Wednesday, 17 March 2021

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday #615

 Hello there Deskers, hope you are all well and keeping happy.

Here's my desk - not much happening as ever it seems these days, but I did brave the final big box of UFO's that has been preying on my mind, only to discover..............there was not much in it. Phew.

Essentially it was a few templates and lesson instructions(now put away in the 'Templates' folder - duh) plus some packs made up for classes. There are 9 packs to make a brag book to the left of the desk (obviously I was optimistic about numbers that day). Unfortunately I don't have a sample but I do have the instructions. I may just cut some mats out of the covers and file the patterned papers away again as I'm not sure what I would do with 9 rather average brag books. I have 6 packs for a squash book (on the right) and that seems like an ideal little project to do on a family girl's night when we can get together again. I also found three little boxes ready to be made up which I have done and just need to add a few decorations - they will be ideal to put some chocolate in for Easter Sunday. All that remains is to jiggle a few things about as I now have two bits of shelf space - yippee!!

Of course I made my mum a a card for Mother's Day and went over to see her - this week she actually wanted to engage (I took the darling grandee with me just to make sure).  She has lost weight and looks frailer but seems happy enough. She likes cards that are a bit different so I tried out this Pop and Flip Butterfly Card (click for tutorial) that I saw whilst trawling for ideas. 

Pretty quick and easy. I tried another one with a circle - the circle topper was the last unused topper that was floating about - but went a bit off centre hence the weird placing of the sentiment to try and balance it out. Might do a bit more to it when I decide who it's for. I guess you could use any shape really, and I might try playing around with the size of the mechanism - typical me, always got to fiddle with perfectly good instructions. 

I'm going to post a  link here to my sister's instagram - she started using various media last year as she was bored and on her own in lockdown. I am so in awe of her talent. 
If you have time to leave a little love that would be amazing.  

 Woo hoo, well if you don't count the NEBS (Never even been started) that's all my WIPS done. It has taken a long time. Now I should crack on with the NBUS I guess. Still haven't succumbed to any new craft purchases but I may be weakening.... time to re-visit what I already have waiting before I crack!!

That's all from me this week. Happy St Patrick's Day, happy WOYWW, stay safe, stay well, Cindy xx


Lunch Lady Jan said...

Wow, you weren’t kidding about your sister were you?! Her art is fantastic, she really captures the animals so perfectly. Nice to see your desk from the other angle, lol, well done for getting through all the WiPs. Your mother’s card was lovely!
HUgs LLJ 2 xxx

glitterandglue said...

Hi Cindy. Oh my word - your sister's art work is simply stunning. I really liked your Mother's Day card - and the second one you have made. Something a bit different. Well done. Congratulations on finishing all your WIPs - a brilliant job. You say it has taken a long time, but not really - you have been still doing other things in between. Does it feel good to know they are all done now?
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #1

Lisa-Jane said...

How clever are those cards?! I've never seen ones like that before. You are right about your sisters talents too - beautiful work. Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #8

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Super card for your mum - I bet she loved it - I'm glad to hear she's in good spirits. Your sister's artwork is amazing - her paintings look like photographs! - it takes a lot of patience and talent to paint like that - and I have neither - that's why I just like to smudge the paint around - anyone can do that LOL! Happy WOYWW and thanks so much for visiting! xx zsuzsa #21

Caro said...

The card for your Mum is lovely and well done for completing all your WiP. Very impressive! Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#12)

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Loving the cards and bet your mum loved hers. It's always nice if you can make them something a bit different to a bought one and I think you've managed that. Loving your sisters art work too, beautiful. Have a lovely week and a very happy woyww, Angela x18x

Shoshi said...

I love your circles cards, Cindy, and that folded thing on your desk looks highly complicated - and really beautiful! Thank you for your visit to my last week's blog post - sorry for the delay replying - it's been a busy time lately. I'm glad you enjoyed the kitty videos (and our 2 little darlings too!) - they certainly like to get into photos if they can. I'm so glad you tried the chia pudding. The first lot I made was too runny as well. I've got to make another batch this evening - I'm really enjoying it with the oats for breakfast, with some smoothie bowl on top and lots of crunchy toppings!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #20

Shoshi said...

Just noticed your comment on my this week's blog post, Cindy - thanks very much for it. Yes, still plenty of work to do on the cat throw. Once it's finished, I've determined to finish the purple circles jumper (just the second sleeve to do now), after which I shall start on the Persian Tiles throw for the new settee. You are right, clearing up cat sick is not anyone's favourite occupation - which is why my hubby does it lol lol! When we lived in the country and had younger cats we also had corpses ad nauseam (and I mean that literally!) to deal with as well - Beatrice had a penchant for bunnies and one week she got 6 and would eat them and not be able to stop - you can guess the disgusting result! She did settle down and leave them alone when she got older. Our present 2 don't get much opportunity in our little garden but they get the odd mouse or bird and this always causes huge excitement. Glad you liked my Norwegian cardigan. My hubby says I should wear it more often.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #20

Helen said...

the cards are fabulous, glad your mum was more accommodating this time! your sister is so talented too! Have a good week. Helen #3

Crafting With Jack said...

Great cards and your sister’s art is lovely. I can’t figure how to comment on some Instagram accounts, not that I go on there very much. Have a great week Angela #17

Sarah Brennan said...

Love those cards Cindy they are certainly different - recognised the Clarity stamp straight away. well done on sorting through all your WIPs - a big job finally out of the way. Glad your mum was more engaged when you visited at the weekend. Stay safe. Saarh #6

Neet said...

Love NEBS - I have lots of those and probably should even have an entire shelf labelled thus!
I have never seen that cardc before and am sure it was a source of joy for your mother. If it is a while since you saw her (all of lockdown?) you would definitely notice a change in her appearance.
What a great idea having girly nights with packs of things to make. I might just start doing something with a friend at the caravan who is not a crafter - hoping to lure her in (to crafting not to my caravan). Only when it is safe to do so - I have shielded so long now I don't want to break it.
Hugs, Neet 15 xc

Lynnecrafts said...

Love your pop up cards. Well done for getting through your WIPs. Your sister’s art is stunning as well. Almost photographic, but with that little bit extra that an artist gives.
Stay safe, take care
Lynnecrafts 7

Karen said...

I love your pop up cards ~ very cool! I'm sure your mom was thrilled. Congrats on getting your WIP completed! that's exciting. Your sisters art is amazing ~ the animals are so realistic ~ Blessings on your week! Love, Karen #29

Mary Anne said...

Your pop up cards are lovely and well done on completing the WIPS - I have a drawer full but most of it is sweater knitting and I have lots finished too so don't feel too bad about it. As soon as the weather gets the least bit warmer, I tuck them away and switch to socks LOL! At least paper crafting isn't seasonal for me :D

Crazy week, so late..
Mary Anne (4)

pearshapedcrafting said...

Love those pop up cards and the squashy book! Great when you get to finish something that's been around for a while! Hugs, Chrisx

Spyder said...

ohoo I love the peeking butterfly and have already popped over to Dawn's page as she was one of the first youtube channels I subscibed to years and years ago...I even had a link at the bottom of my blog....which I think...has diappeared! Sorry I'm sooo late! Stay Safe! The week just disappeared! Keep crafting. Happy WOYWW ((Lyn)) #19

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...