Wednesday, 24 March 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday - WOYWW #616

 Morning all.

Well it's official, it's been a year. Where did it go? What have I done? Not a lot!!

Here's my desk this week.

Absolutely empty as I am herm, between projects at the mo. 'Resting' as a performer might say...... I have even washed all my little wipe up cloths and my inking sponges......

I do have 2 birthday cards to make but think they will end up just being a poor joke about Covid birthdays and not going out. Which will take about 30 mins tops. Or is that a little tasteless? 2nd lockdown birthday for both these guys, perhaps that would be rubbing salt into the wound.

But what's this I spy? Untidy ribbon drawers!! Oh that's got to be good for avoiding doing any actual art for another day............displacement activity is my forte. I am actually all up to date with my admin as well.

Well, I hope you are all  being more productive than me, I swear if I get any slower I will stop! I've been wishing for this much free time for years and now I've got it I just can't seem to get started on anything that's interesting.  

And of course, at this time of year there's always the garden, I can hear hubby calling now...

I must make a mention of course of  the lovely funeral for Shaz last Friday. We were able to attend virtually. I have to admit I found it just as emotional as being there, but it was comforting to know so many of us were there via the ether and Doug really did her proud. 

So, you may ask why am I showing you my empty desk and messy drawers? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself.

Stay well, stay safe, Cindy xx


Mary Anne said...

Really, you should pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself on a tidy workspace. I know I am finding that if I take the time to sort stuff out every week then my time at my desk is WAY more productive than it might otherwise be. Hard to believe there are people who have had two birthdays during lockdown - I know it is a calendar thing and just over a year, not fully two, but still - it feels scary and ...ongoing. Good luck with the cards - I think most people can begin to see a wry sort of irony, if not actual humor, in the situation. It's a fine line...

slept in so
Mary Anne (6)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I resort to tidying if the mojo has gone walkabout too, it’s just making good use of the time, ready for when you feel like messing it all up again, lol! The garden is calling me too, everything is starting to take off, I LOVE this time of year. I agree about Shaz’s funeral, after the initial weirdness of being a voyeur, it was ok.
Hugs LLJ 10 xxx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Sometimes we all need a breather, nothing wrong with that. Yeah, it's hard to believe it's been a year already. I remember the first few days of the lockdown - it was almost surreal - I don't think people took the subsequent lockdowns as seriously. Stay safe! xx zsuzsa #28

glitterandglue said...

Hi Cindy. Phew - needed sunglasses to look at that clean and tidy desk this morning. I was so relieved to see the ribbon drawers. Goodness, that made me feel at home. Well done for not racing round and doing all the time during lockdown - I must admit that the thing I have appreciated most in the past 12 months has been the silence - just lovely.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #2

Diana Taylor said...

What a beautifully clear and tidy desk - it just screams out to be 'played' on!! You have some lovely ribbons there - I tidied mine earlier in lock down and made little card bobbins to wind them around - it was very therapeutic and now I just need to make sure I put them back as I find them -that's the hard part!
Hope you have a good week,
Diana xx #24

Helen said...

Well you've done more (tidying) than me for sure... Although it's been a year - can't decide if it's dragged or flown; it seems to have done both! Here's to getting back to "normal" or something approaching it soon! Helen #1

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Well it looks like you have been busy to me Cindy, making space and getting everything ready for that time when you choose to be creative, I can imagine you have dozens of ideas you want to bring to the table you can do it at your leisure now. I'd just close those draws and enjoy the garden it's what's kept me from getting here earlier this afternoon it was 19c in mine when I got home, like an English Summers day (hope that wasn't it) hee hee.
Happy WoywW Tracey #12 x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sometimes it's good to have a rest from crafting and just do something else and lets face it we could all do with giving some time to sorting stuff so well done you. Nice tidy desk too. Take care my friend and have a happy woyww, Angela x19x

Stacy Sheldon said...

I think that this cleaning jag has really made your desk look huge Cindy. :) I should probably pick up my piles who knows what I would find in them. I have seen some funny sentiments and stamps come out that are you know things about covid and lock down and mind just went blank but, I think I will use some of them. I guess its an easier to swallow thing now that there is more hope as more people are vaccinated daily. ~Stacy #32

sandra de said...

Hello Cindy and thanks for the lovely visit. Now that is a tidy desk and always good to take a moment and reflect on what has been and to come. Enjoy the tidy of those ribbons ..... or maybe just close the drawer.
Stay safe
Sandra de @23

Lisa-Jane said...

Showing us your messy drawers eh?! What IS the world coming to?! ;-) I used a piece of ribbon yesterday for the first time in about 3 years but it reminded me that I need to sort mine better. I shall look forward to seeing yours all neat and tidy next week! Spring blessings, Lisa-Jane #7

Sarah Brennan said...

