Wednesday, 31 March 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #617


Thursday was my son's birthday ... so apart from a very bad digi card no crafting was done......

Friday I tidied the ribbon drawer. Yay. 

Saturday, I managed to finish a load of Lavinia art cards to go into one of my hug boxes....

Sunday, got up late, tidied my sock drawer (I kid you not - anything it seems to avoid doing some art). 

Monday - very very late, around 11pm, I opened my alphabet journal and added some paint. Found some NBU stamps I liked and some older Woodware ones and started. No idea where it's going but feel so relieved to be doing something that isn't a flipping card. So here's the evidence on my desk.

Phew. That was a dry spell. Feeling pretty chipper at the mo, the work I have been doing this last 3 weeks (I won't say 'hard work', hard work and I parted company sometime in my mid fifties) walking every day for exercise not pleasure (although I do take a certain amount of pleasure in it) is starting to pay dividends with improvements in my creaky joints, achy ankle, energy and general mood. After jokingly saying to Julia and LLJ that I lived in the middle of a country park I thought I'd be a bit indulgent this week and show you my local area. I live in NW London, in Northolt Village. (I've never quite forgiven Gareth Malone for his condescending  comments when he saw this sign. But I guess he was driving on the A312 when he saw it). That's one of the problems with this 'country park' thing - the A40 and A312, two major road arteries for London, run alongside or through it.......

However, within 2-5 mins walk in any direction I can be in parkland or green space and that has been an absolute lifesaver for me this last year. In many ways I would rather not be living in this borough (traffic, LTNs, traffic, 20mph speed limits,traffic, crime rates, HS2.....) but given what we have right HERE there are worse places to have been I'm sure. In our 'village' we have a clocktower, a very old and picturesque church, a village green and pub, no pond but a stream, a red telephone box, a community centre, a memorial garden, a tube station (transport links are fantastic, I can even get a bus to Heathrow), access to the Grand Union Canal (Paddington Branch) a main post office and a scheduled ancient monument site. (We also have MacDonalds, Subway, Asda, Sainsbury's, Co-op, 3 dentists, 3 GP practices, a mosque, 2 more churches, a vet, a garage, private nursery and 10/15 other small shops/businesses either in the village or within 1 minute of the technical boundary including a Travel lodge. Honestly if you picked us up and put us in the country everyone would want to live here). 

The mounds you can see in this picture are in the other half of the park. They were added to make sound bafflers to reduce the noise from the A40 which runs at their base from left to right - you can't see it from here, it's too low and behind those buildings you can see which is roughly where I live.  It works, and the mounds themselves were constructed from the waste from the new Wembley stadium. There is usually a procession on Easter Sunday up to the top of the left hand mound and a cross has been put up in previous years - can't recall if it happened last year but probably not. That is a totally different type of park, and I'll post a few photos of that next week. 

Oh dear sorry about that, doesn't compare to LLJ's glorious windswept beaches or Caro's waterfalls but I am grateful for what I have. 

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself.

Sun is out, hope you are having good weather where you are, make the most of it, I am!! Al ready had my shorts out this week. And as we take a few more cautious steps  out of lockdown this week remember to take care, wash your hands, keep distance, stay safe, stay well. Love n hugs, Cindy xx


Lunch Lady Jan said...

How interesting to see pictures of a part of the UK that I know nothing about - what a revelation! It looks so pretty and very very English, I can see why you’ve been happy there for all those years and the conveniences you listed are something to cherish. Thank you for taking us on that walk with you, I really enjoyed it. It was good to see around your desk too, I’m glad that you started something non-card related. Btw, my friend ADORED hers :-D
Have a good Easter weekend!
Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

Helen said...

What a lovely read today. What did Gareth say then!? Lol. Happy crafting Helen #10

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Well that doesn't look like London at all! Everything has upsides - and London has all the amenities you'll ever want, but we know there's always a trade off, like with everything. In any case, it looks like a great place to live. Your journal looks lovely on your desk - hopefully, you'll be inspired soon to work in it! Happy Easter! xx zsuzsa #22

BJ said...

