Wednesday, 3 March 2021

WOYWW - #613

Good morning deskers, sorry I've been AWOL, the excitement of finally going to get my vaccine last Wednesday and then returning home to the great washing machine debacle meant I got a little distracted .... all sorted now, and I have a lovely new hi-tech washing machine though goodness only knows why it needs to be able to connect to wifi.....

I digress. Here is my desk. After Boris' reveal of the stages out of lockdown hard decisions were made about my son's delayed and re-scheduled wedding. We are going ahead whatever, life can't be put on hold forever (their decision, not mine but it's their day). People who were saving the date needed to be de-invited. Suddenly the actual invites were required (though significantly less than originally needed) and I set about getting them done. Let's hope everything goes as planned. Apropos of that, discussing my dress with the bride to be and admiring her wedding shoes which had arrived,  the three ladies of the house asked the men if they had sorted their outfits - I bet you can guess the reply. 

Amazing how a little bit of blue sky can lift your heart. Have been outside as much as possible lately enjoying the fine weather and cracking on with the garden tidy up. (Shame no one is ever as enthusiastic about doing anything in the house). There are smiles on hubby's face now he can get outside though we may have seen the best of the weather for a few days. Highlight has been the Red Kite who circles just a few feet above the trees in our garden - a neighbour is feeding him I think. Add to that the hordes of parakeets and the garden is an exciting place to be with everything bursting into life. 

I have still been making commissions, these are my favourites right now. 

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself.

That's all for now, am going to try really hard to get round everyone this week. Stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy.


Susan Renshaw said...

Those invites are fabulous - and the cards at the bottom would be my favourites too!
Happy Woyww!
Susan #2

Mary Anne said...

Oh that view! Lovely. I think the invites are fab - my niece is getting married in May and we just had the bridal shower via Zoom. It went better than I expected. She is also way down on guests (from about 120 to about 40 I think) and as it is in the USA we won't be oing. So sad not to be able to commemorate these special days. Hope you and yours have a fab in-person day!

Happy desk hopping' day!
Mary Anne (1)

glitterandglue said...

Hi Cindy. Does your new washing machine, now it can be connected to wifi, (I agree - why for goodness sake??) also know how to sort the laundry, run upstairs and collect it, then put it into the machine??? Oh my. What will they think of next?!
Those wedding invites look gorgeous - well done. Love the other commissioned cards, too. Your garden looks great - what tidying?? It already is tidy.
Red kites really are spectacular birds, aren't they? My younger daughter has them flying over her home all the time, too.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #4

Helen said...

Great pic of your garden hope the weather stays good glad the wedding is getting sorted even if on a smaller scale. Have a good week. Helen #5

Lisa-Jane said...

I love their invites! Anything with natural colours and textures makes my heart sing. I hope everything goes smoothly for them from now on. Great news on the bird life in the garden - how lovely! Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #7

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

A washing machine that connects to wifi - now that's a first LOL - perhaps it automatically orders your washing powder after X amount of washes? I hope you didn't have to send de-invitations for the wedding too. It's a bit of a bind for young couples, but I always thought the marriage is more important than the wedding. Loving those cards, especially the birdie one! Have a lovely week! xx zsuzsa #22

Lunch Lady Jan said...

You’re right, what does a washing machine need Wi-if? It’s mad - but then G and I are suspicious of anything that can be hacked into, camera doorbells, Alexa type devices etc etc. We’re turning into Run for the Hills people! Hooray for your son’s wedding to go ahead, that’s awesome, I hope you let us see your hat :-D. Lovely commissions, they’re fun!
Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Does connected to Wi Fi mean you will be able to turn it on when you are out the house..? Amazing, technology really scares me. You'll be full steam ahead with wedding prep now, I do hope everything goes to plan for the couple to be. Been loving those blue skies too, we have to make the most of it in little old blighty.. Happy WoywW Tracey #14
P.s great commissions, I do love a pop up card x

Lynn Holland said...

What a busy week you’ve had and continue to have.
We have a wedding planned for between Christmas and new year in the Lake District. It will only be about 24 people and we will have the place to ourselves. It’s our niece’s. I hope it all works out for us all. I’m not doing the invites, I only did them once for a friend's wedding and I said never again. It was so laborious haha.
Lynn x 15

Lindart said...