I find tidying does wonders for my mojo Cindy - I often come across items and have ideas. Good luck with the ribbons and coming up with ideas for the birthday cards. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

Felicia said...

Cindy, thanks for stopping by my desk. I'm getting around late to many today! You know, that thing called WORK keeps getting in my way! LOLOL Thanks also for the well wishes on my commission. And, I TOTALLY, getting wanting to do things for myself!!! I feel that most of the time, but most of it that I make starts out for me and then I eventually give it away! LOLOL Your desk looks GREAT, sorry for the no mojo, but "resting" is always good in my book! LOLOL Good luck with the ribbon drawers! Blessings for your weekend! Felicia #25

Lindart said...

HI Cindy, I feel for you and that neat clean desk, I'm sure you will get back to things once you've cleaned out that drawer! I just ordered the "Pound 'O' Rubber" from Viva Las Vegas, that will keep me busy for a week cutting them all out, oohing and awing, and putting tacky glue on the backs, and filing them in the appropriate binders...and hopefully inspiring me! Thanks for your visit, love and hugs back! Have a great week, Lindart #30

Anne said...

Hi Cindy. Like you I've been tidying and re tidying. My space doesn't look as neat as yours though.
Thanks for popping by. Hooe you find your mojo. You make some gorgeous things, I still have ones you've sent to me. Anne x #26

Crafting With Jack said...

Nice tidy desk and sometimes when you tidy you find things you had forgotten about. Also sometimes you can get ideas when sorting, At least you can enter the tidiest craft room of the year 🙃. Have a great week Angela #3

Susan Renshaw said...

It's been a very long year!
Lovely to have a tidy desk...I am sure your mojo will return soon...
Happy WOYWW! Susan #15

BJ said...

Get it sorted girl! Always a good option and you never know what you might find your lost or forgotten about.
Sorry I'm a bit late this week but I was digging a pond Wednesday then food shopping and trying to source some plants yesterday whilst the boys replaced some fence panels then I had to go clear up the garden AGAIN. Thanks for the visit BJ#9

Shoshi said...

Ah, a tidy desk and untidy drawers - sounds a bit like Shoshi... although I do seem to have got more untidy than my hubby in my old age and that's really saying something! I am sure by now your ribbon drawer is spick and span again.

Thank you for your visit - I'm afraid I'm a bit like a dog with a bone when it comes to solving a problem. I'm always accusing my hubby of giving up too soon with things. I always think that if I've already spent time on something and it hasn't worked, if I give up, all that time will be wasted, but if I persevere until it does work, then it's not wasted, it's invested! Anyway, we are both thrilled with the hummus made with the new pulp method - it dries out sufficiently in 24 hours in the airing cupboard to be ground to a fine enough texture.

Your culinary adventures sound great, and really healthy too. Chia oat pudding on its own is pretty bland and boring, although super-good for you - it's much improved with lots of nice toppings. I made another batch of the pudding yesterday, and another batch of berry smoothie bowl with a handful of kale chucked in this morning and it all came together beautifully - really delicious.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #22

Dorlene Durham said...

I feel like I’m the complete opposite of you. I need to organize and clean but instead I’m loaded with inspiration and commitments to make projects. Right now, it’s nice because I too can get into a non creative funk, but for now, I’m rolling with it. Sorry for the late visit. I hope you have a great week. Dorlene #33

Julia Dunnit said...

Blimey a Indy, I thought perhaps you’d put the house in the market and had to clear up! Am reassured by the ribbon drawer, although that won’t displace you for long!! I think the joke cards would actually hit the spot, it’s bad luck to have a second lockdown birthday. I blame the parents. You have achieved this year...your WIP boxes and sorting out has been amazing...and to others, very inspirational. Obviously that doesn’t apply to me because despite being inspired by you, I’ve managed to avoid doing it by doing well, not much!

Kelly said...

Hi Cindy.
So here's my thought... an clean desk is the sign of a restless mind. Take a deep breath, pick up a crayon and scribble away. You'll be trying to 'fix' whatever you scribbled in no time and be on your way to creativity. In the mean time, go you on the tidy up. I so need to do that. LOL I'd ask you to come tidy mine but then I'd not be able to find anything ;-) Thanks for your visit, sweet lady. Creative Blessings Kelly #29

Spyder said...

oh wow, such a tidy desk! Sometimes I wish mine was...but it seems such a waist (Waste) of time to tidy when I'm just going to mess it up again! I think I might show a few drawers next week! Stay Safe, Keep on Crafting, Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#21

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Your desk is awesome...always refreshed gives us a start on the next BUT like you shared the drawers. IT NEVER ENDS. always a clean up if you got the time. A little late with the visit, but between 2 days of router issues and time away I'm still trying to get printers in sync. Thanks for your visit. I'm still sorting !!! Enjoy the weekend.

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...