Wednesday, 10 March 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 614

Hello deskers. Quickie from me today as I really don't have anything to show - the last week has gone so quickly!! Did a couple more commissions but not comfortable posting them yet, but next on my list must be a Mother's Day Card. Or, as I'm a little cross with my mum this week, she might just get one from stock. Haven't decided yet. 

(I'm cross because I went over to deliver my sister's birthday card on Sunday and she refused to come to the back door and talk to me. A 'Hello' would have been nice. Hey ho, I've either unwittingly offended her or she's forgotten who I am. Or she's got so used to not seeing people she's become a recluse. Or she was grateful to get away from my sister for 10 minutes. Or she forgot to put her hearing aid in. Any or all of the above).

But here's the desk shot:-  

A view across my 'island' desk (you have to walk round some of it crabwise I'll admit). That box of gelli prints and brayers is because I had my fairy stamps out and they were in the same box. I was doing some inking, which is why the DIs are out on the corner. A half drunk cup of tea, of course, and towards the back, my window desk with a lovely view over the gardens - you can just see the spring blossom to the left. It's a bit grey and drizzly, but I managed to get a short walk in before the rain so I am guessing I might not stray far from my room today so something will get done.

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself.

I shall be getting round everyone over the next few of days - I do apologise if I didn't comment last week, there were 2 blogs (sorry I can't recall which) that I couldn't comment on (probably me) but I'm pretty sure I visited everyone. 

Stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindyxx


Mary Anne said...

Lovely view of a bit of green out the window. I had to laugh at your description of your delivery. I can see it all unfold. The lasting changes from this horrible year will be interesting to see as things (hopefully) slowly, get back to "normal." And I'll bet your commissions were great - you are just being hyper-critical. That's a trait a lot of us share, I think. Get thee to the Post Office! I'll bet they are stunning.

Have a great desk hop!
Mary Anne (2)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I know you’re upset with your mum, it’s so tricky sometimes when they’re in a mood for whatever reason. Hopefully she’ll be in a better frame of mind when you take the card around. You have a wonderful view from your craft room! It must be good inspiration for your crafting. Thanks for doing my commission, I have Passed the Kindness On!
Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

You have an island desk in your craft room! What a great view of your queendom! I hope you won't stay cross with your mum for long - funny though what you said about her. Happy WOYWW! xx zsuzsa #24

Lisa-Jane said...

I loved your description of crabbing around the desk! I keep thinking of changing the direction of my desks but I'd have to do the crab thing too and I always underestimate the size of my bottom and knock things over. It's so lovey to see the blossom starting to unfurl everywhere isn't it?! As always, stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #8

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

I love the view from your window, the frosty trees..hopefully we are on our last month of winter. 2 weeks of melt and great temps. 50/70 degrees It actually rained thru the night so will freshen up things a bit. Thanks for the visit. We have such issues with our post office it would be hard to need to send special things out in timely way. Enjoy the week, just be patient with your mom, they go thru many phases and this mess were in is really hard for them to understand. Send her something in the mail and surprise her. Good Luck.

StampinCarol said...

Hope all works out with your Mum. Mine has been gone 6 years and it's still painful. Love the look out your window. And such a nice large desk! Our local virus numbers are pretty much below last summer which is wonderful.
Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
Carol N #28

Helen said...

I'm sorry you're cross with your Mum and things are better at the weekend. It did sort of make me chuckle though. I love the view from your window - I assume the tree is covered in blossom rather than frost! take care and have a good week. Helen #3

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

There's plenty on show from what I can see and that really is a nice view from your craftroom window I can imagine great light coming through it always a bonus when creating. I hope all blows over with your Mom, it's been a difficult time for so many and my Mom is certainly one of them. You take care now Hugs Tracey #15 x

Anonymous said...

Love the shot of your desk area. It's great that you have that big window in front of your desk. So nice! Have a wonderful week. Dorlene #34

Julia Dunnit said...

I had a couple of unable to comment blogs last week too, was convinced I’d remember and mention them in my WOYWW post. But I didn’t. I’m sorry about your Mum, made me laugh, so been there! It’s my Ma In Law who’s been pressing buttons this week. She’s in our bubble and is on her own. Bart sees her every day for a tea break (he works in one of their ex farm sheds). I have online access to her life and pay bills, help with bank accounts, ordering, blah. She misses her daughter who isn’t in our bubble because it’s one family too many and they live a few miles away and work full time. yesterday, after I’d spent the morning at my mother’s bedside pretending she could hear, see and understand me, I spent the afternoon with Ma in Law, just to make sure she has some company. We chat, do a puzzle..whatever. I caught her up on her finances, sorted out a couple of orders to return, took her to the Post Office. And she tells me that she doesn’t know what she’d do without Sally. Because she rang to ask me to set up a zoom for Mother’s Day. I was a bit peed off!! It’s not why you do it, but sometimes, doing it with love isn’t as easy as it should be!!
Luckily, we can both retreat to our rooms and make a mess, so much easier to control a desk! Love the idea of crabbing around the island...I might need to lose the baby weight and then the lockdown weight before I come over...could easily drag everything to the floor unintentionally!!

sandra de said...

Now that looks like a very nicely stocked craft room and lovely room with a view. Hopefully she will put her hearing aide in and all will be right again. Stay safe and keep creating
Sandra de @20

Sarah Brennan said...

What a lovely light filled craft room you have Cindy. If your mum is anything like my dad she will have forgotten to put her hearing aids in lol. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

Susan Renshaw said...

I really miss my island desk in my old craftroom. Need more space!
Stay safe and keep well.
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #6

Camilla Fisher said...

Don't stay cross with your mum; at least you still have one. Lockdown makes us all behave a bit odd sometimes. xx

Shoshi said...

Your desk is fantastic, Cindy, with that lovely big window letting in all that light. I quite understand your feelings about your mum - I had many occasions when I felt the same and used to get really annoyed with her! I just hope I don't turn into such a pain when I get old...

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #12

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, I'm late this week as I had to sort some stuff out yesterday ready for my mum coming home. Your desk looks great and I love the idea of having all the stuff around you when you're working. I don't think my mum would let us in if we knocked on the door but we have a key so she has no choice Lol!Happy creative, belated WOYWW, Angela x19x

Crafting With Jack said...

You have a nice view out of your window.. mother’s can be annoying at times, but I wish mine was here to annoy me :(. Have a great week and phone your Mum x Angela #21

Caro said...

Love your craft space! Happy belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#18)

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...