Hi Cindy! Congrats on getting your jab! And I am so-o-o jealous of your backyard. You will know why when you see my view! The wedding will be wonderful, no matter what. My DD's wedding was wedding party and spouses ONLY. It was fab! So enjoy being Mother of the Groom! The invites look awesome, very natural. Are they getting married in the woods? Mine did! Have a great week, Lindart #29

Sarah Brennan said...

Fabulous commission pieces CIndy/ Love the wedding invites too. Had to laugh at the thought of the response re male wedding clothes planning lol. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Crafting With Jack said...

Did I read that correctly? Hordes of parakeets? Wow! And a Wi-fi washing machine? Now if only it could make a cup of tea :)
Have a great week Angela #17

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

The invitation cards look lovely. We've had some better weather here but it has turned cold again today but hope it's not going to last. Wishing you a very creative week and a happy woyww, Angela x19x

BJ said...

Oh a wedding, how exciting!! Love the preparations and men never change!

Anonymous said...

Love the invites and love the cards! Well, I just love all the photos on your post today! Have a wonderful week. Dorlene #30

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh how exciting, something lovely to look forward to, and of course the invites are gorgeous. Loving the natural look. I admire them for getting on with it, I think if it was me I’d still be in a sulk about having to be flexible and change my plans! It will be lovely...we went to a small wedding years ago and it was I have to admit, so much more about the wedding and the bride and groom. It was the loveliest. Missed the OST on the gardening last weekend and am now contemplating making a start in the dry but cold. Not a lot of sun, but it needs doing, I’m sick of looking at it to be honest, and I don’t seem to be acheiving much indoors! Am pleased the washing machine is sorted. WiFi...does that mean you can get it to go round the house and sort out the piles and fill itself for a cycle? Hope so. Smart tech...gosh, all that and water too, the two things we try to avoid putting together!!

Diana Taylor said...

Love the invitations, they are gorgeous and how nice to have a wedding to look forward to. Lovely shot of the garden, good weather really does lift the spirits doesn't it. The cards are fab, especially the bottle one, that's very cleverly designed. So sorry I'm late this week, hope you have a great rest of the week,
Diana xx #20

Spyder said...

I love the cards! 'Specialy the pop up one with the bottles!! And, something lovely to look forward to, too! Stay safe, keep crafting! Happy very late! WOYWW?! (((Lyn)#16

Kelly said...

Hi Cindy!
Oh, I do love that pop-up card! Fun. Yeah, if I have to ever get a washing machine requiring wifi, I'll be washing mine in the bathtub! lol Gorgeous blue sky. Spring has to be here. Good luck with finishing up the wedding stuff. Life does go on and we can't hide forever. Creative Blessings and cyber-hugs! Kelly #27

Shoshi said...

I could have sworn I'd visited you last week and left a comment, Cindy, but apparently not - no trace of me on here lol! So sorry to have missed it till now. I just love those beautiful wedding invitations with the ivy leaves and craft card, and as for the 70th birthday pop-up card, well, what can one say? It's fabulous and so much fun! My dad would have absolutely loved that one! You are soooo creative...

Thank you for your lovely comment. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit. I hope your chia pudding was a success and that you enjoyed it. I've got to make some more tonight or I'll have no breakfast tomorrow! Well done with your steps in the right direction diet-wise. It took me a while to transition - certain things I thought I could never live without, and now I rarely think about them. I never thought I could be embarking on such a journey of discovery in my late 60s but life is full of surprises, isn't it. Who knows - you may end up making your own bread one day... A bread maker does make it much easier - I'm still not quite sure what went so disastrously wrong last week! That loaf was hilarious. In the old days I used to make all my bread by hand - literally - not even with an electric mixer. There's something amazing about it - so primordial and a real sense of history, people having done this way back through the ages, and it's such a living thing, too - the dough stretches under your hands and even squeaks at you! The smell is heavenly. Good bread is a beautiful thing, and something you never tire of.

Like you, I never get round all the blogs in one day, and I don't know how others manage it. I like to spend time enjoying people's posts and thinking about my comments, and that does take time. I always like to receive comments throughout the week, which just spreads the pleasure of WOYWW, so I never worry if someone is late. 23:59 on Tuesday night is still not late in my book - only when the next one launches can we call it late!

See you tomorrow.
Shoshi x #21

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...