift it! I hope it does sterling service for whoever takes it on!
Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

De serendipity said...

Always good to have a sewing machine for those odd jobs. Mine comes out occasionally to do the odd mending and like you I feel I need to be in a fit mood to be able to lift it onto the desk. Sad news indeed regarding Shaz :( Have a lovely week.
Sandra de@28

Diana Taylor said...

I think you've got a gem there Cindy, my mum's old heavy machine just keeps going - it's built like a tank and doesn't do all the fancy stuff but it's very reliable (I touched wood as I said that!).
Lovely words about Shaz, she will certainly be missed by so many of us.
Have a good week,
Diana xx #22

Neet said...

My mum's Singer is in a housing just like that one Cindy. So I know how heavy it must be. Plus it is all metal construction, no plastic cogs like todays machines often have. I am sure once you get to grips with it you will be away with it and sewing pages here and there.
I must apologise as I have not acknowledged the lovely card you sent to me. I think my mind was elsewhere all week despite the card being in the dining room in full view whenever I went in the kitchen. I need to pull my big girl pants up and get on with things. So, sorry I am thanking you via comments, but thank you very much for the lovely card - it came at the right moment too. Just what I needed.
Hugs, Neet 17 xx

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Yes there sure will be a hole without dear Shaz, she will be so missed, I wish I had met her.
Make good use of that machine, there's so many things you can do with them other than make clothing, I probably use mine for mixed media so much more than what it was intended for.
Take care Hugs Tracey #3

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I think of Shaz as a friend as well - even though we only ever met once in real life and WOYWW will never be same without her. The sewing machine will be great for sewing paper - zigzag and straight line is all you need - when I got mine a few years ago from my husband and I told him I wanted to be able to sew paper - he facepalmed! I keep mine on a shelf as well, and it's a bit of a hassle setting it up (I have to watch videos every time I need to thread it LOL) - but it's a good thing to have! Have a good week! xx zsuzsa #31

glitterandglue said...

Hi Cindy. What a lovely tribute to Shaz - yes, despite only meeting a few times in real life, but lots on WOYWW, I too would most definitely call Shaz a friend! She just oozed friendship! I do hope that sewing machine works well - it looks fabulous, and so much sturdier than some of the modern ones! Enjoy.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #29

BJ said...

Wow the sewing machine is a beast hope you get it working.
Thanks for my birthday card love it.

Felicia said...

Cindy, WOW a nab with that sewing machine! It's a beauty to be sure! I'm not really a sewer, but I would give it a go on that guy just to see it work!!! Have fun!! Such sweet thoughts on Shaz and I believe, from everything that everyone has been saying about her, she probably looked on you as, as dear a friend as the rest of the crop bunch!! What a treasure that you did get to meet with her on several occasions and something for you to have in your memories!! Many blessings to you and have a great rest of your week! Felicia #34

Lisa-Jane said...

What a beaut and a beast that is! I have an old Singer (hand crank!) that weighs more than my children. I've just had it serviced - well worth the investment, especially on an old machine. Much love on this difficult day, Lisa-Jane #7

Sue Jones said...

What a great gift! Hope you manage to get it to work. Take care xxx Soojay 32

Helen said...

I'd have grabbed it too, hope you put it to use soon - straight and zig-zag is all you need for a crafty project I reckon. Everyone has written such lovely things about Shaz, she really will leave a huge gap in our group. Take care and stay safe. Helen #2

Heather M said...

Hi Cindy, I think of WOYWWers as my crafting family, and we will all miss Shaz terribly. It has been nice reading everyone's stories about her. I don't use my sewing machine much at the moment due to having my home office in my craft room, but I did enjoy making quilts for our grandchildren last year. Wow, that sewing machine looks to be heavy! Have a lovely week, hugs Heather xx #19

Chana Malkah said...

That looks like a machine that will serve you well for a long while! I have a machine that does dozens of stitches and I mostly use straight and zigzag!

It has been wonderful reading all the fond memories people have of Shaz.

Enjoy the remainder of your week!
Chana Malkah, #36

Crafting With Jack said...

It is very sad about Shaz, I never met her, but I felt she was a friend. That looks like a beast of a machine, watch your back lifting it! Angela #21

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I started off okay today with the visits, walked dogs and went into the cabin and now I don't know where the time went to! Bet the machine is pretty heavy! We used to have a few like that when i was teaching. There really isn't a lot that goes wrong with them but it might need a service but you need to know what you're doing or leave it alone. Shaz will never have really left us because her blog will keep her alive for us and I can tell you it wont be the last time I pop over there for some ideas when I get stuck, God Bless her. Have a lovely creative woyww, Angela,x18x

Julia Dunnit said...

There are no better writers than you Cindy. Also, thank you for the galantine, came at a crucial moment and I love it, you’re so thoughtful. Well you’re certainly in a position to sew on a few bits of paper now! I dare not use my machine for that, so a second would be great. Although god knows where I would put it. It’s a beautiful work of engineering. Had to smile at the reference to upper body strength. My newest machine (not really ‘new’, probably about the same age as Miss Dunnit!) is so lightweight that if I use it at top stitching speed, it moves across the table. Can’t see that happening with this chunk!

Susan Renshaw said...

That's a magnificent machine!
Susan #5

Shoshi said...

That sewing machine is a magnificent work-horse, Cindy. I am sure you will soon get to grips with it. They don't make them like that any more!

What a sad, sad week it has been. How we are going to miss our Shaz...

Have a good week,
Shoshi #25

Spyder said...

I have my mum's sewing machine, it's not as old as yours I think, but boy! it's soooo heavy and stays on the floor under her sewing box that I also inherited. Shaz will be missed, it has been a sad week. Keep Crafting! Stay Safe! sorry for the late WOYWW ((Lyn)) #13

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...