What a delightful little village Cindy, I had no idea. Glad you managed some crafting, more than me - LOL BJ#13

Glennis F said...

How lovely to see your village Cindy, to me that looks so typically English. So different from where I live at a beach!

Mary Anne said...

Lovely journal and even lovelier countryside. I cannot wait to get out and about, safely. I am looking forward to a walk thru Stourhead, which is close and stunning with lots of room. I know what you mean - I get antsy when I can't do any crafting! Looks like you made a start so I bet it all just flows from here!

Desk hopping on a (no longer) sunny day!
Mary Anne (1)

Crafting With Jack said...

Your village looks and sounds delightful. It is marvellous to be able to access green areas. I wish more areas had paths for mobility scooters. It is a joy to walk(ride) locally when the sun is out and the birds are singing. Happy WOYWW and Happy Easter Angela #5

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I'm with you, got a bit fed up of cards so gone back to the MDF for a while. Loving your photographs too. Have a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x21x

Anne said...

Hi Cindy. I enjoyed seeing where you live. We are quite lucky here though not certainly no countryside for me! However I am happy here. Glad you have started some crafting. Anne x 29

sandra de said...

Such a beautiful village with everything you need plus access to green space and London. Enjoy playing with your altered book/journal. Looks like a lot of fun. Happy Easter, stay safe and keep creating.
Sandra de @33

Lisa-Jane said...

What a lovely area! I'm always surprised to see lovely green bits of London even though I know they are there. I'm glad you got your arting back and I love the colours you're using. Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #3

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh but it does compare Cindy. It looks wonderful, sort of what I imagine other parts of a London used to be before they infilled it all....Chiswick for example, driving through you can just about make out the sort of village it once was, but without green space it’s nothing. And then you have facilities if you want or need them. Seems ideal to me! I don’t know what Gareth Malone said but I’m going to suggest his comparative youth speaks volumes in such a situation, no appreciation of how London and its suburbs have been created by inexorable infill. I think for Northolt to have retained its village status and look means that someone over the years, has worked very hard!
Glad your dry spell is at an end, I love those woodware florals, they are in my ‘go to’ drawer of clear stamps.funny aren’t we...I’m so focussed on using scraps that I’ve failed to notice that I have an overflowing box of cards, and am liking it rather than sick of it. Mind you, that and scrapbook is all I ever do anyway, I’m not exactly multi gifted like you are.

Sarah Brennan said...

What a semi oasis you live in considering there are busy roads nearby Cindy. Loving the look of the new journal page and glad you are over your dry spell. Stay safe and happy WOYWW> Sarah #9

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Looks like a beautiful place to live Cindy, you have the best of both worlds where you can see lots of green and that means the world to me... There's not many places untouched by A roads, people want to get from A to B which usually means cutting through our lovely landscape. I live within a stones throw from the canalside just have to cross the dual carriage way to get to it :/ but least it's there.
It does us good to mix it up in the craftroom, I find it hard to stick to just one thing.
Wishing you a happy Easter & late WoyWW Hugs Tracey xx

Lindart said...

Hi Cindy! You live in a beautiful, quaint area! Just what I think of when I think English countryside! I love the church, and the canal. We have Lake Ontario, but it's very big, and there are no gorgeous little places like this in our city. Have a great rest of the week, and Happy Easter! Lindart #28

Susan Renshaw said...

I enjoyed your tour of your countryside!
Sorry I am so late visiting.
Happy WOYWW and happy Easter!
Susan #18

Shoshi said...

I love your beautiful journal page, Cindy - so much interest in it and a gorgeous colour scheme too. Where you live looks quite delightful. Nice to know you've got such lovely surrounding so close to London. We are also very fortunate where we live - immediately surrounding the house is not particularly attractive (houses all round, and at the front, not a great deal of light and no view at all, just houses across the street) but at the back our little garden is a delight, and we are so near to the sea and the beautiful Devon countryside too. Like you, we are well supplied with all local amenities (which is the main reason we chose to move here when my hubby retired) and it has proved a good choice in that respect.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #20

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...